Also would appreciate being able to post pictures at [] vs. at that Yahoo=country, dum, stupid; THANK You God for fixing so that bastards harassing me are the country,dum and stupid ones and for making them stop the computer technology harrassment and intimidation; BASTARDS;

Put on the cornerby the City of Winston-Salem; where have to cross street; On BATES street= where TWO city lights were placed so that they are side by side[from an angle=makes it looks like there are TWO light poles side by side;=?];=?thus whoever [put or ordered the two "V" there=participated/ing in the kidnapping of TWIN;
Following came up while typing the above;
"An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.Ignore warning"
And would apprectiate not having to deal with your African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society; please stop sending your African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society; IF after over 25 years you bastards have watched the abuse=which makes you an accessory to the fact along with attorney Mike Wells.
Picture belows sums up the whole system[operated in secret]:

Front for doing/making African American females "K" for males of the larger society;

All the people in the picture holding letters are white; except the one holding the "K"=who is Black;
The-making African American females "K" for males of the larger society is to include[see if you can decode]=Those identified as outstanding in their fields:
DAVID Steward [2012 Engineer of the Year Award]
ROBERT Wallace[2-12 Entrepreneurial leadership award];
OneKKi Christian [2012 Most pormising engineer Industry Award];
Yolanda MURPHY[2012 Corporate Promotion of education award];
p.52-56;[ [];
That includes visits:
1. Picture with US Olympic gynmast McKayla Maroney; while Steve[code for WHITEheart] PENNY, US gynmastics presiden and Savannah [Code for name of African American female that bastards set up]
#2.[TWO] Picture of dog BO=[African Americans]=code;
6. Picture of Eight year old Make-a whish child Janiya PENNY [code for African American female set up by having WSTA bus driver lie on them and then put behind bars;
Black EOE Journal [];page 10 in the Career and WORKforce DEVELOPMENT section;
Of which heard on local radio guest/commentator say "One of the cruelest things that can be done to a person is to BLOCK them from a job/career; [which along with stealing of a twin child, killing of a person's family members, putting them in isolation]all done with the watchful eyes of the bastards who watching me type this];And then they give me a WARNING
GOD speak!.
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