When white people give up their WHITE culture then I will THINK bout doing the same[in my dreams];AND if I can't have what belongs to me; NEITHER can you!!!!!=word to the wise= http://www.larryelder.com/b/Police-Shoot-Two-Innocent-People-During-Christopher-Dorner-Manhunt/931280857436022367.html] [
"P-lice Shoot Two Innocent People During Christopher Dorner Manhunt" If anything happens to me=not an accident;
Pictures taken on 2/11/13 after V. Switzer called=come outside for[?]thought it was for work; he was not outside; then African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society:[]
got on computer [research computer=2 hours] with words LOVE= inpink=like white famale at Northside bowling lanes[WJA]; the computer was empty did not get on it; after about an hour looked at magazine rack and [according to Breanna] Charlene or Williams put out the magazines and had put all BRIDE magazines in places where African American magazines usually went; EXCEPT the BRIDE magazines had the word DISCARD on them; so instead of there being one BRIDE magazine; there were about seven to eight BRIDE magazines=pictures are below;[what kind of message to send to young African America girls that come into the Carver Road Branch library?];then this afternoon after [WALKING] walking to the CRB library there was no =OUT of ORDER sign posted on the research computer=message=coded=If not going to enter romantic relationship where WHITE males control=then can't have marriage; confirmation =coded message-in "EBONY" magzine[which confirms blog last week about emails being blocked[put pamplet from local church fashion show[RED-color of day] of American HEART association{http://ifrosaparksknew.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=kTE00jwBAAA.KywZm4LakPw138tkJVG6Wg.qeGov7AkXGixBrAn52b8XA&postId=1735682094791073056&type=POST};
Some of the following confirmation is in the February 2013 issue of EBONY magazine [did send/ask for help from TD JAKES ministry][and his workers KNOW issues to deal with and ones not to deal with];
SPECIAL EDITION TO: African American female prostitutes and future ones=celebrate BLACK LOVE=make the connection between males of the larger society[white males] controlling African American females and have a steady male companion;

[code]= to African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society can be like Fannie Lou Hamer and be on your knees with no man having to deal with the males of the larger society or be slaves to white males of the larger society as communicated above and have LOVE from an African American male[p126;Ebony Magazine];
Discarded BRIDE magazines placed at the Carver Road Branch Library in place where other current African American magazines should have been;[Breanna [library clerk said that Sharlen=was working with the magazine rack on 2/11/13];
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