[While posting computer put AMP beside capital letters=?=harassment=];
Pictures from the Winston-Salem Journal; verify secret coded system used by authorities and churches;
February 17,18,19th surrounding roland hayes death=communication between authorities and people in white robes at roland hayes funeral;After posting of pictures and coded communication simplified:=
Gwens parked TRACTOR TRAILER truck in driveway as communication of threat=concerning the red VW[wja]that is kept parked in driveway as form of threat concerning TWIN that gwendolyn gwen help to steal;on 2/18/13 upon walking up street; gwendolyn gwen [nurse at city hospital] looked at me and laughed;
gwendolyn gwen's laugh lined up with barock obama's laugh when he talked about creating jobs as he gave his state of the union address;
gwendolyn gwens laugh made me remeber that when I attended that sheldon mccarter was pre-selected to go to GREENSBORO,NC to meet barock obama when barock obama was running for president;shortly after sheldon mccarter had conference and group decided that person should be a prostitute for males of the larger society[white males]; in fact all of the members got autographed pictures of sheldon mccarter and barock obama in a very friendly/pose;The group not only decided that person should be a prostitute for males of the larger society[white males]; But also that relationship between person and WJANDREWS in local African American community was not to exist; think the Winston-Salem Journal photographer's name sums it up: ANDREW DYE[die];Along with fact that upon getting to the CRB library=city water vehicle past Lansing drive=flashing lights=white male standing outside of truck; authority vehicle[white with blue and red stripes]stopped at Lansing drive=black trash bag at top of stairs[very important] of Mazzie Woodruff forsyth tech building;African American male walks into CRB library[right door]; and inside is huge white male at checkout counter with door held wide open;=?*** Which brings me to:1. Relative ran out of the city [that attended A&;T State University] came home one weekend[blogged about it in about 2005] said they had a dream=dream was that relatiave they knew was surrounded by a lot of green and then the relative died[long story short]; 2. Point is that A&T State University [where Harold Martin in now the chancellor[whose wife Davida Martin-fixed case to help a child abuser;supervised denise hartsfield who fixed child abusers child support case [forgave 13 years of back childsupport; that money could have given the child a lot of opportunities]used smells/mind control to erase part of relatives ran out of the city [that attended A&T University] memory[parent held in confinement for over 36 years memory was also erased];3. After seeking help to grow garden[own food] from v.switzer=who would not help;but harassed so that system could have access to harass more; v switzer introduced me to AFRICAN growing only a GREEN herb; how coincidental is that; not to mention that barock obama's daddy's heritage is AFRICAN;
4. And barock obama meets with sheldon mccarter who I gave notorized copies of fact of abuse;intimidation; and threats from members of local community,etc., after sheldon mccarter group decide that working as a prostitute for males of the larger society like barock obama and sheldon mccarter who operate out of fear of males of the larger society;5. Or maybe I should say out of rewards; because after sheldon mccarter/eddie long conference=sheldon mccarter was given an honorary name with Lansing drive;Thus if anything happens to myself, WJANDREWS or relative that was forced out of city of Winston-Salem, N. C.=those mention in post;etc. are participatory;All of the above/below information can be verified;ONLY problem is that there is NO ONE to give it to!****note=NEW VOLUNTEER at CRB library=NOW has cart beside me=as form of intimidation;has been volunteer for about four months; has not bothered until today=1st time harassment=kept walking around research computer station. P.S.. Godwillst
**********"The Obama administration is preparing to unveil a decades-long project to map the inner workings of the brain."CYNTHIA P. S. is one of those individuals who was used in mind control[brain mapping] in early 1960's; mind project was started shortly after the "sterilization" project/Eugenics [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzWhJjxFjc] where NC Rep. Larry Womble was so outraged; BUT could not lift a finger to help person standing before him that was being abused by same dam system everyday= hipocrite[sp];[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWOMx9TZhsA][http://www.engagingnews.us/select/Larry+Womble.html];They are calling it brain mapping[but in actuality it is a code word for [mind control of African American people who will not obey white males orders];"Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses." White people would recieve the benefits; the new discroveries would be used to put African Americans not working to benefit white society in category of mental illness= REv. Dr. John Mendez;Black people who are/have been done by the white males systems have two chocies:#1. forget about it;#2 be classified as mentally ill [churches/main churches so called pastors all on board.[benefits to children, friends, acquaintances, family members that are participating in the system];
Listen to part of Larry Womble speaking on video at [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzWhJjxFjc] ON North Carolina NOW, N.C. Legislative week in review-where Larry Womble said "Right is Right"-evidently it is not right when an African American not working for white males need a wrong to be righted;
[Presidents Day: Winston-Salem area a frequent destination ]=title of article about the numerous heads of the United States passing through=?=why?; "Forsyth District Judge Denise Hartsfield talks about Judge Roland Hayes, who died Wednesday. Posted: Thursday, February 7, 2013 4:59 pm"[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/video_b780ed04-7171-11e2-a5a5-0019bb30f31a.html];
Posted: Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:47 am | Updated: 11:01 am, Mon Feb 18, 2013.
“I’m really here because I was able to stand on the shoulders of Judge Hayes, and I mean that literally,” she said. Hartsfield said Hayes mentored her and gave her both legal and spiritual advice. The two had a connection be-cause both pursued a career in law late in life.;Hayes was an elder emeritus at Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church and had served as a trustee and chairman of the official board. He had three children – Reba Hayes Warren, Roland Hayes Jr., and John Fuller Hayes. He also had seven grandchildren. Denise Hartsfield and Roland Hayes were connected; and as Denise Hartsfield said=Roland Hayes was her mentor; Roland Hayes help set up relative for over thirty six years[my relative said that they would not let him live his life and he did not know how to stop them] and was training Denise Hartsfield how to do the same based upon child support case [abuse the mother and child]which was to be transfered to the child as an adult; Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church [connected to EDDIE LONG-which explained why they communicated to me to be a prostitute working for males of the larger society; the wife is prostitute working for males of the larger society] where was attending and communicated to the Bishop the abuse, intimidation, robbery my males of the larger society where conference was had and it was communicated that person should be prostitute working for males of the larger society=?;

Bishop Sheldon M. McCarter delivers Judge Roland Hayes' eulogy while church elders and members of the choir observe on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, at the Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church in Winston-
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