Pictures taken between 1/29-13 and 2/5/13

Deacon MURDER; mean Murden [old demon]at Carver Road Christian Church;giving the prayer after CYNTHIA WRIGHT read the scripture;who pastor TYrone Johnson asked to read scripture;
Part of the bulletin at the Go red fashion show: [Womens heart health=in heart; and up under the picture="ABOVE all else, GUARD your HEART[meaning thier man/husband], for it is the WELLSPRING of LIFE/" [proberbs 4:23][Goler Memorial A. M. E. Zion Church]
BLUEbird places outside of CINTAS condo-to communicate to white males [who live/monitor CINTAS living space nextdoor/two doors down; who go into her condo when she leaves] to leave the BLUE [representing the guy who is a DUKES [BLUEdevil]fan who wants to date me out of the family/not in my life];
Long view-BLUEbird places outside of CINTAS condo-to communicate to white males [who live/monitor CINTAS living space nextdoor/two doors down; who go into her condo when she leaves] to leave the BLUE [representing the guy who is a DUKES [BLUEdevil]fan who wants to date me out of the family/not in my life];
Church full of African American females serving the real God who put sky in the sky=being taught by African american female prostitutes who serving males of the larger society; Church full of African American females serving the real God who put sky in the sky have no life or man; African american female prostitutes who serving males of the larger society have the benefits of life[money,etc. and usually a husband]; there are about three African American males in the church and they all belong to African american female prostitutes who serving males of the larger society who are not worrying about their man being taken because males of the larger society authority attack either the African American male that does not want the African american female prostitutes who serving males of the larger society or the African american female who is not serving males of the larger society;

Inside magazine Country Living=that is coded with the entire TWIN situtation;
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