The NATURE OF HUMAN AGGRESSION by Ashley Montagu,New York, Oxfor Unitersity Press, 1976,p.228-230,323, []:
The Brain and Aggression: "Obviously, we must therefore reject any hypothesis that states that agrression is a genetically determinded, instinctive response that cannot be modified by experience. The SOCIAL context
within which the animal develops is critically important in determining his later aggressive behavior. This not to suggest that genetic factors are not important. It is obvious that they are. What we are saying is that both the genetic background and the ENVIRONMENT in which these genes grow and develop must be considered JOINTLY if we are to advance our understanding of BEHAVIOR PATTERNS";

The young females[as well as most of us] have been TAUGHT to obey the written laws[most have no idea about unwritten/secret laws]and in my experience most people[s] behavior foundation is to RESPECT
the authority position; and usually most people's behavior PATTERNS line up with respect for the law;
but when the SECRET laws are applied, most people are lost and usually end up in some type of confinement and wonder WHY?=which leads to aggressive behavior/frustation=because they do not know what they are doing wrong.
"They go on to add: The fact that an organism has genes that may ultmately contribute to aggressive behavior does not mean that these genes will necessarily have to express themselves in that manner. We feel that appropriate rearing conditions can have a marked effect in modifying presumably inborn aggressive tendencies, and that they may even keep the tendencies from being expressed."
There exists a great body of similare experimental findings and observations which fully support the findings of Dennenberg and Zarrow. Certainly the evidence for humanity thoroughly substantiates these investigators' underscoring the role played by ENVIRONMENT in learning aggression [why Harvey's store in the African American neghborhood was closed[creates ENVIRONMENT of no closeness in community]or nonaggression. How else could one account for the nonaggressiveness of thepeoples discussed earlier in this volume? Whatever predispositions themembers of these societies may have had toward aggrssion, they have successfully learned not to develop them. Contrary to Lorenz, their members exhibit no "spontaneous" urge toward aggrsssion. They do however, like all human beings, exhibit a spontaneous urge toward cooperation[which I did UNTIL realizing that the cooperation was slavery]. [p.228-229] They do however, like all human beings, exhibit a spontaneous urge toward cooperation. Contrary to the entrenched beliefs of many people, the evidence unequivocally indicates that i the eveolution of all animal forms, and most particularly in the human spesciies, cooperative behavior has been a far more influential factor than agressive behavior, that, indeed, cooperative behavior has competitively been the selectively most successsful form of behavior in all animal groups.[Why the AFrican American parents at Mineral Springs elementary and middle school=cooperate; why African American parents help their child into illegal/imoral behavior=if they COOPERATE with system designed by local churches and authorities to abuse their child; their child is abused less by the parent than by outside forces]
In our experience it is the striving of the infant and child to become human that is so impressive-human in the sense of humane, gentle, loving and cooperative.[p229];[a lot African American children are punished for being humane, gentle, loving, but are rewarded for being COOPERATIVE to illegal/imoral behavior [the boy that lives beside me=rewarded by his African American female prostitute parent working for white males whenever he does something that is degrading, abusive towards me]
"To suggest that human beings are already "programmed" at birth or "wired" for aggression is to render csonfusion worse confounded, to fail to understand the clear evidence and the most consequential fact about the nature of humans. The predominant fact about the nature of man is not that we become what we are predestineded to be , but that we truly become, as human beings, whatever, within our genetic limitations, we learn to be. That is the important statement about the nature of humans."[p229-230]
[White males of the larger society punish African Americans for behaving as human beings;evidence Chicago and D.C. both are predominantly African American-where there are killings everyday-as the radio host 980am[Laura Ingram]stated to band weapons to the innocent increases the chance and makes it easier for all of the major criminals to harm the innocent; because the criminals [who don't obey the law]will get weapons anyway;
Laura Ingram [980 am radio] made the point that there is a DISCONNECT: ban on weapons; but then more PLANNED parenthood[meaning planned killings of babies]=there is no DISCONNECT; all of it is the SAME-ban the hand held weapons[allows the thugs to kill the innocent-to intimidate the innocent[law abiding citizen into submission to illegal/imoral activities]-allows the criminal to grow; whereas the planned parenthood issue[been discussed by thousands of people-who figured out- the entire system is designed to remove/kill babies in the AfricanAmerican communities=same thing=DECREASE any type of growth or good out of the African American community and increase any type of decrease or negativity through any type of abuse, intimidation, etc. in the African American community;
The Office of Tribal Justice:
Ensure that the Department clearly communicates policies and positions to tribal leaders.
[]; type of system being operated in the African American communities: where the LEADERS are communicated: what they are suppose to do negativiely to the members of the African American community not working for males of the larger society;[how and what the African American leaders get paid to do];
