Was looking in Encyclopedia of Social ISSUES;[vol. 4] in which notice that NATIONAL organizations were listed that have requested help= got the same results=not their problem=can't help:
1.National Associaton for the Advancement of colored peopple[NAACP];
National education Association[NEA];
National Insitutues of health[NIH];
National Labor Reactions Act [NLRA]-used in court case];
National Labor Relations Board [NLRB];
National Organization for Women[NOW]-located in 5th st. main WSFC public library;
National Public Radio [NPR]-or affiliate;
National Research Council[NRC];
National Urban League [NUL];
Also noticed term-Old boys'network:-Informal relationship that typically allows powerful WHITE MEN to remain in positions of institutional powers [like those listed above] who make decisions that create enviornments that are hostile to women and ethnic minorities and represent informal networks the often represent important sources of indirect institutionalized discrimination. Old boys' networks can thus constitute barriers to advancement of women and minorities in private and government organizations.[p.1163];

NEW to carver road=ROYAL BLUE with DUKE [blue devils emblem]=code=to bridget and charles
mccrae[the other one]=guy who wants to date me=DUKE fan=their concern;

Observing the growth of one's children can be one of the primary pleasure of parenting.(michele L. McGrath]=
Picture of CHILD [under title of PARENTING];
P.1186,Encyclopedia of Social ISSUES]

Thought it interesting=PATTERSON v McLean Credit Union(1989)=U.S. Supreme Court decision narrowed the conditons which victims of employment discrimination could seek compensation.[Sam's club vs. ?] The Court Limited the application of the 1866 Civil Rights Act[wondered why the EEOC applied the 1866 Civil Rights Act vs. the 1991 Civil Rights Act]interpreting its prohibition on discrimination in the formation of private contracts as LIMITING COMPENSATION to pre-employment discrimination. In the wake of the decision, compensation could no longer be sought for employment-related discrimination after the individual was hired. This interpretation ran counter tot he wishes of Congress, and tin direct reponse, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 reversed the PATTERSON decision, allowing compensation for bother pre-and post-employment descrimination.=code=1866 Civil Rights Act-applied by EEOC=do not give compensation; code=1991 give compensation pre and post employment discrimination.pp.1194-1196]Encyclopedia of Social ISSUES;[vol. 4];

Publicity surrounding officer's testimony revealed the brad distsrust of
p-lice that existed inteh black community(ap/wide wold photos)

Publicity surrounding officer's testimony revealed the broad distsrust of p-lice that existed in the black community(ap/wide wold photos); female of color-Also framed my son; [Encyclopedia of Social ISSUES;[vol. 4]pp.1214-1217];
Misdemeanors:minor offenses=persons convicted of felonies are BARRED from certain vocations, whole those convicted of misdemeanors are not;BAR was name of nephew's mentor=code=BAR him from jobs/social level; as a child=BRANDON=works at CHILDREN'S home and based upon conversation with worker at children's home in greensboro=CHILDREN'S HOMES[connected with one in Winston-Salem=help with private adoptions at adopted parents request];Roberts=robbery;
Researhers have found that healthy neighborhoods are not necessarily concerned with illegal activity specifically, but with occurances that can be labeled as SOCIAL DISORDER, more often termed quality-of-life issues.[work for males of the larger society authority=jobs/food vs. don't work for males of the larger society authority=no jobs, no food];
The unwritten rules of the institutions in Carver School Road is to commit any illegal/immoral act necessary to ensure that males of the larger society do not attact the African American institutions money sytem; even if it means stealing a TWIN child, praticing ethnic intimiation, forced assimilation and cultural transformatioin[which are all immoral and illegal based upon the United States Constitution];
Community-relations activities are performed by SPECIAL DIVISIONS or with CERTAIN authority with PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES concerning community-relations. Other activities typically exclude the AVERAGE citizen[most of society] and authority person[all African American males of authority] in favor of groups of citizens[AFRICAN AMERICAN females working as prostitutes for males of the larger society] and small number of authority [males of the larger society who AFRICAN AMERICAN females work for];
The issues of the AFRICAN AMERICAN female working as prostitutes for males of the larger society and the males of the larger society who AFRICAN AMERICAN female is working for
are USUALLY different from those that concern regular citizens and African American male authority.
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