Black Business Ink did story on John Mendez and mental health; blogged about the intimidation about 7 to 8 years ago, when I had gone to him to ask for help; community meeting=about three to four people at a table;
while Mandez and self observed; Two of the people at the desk had names associated with Mendez and a relatives name [who had been abused by society] were the communication that if the quest for relief/abuse to stop continued=would lead to mental issues[shortly afterwards there was very little PUBLIC activity from Mendez. Would hear people talking about some of the programs at church where Mendez is a pastor; one was program that African American male that attended; the program communicated to the African American male information about the unification of African American males with the M-sl-m Broth-rhood; told the African American male=nothing but another set up=to position African American males as enemies to the United States to allow males of the larger society to target them as not upholding the laws of the United States; don't know if he listened or not;

Read the artitcle by Black Bussiness Ink[small African American magazine][total of 19 pages]; magazine was placed at the entrance of the Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech Building; Picture of Mendez on the cover shows that he is stressed; based upon the appearance of his skin [they have done or doing something to him
that is attacking his health [Have Mercy if he is going to the males of the larger society doctor]=because picture of him and his family=at some point and time-one of his family members are going to want to leave the fold=when that happens; Mendez will be used like a napkin-any which way males of the larger society doctors want to take Mendez because one of his family members won't obey males of the larger society; thinking they have freedom;
Verification=RYAN WOOD life was used to communicate to people in Clemmons, N. C. that their system of secret operation of intimidation and harassment of Ryan[CHRIS] would NOT take place= through the use of medicine;[http://myfox8.com/2013/01/10/ailing-student-ryan-wood-at-center-of-social-movement-passes-away/]
"Ailing student Ryan Wood, at center of social movement, passes away"
Ryan [part of name of relative [Chris]] Wood[code for "would"]= Ryan Would is dead=it WILLNOT take place[Clemmons, N. C.-where a lot of the people lived that harassed family member during early70's to the late 90's]; Ryan Wood was told in the summer of 2012 that he his cancer was doing better; then told that it was not doing better=?;
Notice the word "SOCIAL"=code=identity[normal or immoral]; they were trying to design a system that would punish relatives of person who don't cooperate with them by forcing the real RYAN[CHRIS]-African American male to carry on the heritage/wealth into something negative; Something did not go like they thought it would go; so they had to kill Ryan Wood[Would] to communicate; that the "social" Ryan Wood movement=will not be; [like "SOCIALpeacenowst";
When Mendez's family member[s]; and most usually do=everybody wants to do better[they think]; but for African Americans there is no better; only worse and most African Americans and white folk don't know that;
There was Chris Christie [governor of New Jersey]Chris Christie name has TWO Chris's;
TWO CHRIS's radio program=Rock 92am radio [African American female sidekick=?]
[Google-Chris Christie and page comes up with all males of the larger society=? http://nj.gov/governor/]

