1. WAKE FOREST LAW LIBRARY[put off of campus with warning ticket that lasts for life time=form of slavery];2.WADE-fathers name[part];
3. Murphy=law;
5. director=directing;
code=mark wade for murphy law by strategic directing;=THUS since
Why is Wade Murphy making the FIRST time million dollar donation to WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY?; especially after on 2/23/13 RUSSELL HUNTER was name an instant MILLIONARIE in Winston-Salem Journal by scratch off ticket ;[code=have to pay African Americans abused];

RUSSELL=name of African American funeral home [;
Hunter=name of person who had a program where was the public relations person;
;[code=have to pay African Americans abused]; why WADE murphy donated one million dollars to Wake Forrest University;to block certain African Americans NOT slaves, working for males of the larger society;=code-to block African Americans not working for males of the larger society money;
Murphy Oil Corp probably one of the oil company's that obama going to "speed oil"=insider trading=wade murphy= had been Marmik’s director of policy and strategic planning=code=strategic planning of removal of African American[s] wealth, etc.=code=African american lives=fossil oil to males of larger society=got concept=when person is put six feet under=their remains eventually return to oil;
******Wake Forest graduate makes $1 million donation to school’s Humanities Institute

Posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 7:19 am, Mon Feb 25, 2013.
WINSTON-SALEM — A Wake Forest University graduate is making a $1 million donation to his alma mater to support an institute designed to explore creative ways to use knowledge to solve real-world problems.The gift from 2000 graduate Wade Murphy, 35, makes him the youngest person in school history to make such a single large gift.Murphy is the executive vice president of Marmik Oil in El Dorado, Ark., a position he has held since last August. Before that he had been Marmik’s director of policy and strategic planning, according to his LinkedIn profile.
He spent almost four years at Murphy Oil Corp., and also worked for the U.S. Commercial Service and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Murphy earned a MBA from American University of 2007. He has served on the Wake Forest Young Alumni Development Board and currently serves on the Wake Forest College Board of Visitors.
“Wake Forest is and always has been a place that teaches students how to identify and pursue that which is good, beautiful and true,” Murphy said in a news release. “One of the prevailing reasons I want to support the Humanities Institute is that it will go a long way to ensuring that these ideals are carried forward.”
The Humanities Institute was launched in October 2010. It establishes programs and provides funding for faculty in the humanities and their collaborators in other fields of study. Its mission is to build partnerships that contribute to the common good. One example of its work is Humanities Matters, a program funding "The Imagination Project: Artists of the Holocaust." It's a collaboration among professors and students that aims to educate audiences about anti-Semitism and promote understanding, tolerance and respect.
In December 2010, the National Endowment for the Humanities offered the Institute a challenge grant of $500,000, with Wake Forest raising $1.5 million by July 2015 to establish an endowment to help sustain the Humanities Institute. Murphy’s gift helped the Institute exceed the challenge amount more than two years earlier than required.
“Wade’s generous support underscores the critical role that the humanities play in the education and preparation of today’s students,” said Mary Foskett, professor of religion and the director of the Humanities Institute. “The humanities are rooted in intellectual traditions that empower students to engage the world.
“Today’s graduates must be prepared to interpret complex information, understand diverse cultures and create solutions that serve the common good.”
He spent almost four years at Murphy Oil Corp., and also worked for the U.S. Commercial Service and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Murphy earned a MBA from American University of 2007. He has served on the Wake Forest Young Alumni Development Board and currently serves on the Wake Forest College Board of Visitors.
“Wake Forest is and always has been a place that teaches students how to identify and pursue that which is good, beautiful and true,” Murphy said in a news release. “One of the prevailing reasons I want to support the Humanities Institute is that it will go a long way to ensuring that these ideals are carried forward.”
The Humanities Institute was launched in October 2010. It establishes programs and provides funding for faculty in the humanities and their collaborators in other fields of study. Its mission is to build partnerships that contribute to the common good. One example of its work is Humanities Matters, a program funding "The Imagination Project: Artists of the Holocaust." It's a collaboration among professors and students that aims to educate audiences about anti-Semitism and promote understanding, tolerance and respect.
In December 2010, the National Endowment for the Humanities offered the Institute a challenge grant of $500,000, with Wake Forest raising $1.5 million by July 2015 to establish an endowment to help sustain the Humanities Institute. Murphy’s gift helped the Institute exceed the challenge amount more than two years earlier than required.
“Wade’s generous support underscores the critical role that the humanities play in the education and preparation of today’s students,” said Mary Foskett, professor of religion and the director of the Humanities Institute. “The humanities are rooted in intellectual traditions that empower students to engage the world.
“Today’s graduates must be prepared to interpret complex information, understand diverse cultures and create solutions that serve the common good.”
By Staff ReportsUpdated at 10:40 AMThe Tulsa World newspaper address is 315 S. Boulder Ave., Tulsa, OK 74103; that would be in OKLAHOMA[where SAM'S CLUB was started in the same year 1983 that TWIN was stolen]=code Winston-Salem [BH Media Group] connected with stealing of TWIN;
Curtis Killman-Staff Writer
Anna Codutti-Copy Editor
Jarrel WADE-staff writer
Bill Sherman-staff writer
There are plenty of name to communicate secret codes;
surrounding region.[COINCIDENTAL]
********Tulsa Mayor DEWey BARtlett set to announce re-election bid;
Bartlett will make his announcement at 4 p.m. at American Bank and Trust Co., 6060 American Plaza.
"We have to have consistency of leadership if we are going to continue down the same productive, positive road that we have had," Bartlett said. "Change now, I think, would be detrimental to our future."
Dewey Bartlett: As it stands, Kathy Taylor and Bill Christiansen have both announced they will challenge the incumbent;
The last time a sitting mayor faced a former mayor in a race for the city's top elected office was in 1992, when acting Mayor Susan Savage defeated 53 candidates, including former Mayor Dick Crawford.
ANNA America, the Taylor campaign's communications director, said Taylor is going to be competitive when it comes to fundraising.
The grass-roots effort that I have building can overcome money every time," Christiansen said. [ARTICLE=code=block AFRICAN AMERICANS christians from having money=especially ANNA;
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