Pictures taken from 12/31/12 to 1/9/13 [Could NOT post pictures because the usual link [picture] to post pictures was blocked; still have to use the HTML[?] mode to post pictures:

Copy of the Winston-Salem Journal [three ROYAL BLUE figures]; Royal Blue=Duke Blue devils color=code=to guy who wants to date me; beside picture of 3blue figures=title=CHARGED WITH MEANING?[PA4.][easy for a person with a learning/reading handicap to understand];

Article under the 3 Blue figures=Apartment Fire leaves 22 HOMELESS;
CODE=to guy who wants to date me=article about "CHARGED WITH
MEANING?[PA4.][by Scott SEXton=have sex with and person
apartment who guy stays with will burn down; including others
will be homeless; AND there are THREE people in the picture;
The hose is ROYAL BLUE; the workers have on WHITE hats=code=?
The above communication of a coded threat=system used to intimidate/threaten African American males that want an African American female mate who is NOT a prositute working for males of the larger society instead of the African American female prostitutes that work for white males;
The article is about electric cars being CHARGED; but if a person can't read the word CHARGED could be thought of like in a bad sense.
Posted: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 11:00 pm | Updated: 11:06 pm, Wed Jan 2, 2013.
The title of the article on the internet="22 residents displaced by early morning apartment fire" and the Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy title is "Apartment fire leaves 22 homeless"; Same article=TWO different titles=?[Person with a learning disability would have a hard time with the word "displaced"; not to mention that the title on the internet would not be intimidating or threatening - to a person with a learning disability].
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