Juvinile delinquents make their appearance not as some kinds of atavistic throw-backs to the much maligned australopithecines, but as consequences of a complex social factors such as the weakening of family bonds[such as family members attacked when they help another family member-person gets tired of being attacked], lack of attachment to others amounting often to rejection by them[same];lack of respect for conventional values [white males=attack your own race or be attacked]picked up from the hypocritical lip-service to these valules of teh society as a whole, and the devleopment of an alienated view of life which frees one from any obligation to others[After person has been rejected so much by own group/race because they won't participate in the systmatic killing/destruction of their own race AND most important - as a result of males of the larger society constant attacking of any family member that connects or communicates with the person -the person ends up in isolation.] We find no juvenile delinquents in "primitive" societies simply becauses the CONDITIONS PRODUCING are absent in such communitites [All activity in the AFrican American community =conducted by males of the larger society; African American males not allowed to make money [work in/on African American community];in other words the CONDITIONS that PRODUCE delinquents in the African American culture are those placed there by males of the larger society.]whereas in civilized socieites, especially in our large cities, those conditions abound.[D.C. and Chicago] the juvenile delinquent is the PRODUCT of a DELINQUENT society [created by males of the larger society], in which parents, teachers, and the community have forgotten, if they have ever known, hwat it isto be human and what the needs of a growing human being are, the need, espceically for love [why males of the larger society corner AFrican American females "LOVE life" after developing system that robs African American females of African American males]. No child who was ever adequately loved ever became a delinquent or a murderer. Aggressive behavior is frequently the response tot he frustation of the need for love, as well as a means of compelling attention to that need. thus, aggression is often a signal, even at its most violent, of the need for love. But the varieties of aggressare re many, and not all of them, by anymeans, are to be interpreted as such signals. However, in human beings, children in particulary, aggressive behavior frequently constitutes such a signal. More often than not it is either misunderstood or ignored, or both, and the victim-for that is what he or she is-feels mor abandoned than ever. Under such condidtions, as ajuvenile, the indifidual is likely to look for support to those who, like himself, have also been failed in their need for recognition, for love. In the cities especially, among the impoverished such support is most likely to be fouond among one's peers in the street gang.
As I have said, the birthright of every child is growth and development free from physical and mental handicap. The most important of the requirements for the achievement of such growth and developmentis the satisfaction of the need for love. Love frustrated leads to maldevelopment, an inability to love, and aggression. Love satisifed leads to healthy development, athe ability to love, and cooperativeness.[p324]
The New image of Man; Chpt.12 Conclusions:
It is therefore, most urgent that we do not FALSLEY [anybody that is a member of an organization with questionable character cannot observe the organization unbaised]base our image of man upon unsound foundations even though we may not fully understand what the sound ones may be, for the image we hold of man, of ouor selves, is the image that will largely influence our individual and collective behavior toward ourselves and toward our fellowman. The aftermath of two World Wars, the unpseakable horrors of the Hitlerian holocause, not mention, the more recent involvement of the United States in Indochina; have understandably left most people with a strong conviction of man's innate depavity. Man is, we customarily say, the most aggressive xcreatur on this earth, and the most destructive. But "man" is not any of the terrible things that have been attibuted to him; it is only some men who are. The crultities of en and the sadistic plea-
sures they take in inflicing torture and pain on their fellow human beings, not to mention countless other creatures, are facts, but they are the crimes committed by a minority of men, not by the majority, to indict the whole species for the terrible wexcesses committed by a few is as erroneous as it is unjust. But since cru-elty and destruction are far from universall in the human species and there are examples of several peoples who are characteristically unaggressive, whatever the causes of their unaggressiveness, they give thelie to the blanket stigmatization of the whole species.
We think the evidence over whelmingly indicates that it is the SOCIAL environments of humans that largely determine how their genes whatever their porpensities may be, will express themselves. We have seen that there is good reason to believe that during almost the whole of man's evolutionary history he lived in peace and cooperation with his fellow man.
As societies evolved technologically, theyusually became progressivlely more violent and vastly more efficient in their destructiveness . Civilized man everywere today lives under the threat of annihilation by weapons infinitely more powerful than any that have been previously available. The power of persuasiaon over force seems to have been worsted in the debate with the argument of force.[p.302];
It should not be surprising that human benings become what they are as SOCIAL beings largely as consequence of the ORGANIZING or DISORGANIZING inhances of the environment acting upon the unique potentials of the individual. One can never quite seperate the genetic from the CULTURAL CONTRIBUTION to the development of a person as a human being.[p.302-310];
In other words, the brain contains elements which, under certain kinds of stimulation can be QUICKLY mobilized to function in aggressive behavior-not as a result of "wiring", "programming", or blueprinting," but rather as a CONSEQUENCE of the SOCIALLY INDUCED

