Pictures coming out of EBONY magazine [CELEBRATE BLACK LOVE]February 2013 issue; in order to celebrate black love; first you have to know how to get black love=thus all African American females not willing to work for males of the larger society=if you can't have yours attack the females helping to keep you from yours;

If you want an REAL HUSBAND=all others African American marriages are attacked by African American female prostittues working for males of the larger society;[and most of the African American males don't have a clue; some do; most don't]=they think they are all that and a bag of chips because African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society[to ROB them of their heritage/wealth] pay them some attention[usually they look like females in DREAM GIRLS];

If African American female wants to have a LASTING LOVE=secret-CONNECT "Let's Stay together"=means with males of the larger society;

coed=Elvauate the HEART of the matter;=code=If you want a MAN [lasting relationship] work for males of the larger society or otherwise they will be attacking the relationship;
code=picture worth a thousand words=TWO females; TWO FAMOUS females; both HUSBANDS killed in the same way=NOW TWO females;one black, one white; evidently they don't discriminate in the
killing of females men when those females do not work as prostitutes for males of the larger society;

code=IF you want to win[WENDY's]=[why DETRA[African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society] harassed and lied on me=eating at Wendy's means I win]=have a good relationship or win in the relationship=have to work as African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society[The PRICE is RIGHT];
Wendy's 538 Akron Dr, Winston-Salem, NC
(336) 767-9154 () ·
wendys.com [All white vehicles are driven by males of the larger society[surprised not a CINTAS truck parked out front];
National HEART association ad=looks very familar=
FAT girl in the middle theme;
[DREAM GIRL][MIND control]

The more the African American female does what white males of the larger society want; them closer the male; not man behaves himself; and for African American males that do not do as told=treat white males African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society the way the white males tell them to=then they are attacked or have mental problems;
code=message=To avoid "UNECCESSARY ROUGHNESS"=work for males of the larger society;
African American males are intimidated by males of the larger society and somehow[?] convince the African American male that the African American female/wife is his enemy so that the African American male attacks the African American female psychologically, etc..
2/12/13 Out of Order put on research computer because would not sit in computer after African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society with owrd "LOVE" sat at computer;
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