After signing up with webnode [PLEASE just send me the millions];
and get out.
Meeting of Beyonce and obama in Septemeber [picture is in Vogue 2013 magazine]=Beyonce= threat to michelle=and will occur IF michelle[p-working for males of the larger society] don't do as males of the larger society tell her;

TWO [one talks to GOVERNORS; then one talks to GOVERNORS]=TWO;
1. President tells the nation's governors that automatic cuts will lead to fewer teachers, reduced medical care and idle defense workers in their states.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama [working for males of the larger society]on Monday challenged governors to make it easier for military personnel to transfer their skills to civilian jobs as they return home from Afghanistan and other far-flung posts;1 million military personnel will be transitioning back to civilian life=code=working for males of the larger society=skills to be turned on African Americans NOT serving /obeying males of the larger society;
caption under picture: BRINGING UP BABY-Beyonce with BLUE IVY, one, talking stoll on St. BARth's[code=Bar Blue Devil fan out of white males system;

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