The title of the Article is "Rev. John Mendez: At the Intersection of "SOCIAL" Justice and Faith" by JeANNA D. RUTledge. Code=ANNA[blogged about the name] RUT=put/keep person in a rut; ledge=person on a ledge;
A hartbreaking conversation with three troubled young men turned a mainister's attention to MENTAL health, inspiring him to become an ADVOCATE in the field and create services[financed by local social agencies] that work to heal[social agencies do not seek to heal=mean one less person needing their service] and empower[social agencies do not seek to empower=mean one less person needing their service and a person who would have power over them and not need their service] hurting[truth] individuals and families.[p8];
He also became a board member of the Darryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice,[thought it was called the Innocence Project], providing mentoring and counseling [technically how to be a slave and like it as well as bow to the male of the larger society and their systems [of coarse with dignity] to former inmates as
part of the orgaanization's ex-offender re-entry[REST MY CASE = RE-ENTRY program=code=at the beginning= mindset=KNOW that you will RE-ENTER]program and inmate conditions [system of males of the larger society][p.8];
The Program was created to serve as an additional resources in the local MENTAL health arena, providing counseling and a source of advocacy for those in the broader COMMUUNITY who suffer from
MENTAL health challenges and trauma. Services are available to address the gamut of MENTAL health topics, including but not limited to anger management, chemeical dependency, depression, grief and loss adjustment; [that is when person's relatives are being killed [as one person put it- "All of a sudden our family members just start dying for no reason], problematic attachment patterns[person has to be retrained to attack their family instead of supporting them and being attached to them and have to stop wanting to be around them if they want to stop their MENTAL problem and have good MENTAL health, and sexual abuse.
From the psychoanalytic approach, early child hood experiences can influence behavior. Deprivation and a lack of positive feedback from caretakers during early development can have a negative impact on how individuals relate to others as adolescents and later as adults, and can lead to self-destructive behavior, Mendez says. The experience of oppression can also have anegative impact on the psyche, he says. MindSight helps individuals to become self-aware, empowering them to work through inner issues [figure out how to attack family members while communicating[I'm doing this because I love you] and transform their lives[once African American person understands that in order to stop from being abused themselves [which causes the Mental problems] by others, they have to abuse their own family members and LIFE will be NEW again [means males of the larger society and those working for males of the large society will stop attacking person psychologically.[p.8,9];
Mendez says that there's a history of mistsrust in the African American community concerning MENTAL health treatment, and the mdicial establishment in general, which serves as a BARRIER to seeking help. Not to mention, he adds, some may be unaware of any problems [don't know the problem is that they are suupose to be slave to males of the larger society or attack their family members for males of the larger society or in denial [even if they have reconized; they still have mindset that this is the United States of America and things will change]; "As a pastor, I deal with people all the time and I SEE what they struggle with" Mendez says.[p.9];
In the coming year, Mendez will celebrate his 30 year-anniversary as pastor of Emmanuel. He's led the congregation in establishing a number of ministries, and supporting local, national, and international causes-drawing faith and "SOCIAL" justice together as one [means African American "SOCIAL" life is to be confined to the "church" only. His journey with Emmanuel began when he took the helm in December, thrity years ago after leaving Pleasant Grove Baptist Chruch. He says the honeymoon period was short-lived as he "walked into a storm." Seven months after stepping into the pulpit, Mendez found himself involved in a local uproar over the Darryl Hunt case [was used to wake Mendez up to the males of the larger society's truth -that all AFrican American men serve males of the larger society first].
Mendez worked with the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches, including the apartheid stuggles in South African and the wars of El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala.
Mendez felt he wanted and needed to make a difference. He began in Harlem and the South Bronx working to help free individuals from drugs, pims and poli-e brutality. As part of a group of young people and with the aid of a teacher, he wrote letters tot hemayor and poli-e dept. concerning injustices ][wrong thing for an African American [especially male]to do] he witnessed around him-particularly involving corrupition within the poli-e dept.
"The weren't going after the drug dealers" [correct-because they were already making money off of them for them] he reflects, "they were coming after me for exposing them[correct, meant that they couldn't make money off of Mendez, and Mendez was interferring with their money making operation].
Exposure to ministers who appleid the teachings of their faith to "SOCIAL"-justice efforts greately influenced Mendez. In addition toShuttleswork and Maxwell, other influencers included the reverends Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Gardner C. Taylor[?] and Adam Clayton Powell, to name a few. "Activism as a part of ministry was all I knew." Mendez says. [p.9];
Menzez has served on serveral international fact-finding commissions, including investigations on war crimes in other countries. He also served with other religious leaders on a special PEACE commission to another country.[p10];
"We had a lot of criticism and lot of political leaders and churches and preachers[locally -that is when first met Mendez] thought I wasn't doing ministry, that I was causing trouble[he wasn't COOPERATING with the local abuse of people in community like the other so called leaders]. He also thankful for his wife, the former,Sarah Lee Howard, and adult children Sekou and Jamila, who were always supportive.[p9];
One of the proudest moments at theEmmauel was participating in the national program Strategic Approaches to Community SAFETY Initiative, also known as SACSI, which brought together local law enforcement, clergy and membersof the community to reduce weapon violence.[p.10];
The church, in COLLABORATION with the CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, also is in the PLANNING STAGES to build senior housing and basic facilities in east Winston-Salem.[p.10];
Second confirmation of the Churches, local law enforcement COLLABORATE; In the Dan Rathers Report [8/21/112], Dan rathers stated on television channel 131=that the authorities and the churches worked together [COLLOBORATED] to STEAL CHILDREN FROM FEMALES; Black Business ink stated in article "Rev John Mendez: At the Intersection[white society and black society]of "SOCIAL" [white society and black society have two different social systems;[Laura Ingram stated on 1-10-13 that "there is a type of under culture of death in America [starting from birth]; Individuals who are predisposed to certain environments over time will be more prone to volent behavior[Churches, local law enforcement COLLABORATION is to ensure that conditions remain in African American community in order that
certain environments are maintained over time that will assist and help African Americans to be more
prone to volent behavior[therefore more in need of services];
The question becomes WHAT are Churches, local law enforcement COLLABORATING to do locally concerning "SOCIAL" justice through MENTAL health programs? in 2013 or next year, etc.
Laura Ingram stated that "People Need to STOP participating [in systems][watching television,etc.]
Which has been the twenty-five plus years of documentation of situations where most white people don't even thing about; like having a job, just being able to walk down the street, ride the bus, etc., without harassment.
Pictures of WHAT Churches, local law enforcement COLLABORATING to do locally to?=
Picture of the Mendez family[minus the WIFE-the former Sarah Lee HOWARD] which is posted on page 10 beside picture douthit furneral limosene[sp];
Female writing the history of African Americans=what they are trying to steal; WILLIE/Peace=code:
Information that had typed was taken off of blog by BASTARDS:had posted article where it stated that HEATHER fearnbach was not the one to be CHRONICLING AFRICAN AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOODS in Winston-Salem, N. C. ; not when there are hundreds of African American males and females that have B. a. and B.S. degrees who are threaten with death or confinement if they write the truth about the CONDITIONS created by what males of the larger society do that cause the African American communities to be negative:[p.16] of black business ink;
heather fearnbach got the WILLIE parker PEACE history book award from the N. c. Society of Historians, Inc. for writing three reports: one of them-"forsyth county's agricultural [where I been FORCED to work]heritiage"; #2 The bethania FREEDMAN'S [black] community" and #3 a western North Carolina historic store context that she wrote for the N. C. Dept. of TRANSPORTATION[where the bus drivers,etc, intimidate, etc. for years]; along withthe fact that fearnbach is the president of a program at SALEM collage's hisosric PRESEVERATION CERTIFICATE program COORDINATOR[code[PRESERVER of what white people say and do; and illimnator/hider of the truth of the abuse suffered by African Americans who do not serve/slave for males of the larger society;
Willie Parker Peace History Book Award Winners
![]() | Winston & Salem: Tales of Murder, Mystery and Mayhem by Jennifer Bean Bower (Goodreads Author) Willie Parker Peace History Book Award |
The real WILLIE[they are robbing from was raised in the church][he do the work; they keep the credit][check out ANDREW HEIGHTS]=

