Got a ride to the CRB library=?; lot of activity outside and inside CRB library; BreANNA;paula and
HER[bert]man who is in training room=[code training Andrews]to abused ANNA[bre]; and do the opposite to paula Confirmation:

Picture of African American female surrounded by males of the larger society/authority in 1963 during MLK protest marches; local African American females in psychologocial situation in picture; only African American females serving males of the larger society/authority allowed a LIFE beyond life observed in picture[no movement];

Picture of African American female [allowed ultimate movement]connected to current re-elected? head of the United States whose mother last name is ROBIN[son] in which the picture is in African American female magazine [p.88][Black Women Style Report][Aug/Sept.2012]as code to other African American female[?]
to do as the head female connected to current re-elected? head of the United States to get ahead-serve males of the larger society[coded];

On the other hand, the picture of African American female surrounded by males of the larger society/authority in 1963 during MLK protest marches hands folded most definitely denied any type of movement by males of the larger society/authority;[Picture from Ebony magazine[Feb.2013][p.85];

But then to give illusion of movement to the African American male; picture of African American male surrounded by the current re-elected? head of the United States who was raisied by female of the larger society [which makes his mindset [WHITE] and connected to female whose mother last name is ROBIN[son];[hands behind back=symbolic of little boy intimidated]; [[]

African American female on her knees on white cloth; paper=? mindset=[appearance] looks intimidated[1963];[Picture from Ebony magazine[Feb.2013][p.85];

African American male; looks slightly mentally challenged; [appearance]; mindset=looks intimidated[Feb.2013] ASHville, N. C.; [Sixty year illusion of a difference]=illusion because current re-elected? head of the United States was raised by WHITE people ROBBING African Americans of their heritage-forcing cultural transformation [have to do things the WHITE people's way to be allowed any type of MOVEMENT; may as well be a white male of the larger society standing before the African American male raised by BLACK people [BIG difference];illusion because current re-elected? head of the United States who was raised by WHITE who has a WHITE mindset put before the people of the United States like the current re-elected? head of the United States is an African American/BLACK; and he is not; he has the color; but not the mind; and does not go through anything that the average African American male/person goes through;Confirmation:
1. Current re-elected? head of the United States was raised by WHITE people and have no problems letting WHITE people know where to get off [he knows he has back up]vs any African American, especially male that attempts to let WHITE people know where to get off at; the authorities will be called immediately; and usually the situation will esculate;
2. African Americans are not allowed to express their disgust[sp] with ill treatment by WHITES or the BLACKS that work for the WHITES;
3. ALL of the current re-elected? head of the United States who was raised by WHITE people support what WHITE people are doing/have done to African American communities.
4. Lot the WHITEBOY radio network talking about "HOW CAN HE DO THAT; DON'T HE KNOW THAT IT IS THE MINORITIES[meaning African Americans]THAT WILL SUFFER THE MOST?-Answer-yes, he does KNOW that.
February 13th, 2013
07:55 AM ET

Last night President Obama delivered his State of the Union address in front of the 113th congress. In his speech he called for the expansion of pre-school education for every 4-year-old, an increase in the minimum wage and a plan to create 15 "manufacturing institutes". He reiterated his call for a program to repair the infrastructure of the nation's roads and bridges. On the foreign policy front he announced 33,000 U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by this time next year.
Today the president will travel to Asheville, NC to highlight a Canadian auto parts company that has recently increased it's investment in the U.S.
Full Transcript of The State of the Union address
The White House Schedule
9:35AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews. South Lawn
9:35AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews. South Lawn
9:50AM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews
11:10AM THE PRESIDENT arrives Asheville, North. Asheville Regional Airport
11:35AM THE PRESIDENT tours Linamar North Carolina Factory. Linamar Factory, Asheville, North Carolina
12:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks. Linamar Factory, Asheville, North Carolina
1:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville Regional Airport
2:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives Joint Base Andrews
2:55PM THE PRESIDENT arrives the White House. South Lawn
Briefing Schedule
Press Secretary Jay Carney will gaggle aboard Air Force One
Press Secretary Jay Carney will gaggle aboard Air Force One
Have a nephew who made a statement; said 'Auntie",growing up there is nothing there for you; but aunt Cynt-have a lot for her; reason=[did not tell him] but [Cintas] working with system; therefore the system lifts [CINTAS] up; Confirmation:
1. Through the media [name of cynthia is lifted up]; most young african Amerian males look at Hip Hop magazines, etc.;
1. Through the media [name of cynthia is lifted up]; most young african Amerian males look at Hip Hop magazines, etc.;
Article: It's a WRAP written by CYNTHIA ? [page?]=code toNephews=it is a wrap=looked to cynthia;
[Hip Hop weekly [Vol. 8; Issue 1] Magazine;
It's a wrap=meaning it is a wrap to all of the negative things that they will try to do to Auntie;all of the African American males given subliminal messages in the males of the larger society authority system to listen to cynthia who has been trained to rob all of them of their African American heritage;
in Hip Hop weekly [Vol. 8; Issue 1] Magazine;
Michelle O. walks to greet soldiers;
TWO pages of African American Female[?][p.88][Black Women Style Report][Aug/Sept.2012]
President Barack Obama and Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. step off Air Force One upon their arrival at Asheville Regional Airport in Fletcher, N.C., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, the morning after the president delivered his State of the Union address. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
President Barack Obama tours the Linamar plant in South Asheville prior to his remarks. (Feb. 13. 2013)
Hip Hop weekly [Vol. 8; Issue 1]=?
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