Got a ride to the CRB library=?; lot of activity outside and inside CRB library; BreANNA;paula and
HER[bert]man who is in training room=[code training Andrews]to abused ANNA[bre]; and do the opposite to paula Confirmation:

Picture of African American female surrounded by males of the larger society/authority in 1963 during MLK protest marches; local African American females in psychologocial situation in picture; just like in the picture of the African American females not serving males of the larger society/authority who has no mobility; so it is for local modern day African American females who are not allowed a LIFE beyond life observed in picture[no movement];

Picture of African American female [allowed ultimate movement]connected to current re-elected? head of the United States whose mother last name is ROBIN[son] in which the picture is in African American female magazine [p.88][Black Women Style Report][Aug/Sept.2012]as code to other African American female[?]
to do as the head female connected to current re-elected? head of the United States to get ahead-serve males of the larger society[coded];[Black Woman Style Report Magazine;[Aug/Sept. 2012][p.88]

On the other hand the picture of African American female surrounded by males of the larger society/authority in 1963 during MLK protest marches hands folded most definitely denied any type of movement by males of the larger society/authority;[Picture from Ebony magazine[Feb.2013][p.85];

But then to give illusion of movement to the African American male; picture of African American male surrounded by the current re-elected? head of the United States who was raisied by female of the larger society [which makes his mindset [WHITE] and connected to female whose mother last name is ROBIN[son];[hands behind back=symbolic of little boy intimidated]; [[]

African American female on her knees on white cloth; paper=? mindset=[appearance] looks intimidated[1963];[Picture from Ebony magazine[Feb.2013][p.85];

African American male; looks slightly mentally challenged; [appearance]; mindset=looks intimidated[Feb.2013] ASHville, N. C.; [Sixty year illusion of a difference]=illusion because current re-elected? head of the United States was raised by WHITE people ROBBING African Americans of their heritage-forcing cultural transformation [have to do things the WHITE people's way to be allowed any type of MOVEMENT; may as well be a white male of the larger society standing before the African American male raised by BLACK people [BIG difference];illusion because current re-elected? head of the United States who was raised by WHITE who has a WHITE mindset put before the people of the United States like the current re-elected? head of the United States is an African American/BLACK; and he is not; he has the color; but not the mind; and does not go through anything that the average African American male/person goes through;Confirmation:
1. Current re-elected? head of the United States was raised by WHITE people and have no problems letting WHITE people know where to get off [he knows he has back up]vs any African American, especially male that attempts to let WHITE people know where to get off at; the authorities will be called immediately; and usually the situation will esculate;
2. African Americans are not allowed to express their disgust[sp] with ill treatment by WHITES or the BLACKS that work for the WHITES;
3. ALL of the current re-elected? head of the United States who was raised by WHITE people support what WHITE people are doing/have done to African American communities.
4. Lot the WHITEBOY radio network talking about "HOW CAN HE DO THAT; DON'T HE KNOW THAT IT IS THE MINORITIES[meaning African Americans]THAT WILL SUFFER THE MOST?-Answer-yes, he does KNOW that.
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