Picture is in the EBONY magazine[February 2013 issue][which could make the picture larger so person can get the full effect: It sums up the plight of local African American females in Winston-Salem, N. C. serving Jesus Christ of Nazerus in the church or maybe I should say not serving the image of the males of the larger society in the picture standing behind and around the African American female kneeling in the picture;
Notice that theAfrican American female is KNEELING on a WHITE cloth/piece of paper [sums up what the African American female has to do [KNEEL to the modern day images of males of the larger society] BEFORE being allowed LIFE;
Email from YP.com was in email today 2/13/13 thanking me for signing up; I did not sign up for YP.com; glanced at YP.com; seems to be a lot of nice things on YP.com; but I did not sign up=which is symbolic of life of African American female that's wants a LIFE=males of the larger society [especially authority] continously try to take over the African American females life; good or bad;
The picture was taken in 1963; but the spirit; the element of the picture is just as prominent as if it was taken today;
The really sad part about the picture is that the African American female KNEELING on knees; hands folded; but being looked upon as if she were the biggest criminal on earth;moving forward to 2013-present situation; African American female does NOT have cameras operated by somebody that wants the truth to be known; thus everything done to them is done in secret, through secret systems,etc.; thus in today's society when males of the larger society go through their secret intimidation process to force the African American female to work as a prostitute for males of the larger society [instead of working for the supreme most high god because she cannot do both-the bible says you cannont serve two masters] and the African American female refuses; the process goes similar to:
1. relative [usually younger [because represents future potential] is murdered;[no witnesses];
2. long story short=as many relatives as possible are murdered in different socially acceptable ways
[nobody else in the family may know what is going on; but the African American female that refuses to serve males of the larger society KNOWS; and can't tell anyone because the family members mindset is that this is the United States of America and they can't do that; thus the African American female that refuses to sersve males of the larger society just has to be quite until/if God reveals to other family members something is not right; that the family members deaths are not a coincidence;

Such as authority vehicles showing up every time [at one of houses connected with the stealing of the TWIN child] that there it is a "TWO" day-with TWO representing the TWINS and especially the child that was stolen at birth from the African American female; because the family members trust the doctors/nurses;
Since awareness of TWIN child being stolen[1997]=have seen ONLY males of the larger society [have seen three African American males of authority;#1driving down liberty street about four months ago;#2 at the 2013 inauguration on television and he seemed very uncomfortable; #3 the ex-authority that said that his job and his romantic relationship had been taken from him who was in the news in a negative manner on the television;

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#3. As mentioned above TWIN child stolen; child raised intimidated out of city [puts both female children in the above position] as well as the mother; father bought off with an African American female
prostitute working for males of the larger society;
#4. Other family members who are suppose to be support African American female serving God are
bought off with jobs, boyfriends, girlfriends by males of the larger society to help them rob the African American female serving God; usually when African American female serving God refuses to switch to serving males of the larger society, the males of the larger society find the weakest African American female in the family connected to the African American female who refuses to serve males of the larger society and directs the other family members to listen to the weakest AFrican American female serving males of the larger society who is trained by males of the larger society in what to do and how to rob the African American female serving God ;
#5. Any African American male that desires/want to be around the African American female serving God is attacked/blocked/ intimidated/abused; and the relationship is NOT ALLOWD; at best males of the larger society force the African American female serving God into a romantic/relationship with who the males of the larger society have picked out; if the African American female serving God refuses the romantic/relationship with who the males of the larger society have picked; they are punished=usually put in isolation;
#6. African American female serving God who refuses to obey the orders of males of the larger society are put into isolation and family members who try and support the African American female serving God are attacked, abused, punished for aiding the African American female serving God;[sounds similar to statement made on 980am radio that current re-elected? administration of the United States has a list of people who are citizens of the United States that he wants killed; and one of the things listed is that anybody who aids the enemy[any African American female not serving males of the larger society are considered to be enemies to males of the larger society who controll the United States] is to be killed;
#7. Most of abuse/intimidation/ done in SECRET [also sounds similar to statement made on 980am radio that current re-elected? administration of the United States wants to be fair by holding a SECRET judiciary session][sort of like SAM's Club where everybody knows the SECRET to a GOOD life];

It does not matter whether the African American female is educated or not; same treatement-either work for males of the larger society[obey orders] or suffer the punishment[s];
1.The major order is [technical term] ethnic intimidation:
a. meaning intimidate/abuse/rob/kill/steal something from anybody that is came in contact with
from African American race;
b. confirmation: secret code-LOVE= ads taken out of an African American hair book for African American females="BLACK HAIR"[p.100-101=if you want LOVE that will last;

Love is complicated; but it does not have to be;
there is an USHER that is available;
the modern guide to finding and keeping LOVE
is the tried and the testd method-
SKULL HEAD-usually means killing;[reads Bluebeard REVENGE];
In this particular magazine-the issue is a male-you want a male; LOVE; then kill;
In EVERY magazine directed towards African American females-the message is KILL some element connected to African American race=?
2. After males of the larger society murder the African American females brother; relatives, steal TWIN child; the males of the larger soceity/authority then try and intimidate the female/buy female off; but will never admit to stealing the TWIN child; neither will they ever give the TWIN child back; and constantly threaten the African American female;

Six Feet Under;
4.So what is the African American female to do?
Have informed the PROPER authorities, city, state, national= and NONE of them can help; reason why=radio commentator am.fm radio [last or this week] said, talking about AFricans trying to get help=that the authorites cannot help because they are a part of the problem, the males of the larger society in the picture are not going to admit to anything wrong that they or any of the collouges did;
Only communicate through WJA..
When signed on instead of computer saying 1:00[one hour]=said 59 minutes; for every minute taken may God do the same/greater today for whoever stole the minute;
Aslo Ebony magazine 2013 February issue and The News and Record Newspaper, etc., was using on 2/12/13 have disappeared from the library=?
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