intgration of cellular arrangements in the brain.[p.314];
Humans are not born to tabulae rasae, blanket tablets withut many dispositions, to talk, think, engage in sexual behavior, to love, to be agrressive, and thelike. But they will achieve none of these behaviors UNLESS they are exposed to the EXTERNAL stimuli[Constant exposure to authority/African American community], NECESSARY for the development of those potentialities into abilities. It takes any months to learn how to speak. It may take years to learn how to love or how to engage in sexual behavior. It takes much LESS TIME to learn to be AGGRESSSIVE[category most African Americans are placed.];
For the development of most babies potentialities, other than smiling, laughing, crying, the baby will be dependent upon very SPECIFIC KINDS OF SOCIAL STIMULATION. The poer of genes in the development of behavior is not to be undersestimated, but neither should the ORGANIZING POWER of the SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT be underrated. For it is the man-made part of the evnironment that fashions the raw material supplied by the genetic potentialities for aggressive behavior shared by certain groups of people.
Among certain groups of people aggressive behavior is so rare that whiLE it occurs it is either group sanctioned or considered a sign of abnormality; with the rest of humanity having recieve so few of those types of stimulation necessary for the development of aggression and so strong have been the negative SOCIAL SANCTIONS applied against the expression of aggressive behavior, they simply learned to be nonaggressive. This does not mean that their genetic potentialities for agression have been abolished. What it does mean is that those potentialities have not been afforded adequate OPPORTUNITIES for development=why when go to social agencies[kept in the run around circle=more exposure to the wrong thing=or the opposite of what the person desires: self sufficiency];
Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned from primate studies is that we belong to an order of animals whose, SOCIAL behavior and organization are nOT STATIC, but CHANGE in response to the challenges of the ENVIRONMENT. Primates are adaptable animals, and humans are so beyond all others. This is possible, the most hopeful lesson of all to be drawn from primate stuties. [p.320];
No human being has ever been born with aggressive or hostile impulses, and no one becomes aggressive or hostile without LEARNING to do so. [LEARNING takes place over a periord of time=through repetition];
Without the added stimulation of those neural arrangements by the appropriate stimuli and their soscial organization into certain PATTERNS of behavior, aggression will not spontaneously make its appearnace in any human being.[p.318-319];
"The explanation of aggressive human behavior is by no means as simple as the innate aggressions have made it out to be. It is very much more complex that is suggested by their simplistic and erroneous animal hydraulic modesl. simmple solutions have an immediate appeal to thsoe who are looking for ready anseres to complex types of problems, but TRUTH is not advanced by explanations based on FALSE analogies,. misinterpretaions of the evidence both in animals and in humans, neglect of the vitally important verifiable facts of behavior in living nonaggressive human socieites, loose specualtions and violent distortions of the evidence relating to prehisotric humans, and the attribution to them of traits as genetically determined which are, in fact, for the most part CULTURALLY determined."[P.]
The genes for potential behavior, the potentialities, the predispositions, or whatever other name we may choose to call the genetic potentialities, are all there at birth, but only as potentialities. how, and to what extent and to what degree they will develop, will depend upon the kind of organizing experience to which they are EXPOSED. The genetic constitution which enables humans to fun ction as human beings h as been fashioned by the HUMAN ENVIRONMENT. [*amiability-friendly, aggreeable, disposition, likable, social, cordial] Genes do not determine behavioral traits; what they do, is to influence the responses of the organism to the environment, and those responses will differ as the environments acting upon the organism differ. In SOCIAL environments in which COOPERATION and amiablilty are encouraged and the expression of aggressive behavior is discouraged such behavior is throughly under control, whatever genetic potentials for aggressive behavior with which theindividual is born, whatever the biological tendencies, the SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT

is capable of so CONDITIONING the individual as he or she develops as a person[technique used against African American females and males marriages][do what we say or we [secret group]will get your mate][or better yet: =WE[secret group] taking your mate;etc.=emails sent =notice the TWO=code=2nd class citizen=married [African American female wives that are NOT working for males of the larger society husbands are threaten:
Definition of TABULA RASA: the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions.[]

Email sent on 1/11/13 =KATIE= Kate B. Reynolds;

Kate B. Reynolds Building [built like the DASH stadium=real quick=lot of AFrican American people disappeared;

African American female and son; female took TWO children's magazines and threw them back on the seats beside where I was sitting; said her son had both magazines:

Picture hanging on the south [left side]wall in room below:

Room where picture of flower[BLOMSOM AND [another picture[YOUR?]
White van with TWO white males appeared before crossing LIBERTY Street; and AFTER =?
TWO African American males presence cornered me in after TWO children's magazines were placed on the seat behind me;the guy in the black doing the talking[is a marker]=met met as I was walking to crisis control ministry; after I did not go get in line [before him] the Caucasian female in the picture[receptionist]

did not call me at 9:15am instead she called other people in front of me; when asked why I had not been called, she said they go in order;

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