Please stop harassment ; and stop sending African American female prostitutues to me; word to the wise.
TWELVE days before "President Barack Obama and Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. step off Air Force One upon their arrival at Asheville Regional Airport in Fletcher, N.C., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013." Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. received the 2013 North Carolina A&T State University Human Rights Medal on Feb. 1, 2013;
President Barack Obama and Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. step off Air Force One upon their arrival at Asheville Regional Airport in Fletcher, N.C., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, the morning after the president delivered his State of the Union address. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
U.S. Rep. Melvin L. “Mel” Watt received the 2013 North Carolina A&;T State University [the relative that was forced/coerced out of city of WS,NC by males of the larger soceity-went to school and fumes/odors used as form of mind control]Human Rights Medal on Feb. 1 during the school’s 53rd Sit-In Anniversary Breakfast.[code=Human rightst for males of the larger society; not African Americans];
Watt, 67, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992, six years after serving one term in the N.C. Senate. He practiced law for 22 years, specializing in minority business and economic development law in a general practice firm best known for its civil rights work.[code=been trained to rob/steal civil rights/economic prosperity from African Americans who are not a member of the
SECRET club]; [have called U.S. Rep. Melvin L. “Mel” Watt office numerous times];
As one of only two African Americans elected to Congress from North Carolina in the 20th Century, Watt has been a member of the House Judiciary Committee, the House Financial Services Committee and the Congressional Black Caucus, where he served as chairman in 2005-06.[code=judiciary committee=made LR83.9b(a) for TWIN that was stolen; Financial committee-participants are trained on what to do; those who are in place to block African Americans from obtaining TRIUMPH [cruise ship name]are identified];
The Human Rights Medal is given in recognition of individuals who have strived to correct social
injustice and have contributed significantly to the betterment of the world. [code= strived to correct the social injustice and create betterment for males of the larger society[white males]world. It is awarded to courageous men and women whose actions reflect those that were demonstrated in 1960 by four A&T freshmen – Ezell Blair Jr. (Jibreel Khazan), Franklin Eugene McCain, Joseph Alfred McNeil and David Richmond Jr. [blogged about conversation where told one of the courageouse men that sat at woolworth counter- said he would be back in contact after he told me his son-in-law is Alvin Boarders at Urban League and I told him that his son-in-law had to apologize for putting me out of Urban League in W-S., NC]; The men led a group of students to take a stand for justice by sitting down and refusing to leave the segregated whites-only lunch counter of the F.W. Woolworth Store in downtown Greensboro. Their nonviolent protest became part of a nationwide movement that led to desegregation. [In other words, ONLY African Americans who are participating in SECRET club have access to judicial, system; all others that refuse to join SECRET club; are left no options-except suffering the abuse];
U.S. Rep. Melvin L. “Mel” Watt received the 2013 North Carolina A&;T State University [the relative that was forced/coerced out of city of WS,NC by males of the larger soceity-went to school and fumes/odors used as form of mind control]
U.S. Rep. Melvin L. “Mel” Watt received the 2013 North Carolina A&;T State University [the relative that was forced/coerced out of city of WS,NC by males of the larger soceity-went to school and fumes/odors used as form of mind control]Human Rights Medal on Feb. 1 during the school’s 53rd Sit-In Anniversary Breakfast.[code=Human rightst for males of the larger society; not African Americans];
A&T STATE university is where AFRICAN is working with the agricultural department to grow an herb; and has been one of ONLY ways to have some type of income:[20.00 a day][two days a week];

A&T STATE university is also where [the relative that was forced/coerced out of city of WS,NC by males of the larger soceity-went to school and fumes/odors used as form of mind control] And Africa is the heritage of African where work on farm and Africa is also the heritage of President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama HERITAGE is not AFRICAN AMERICAN; President Barack Obama HERITAGE is AFRICAN from AFRICA[another country] and CAUCASIAN[white mother];
And code=President Barack Obama and Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. meet at ASHVILLE Regional Airport in Fletcher, N.C., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013,[code=THIRTEEN=13th Amendment=
Article in the Carolina Peacemaker sbout FARMERS/FARM;Front page to locals-Harold Martin=chancellor at WSSU when obtained degree=Sutton-captain of authority=threaten with weapon:
Article in the Carolina Peacemaker sbout FARMERS/FARM;Front page to locals-Harold Martin=chancellor at WSSU when obtained degree=Sutton-captain of authority=threaten with weapon:
North Carolina A&T State University[where relative ran out of City of WS by white makes of authority] chancellor - Harold Martin [Chancellor of WSSU[2004]-where captain SUTTON threaten with weapon [for not serving white males];
1b. chancellor - Harold Martin/town hall meeting about A&T FARM; Harold martin [connected to-Davida Martin who fixed 1st court case for charles McCrae[the other one] and who was Denise Hartsfield superior during child support case where Denise Hartsfield fixed case for charles Mccrae by forgiving of 13years of back child support [only the custodiatl parent can forgive back child support];

Using situation to communicate threat to African American male in picture=? as well as communicate to Mel Watts to do to local African Americans in North Carolina what was done to the people on the Triumph Cruise Ship;
Plain as the nose on your face=code=DISABLE the mobility of TRIUMPH [code=of all African Americans not serving males of the larger society]-where, in the Southern United States, not Mexico=code=help mexicans=code to-SECRET members of SAM'S club; along with other subliminal messages:
"It's been more than a year since a cruise ship was based in Mobile. [was probably closed as code to secret members;around world]; But Sheila Gurganis, who is general manager for the Alabama Cruise Terminal, says it still has the infrastructure needed to accommodate a ship like the Triumph on Thursday. On board are 3,100 passengers and 1,000 crew members"
"Those on board have complained to relatives that conditions on the ship are dismal and that they have limited access to food and bathrooms."[code to secret club control local African American communities=create dismal conditions, limit food access, cut comforts, water, lights];
"Mayor SAM Jones said Carnival notified the city on Monday that it needed a port for the disabled liner."[SAM = code to secret Sam's club members =who KNOW the SECRET to a good life];
"The ship will be towed through the 3-mile-wide mouth of Mobile Bay and then proceed north about 30 miles to the berthing area." [berthing=pronounced "birth"=code=to birth conditions in MOBILE African American communities][mobile=capable of moving or being moved readily.];[http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mobile?s=t][blogged on 2/14/13 about the mobility of African American females/people who do not serve males of the larger society=there is no mobility][http://ifrosaparksknew.blogspot.com/2013/02/happy-valentine-day_14.html];
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