STOP messing with ALL my pictures/email to blog; not allowed to post;
Sent approx 12 to 15 pictures to email; Only the following three appear=?

Picture #1-taken at CRCC=where head African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society [PLACED] on window to send subconscious message to all who come into the church who observe the LEAF=[to LEAVE];not just the church; but earth:

Picture#2- taken of Ad on corner of Liberty and 14thST[day MORA's mother died] =for the GOOD of your country=work in secret=TO brian/alex who work on liberty street;

Picture#3- taken of come of the papers/work associated with asking for local-HELP when basic human/civil rights have been violated: rights, that most white folks take for granted;
Bastards at/through WSFC Public Library who are harassing through the internet; allowed three of the pictures to come through=what's the message:
the other pictures verify
1. Code= in operation=next day - Black car parked away from door; grandma car[nurse] parked in front of the door; after working for V. Switzer on Tuesday/ where African American male[on the outside]; hispanic on the inside[went to a hispanic community college in new york]; renamed himself=TY[short version]=who appeared after V. Switzer told his bosses:

[Those who are represented in the ad in the above photo;-helping him to put up a hot house] that he needed help; when I have called just about every day requesting/asking for work; what Switzer meant is that because of spiritual TRUTH-warfare=he does not know what to do; when the person is right [switzer stills has a form of a conscious]; that when [Those who are represented in the ad in the above photo;-helping him to put up a hot house] had Ty from New York to go to Switzer church [red BANK]-[which is where African American males need to go to back their economical heritage wealth that was stolen.
Picture #2:
Of yard where jumped over fence to escape a pit bull[dog]; who after I jumped the fence; the dog still kept trying to get through the fence; to what they? think is take over my escaping the dog; they rearranged who was in CONTROL of the house and yard [through medicine]; then put a white pit bull in the fence to intimidate when walking back and forth to CRB library;
Picture #3:
Of Bishop Davis[who helped to rob African American community,etc.] Fleet of Executive type Buses; One says Davis Family; the other Christ Rescue Temple;
Picture #4:
Front of the Marque that says: Hol on Don't give up help is on the way;
Picture #5:
Front of Christ Resue Temple Apolstolic church
Long shot of the property that includes apartment complexes, group home-where he employs African Americans to help take care of other African Americans after he has helped males of the larger society to abuse the African Americans;

Picture #7:
Another long shot of the same property above;
Picture #8
Picture of the current re-elected administation of the United States children's African American heritage being sold/stolen by males of the larger society[with current re-elected administation of the United States] permission-two daughters are forced[they have no other choice] to walk BEHIND the WHITE female with the WHITE coat [black dress underneath] to ensure that no Blackness rubs of of contaminates the white male system of control over African Americans;

Picture #9:
Long view of picture #8;

TWO times they got out of car =one in front of BANK;the other where CNN reporter by the name of HALL was at; which was in the SAME section at UTAH authority and ? authority=Diane Rehm Show[];March 11, 2011; "IMMIGRANT WORK-Authority worked with fed gov, UTAH compact"=? BANK
Concept Verified:
1. Dragon Wars=D-Wars=Dollars Wars;

a. By SHOWbox;
b.Caucasion male and female on top of Liberty Building=ONLY ad =US BANK
c. Asian girl tried to set Sarah up with CHRIS;
d. TWO versions of same process; 1st-Asian male and female; 2nd-Caucasian male and female;
2. Walking Tall:

a. Inspired by a TRUE story;
b.The Rock plays CHRIS -name of boyfriend of African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society who lives nextdoor=?
c.Chris's nephew=African American teenager-name PETE[nephew]-name CINTAS [sister]calls close relative;
d.Chris, best friend name RAY-name of Cousin;
e. JAY is name at the 2013 inauguration[Jay Zee; Jay Lopez,etc.]
3.Piers Morgan [Show][]
a. PIER[sounds like PIERCE] MORgan=code- system being PIERCED MORE;
b.Pierce TWIN Boys attend Paisly Middle School; just moved to local area-to communicate [Piercing];
c.That coincides with the NEW Forsyth TWINS sports team:

Have it documented where coach would leave his wallet on the table and told his players; you don't have to steal; just get some money out BUT "put back what you took out";
Put back what you took=Civil Agreement[form of law]=if is no Civil Agreement that requires putting back what was taken; then there is no Civil Agreement to hinder the taking of anything from anybody;
All the white people radio shows talk about what is being done; but NONE of them,etc. can comeup with a solution=?; try the United States Constitution:
NEVER agreed to any form of experiment; or for anyone to use/abuse me or my family.
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