Just left a funeral; Mora mother died; Cintas said that Mora cursed everybody out this morning before leaving for the funeral; tlaking about Cintas being Cynthia RIGHT=Cintas told me to be ready at 10:00 am;Cintas showed up at 12:00 pm=??=that is Cynthia wright=when Cintas showed up; was eating lunch; smoking cigarette, and never apoligized for not calling me to let me know that she wouldn't be there or would be late; right!!!
Oh also saw Victor's African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society; was serving food; kept trying to hold my plate while serving; told her to just put the food on the plate; also fixed me a plate to go and Cintas says what about Brandon; are you fixing him a plate; told her Brandon had two dam jobs; and I had no income; also asked the group=if they could help me get some eye vitamins[Cintas informs the group; her ass can go get medicare, medicaid if want help with eyes]; just looked at Cintas[and that's suppose to be family=?

Pictures taken on various days during the month of January, 2013 of the local CSR branch library; the assignment monitor is broke so people just go and get an any computer that is available;
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