Long as connected to AFrican American female prostitute serving white males of the larger society=the stress is almost nonexistant[which means he gets to be CENTER of the pictures/team/etc. like below:
[The former Sarah Lee Howard=was the attention getting]
the stress would be almost nonexistant=bet they are in the process of trying to FORCE him to an African American female prostitute [in church of coarse]serving males of the larger society
If John Mendez with ALL his connections and insights COLLABORATES with the other churches, local enforcement and other organizations=people better go and get a whole lot more weapons [talking about white folk; cause most black folk don't have the money;connections to get those kind of weapons; and besides they just about don't allow African Americans in the weapon stores]; Not to mention that they are using African Americans as a guide to what they CAN DO to white folks that they consider to be UNIMPORTANT=think that would HAGEL[nominated for something].
Winston-Salem Journal "opinion page" where Mia Angelou who stated on national televison-The Oprah Show, that she was a prostitute; somebody [Romaine Poindexter in Kernersville] wrote and she hope Maya Angelou was misquoted when she said, "I don't want to see five more Trayvons and five Travettes get killed by poli-e who've been waiting for that chance.",etc. Maya Angelou KNOWS both sides, the right side of the law and the bad, she has participated in both;
Following pictures are of the pages and cover of BLACK BUSINESS INK:

Cover of Black Business Ink; December 2012 issue; Reverend John Mendez on the Cover;

Looks like a thank you for your business ad from[very important[JACK=code[money]; Gretchen, DASHER=code[DASH stadium]; & Buddy [everybody wants a buddy, somebody that's working for them,especially in secret]; picture is of TWO dogs and a male and female of the larger society [TWO=code; and dogs=code=black people who males of the larger society pets] ;
On the same page15=is the article MONEY management the KEY to WEALTH building=code;
The words above the TWINS head[sure by name the parents know how to read the codes] Become PART of the MOVEMENT in making our black-owned BUSINESS THRIVE
[The former Sarah Lee Howard=was the attention getting]
This is a part of ad in Black Business Ink magazine; there are TWO of the SAME ads:one on Page 7 and one on 13;[route13 on WSTA buses is the one that they hired African American female prositute from up state to come and harass,etc..]; Notice the TWINS[KENNEDY][same name of grandduaghter of the African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society that married a relative [baby Kennedy is supposed to be raised to communicate what is happening in system and to person that is being abused] Kennedy is also the name of the African American female prositute working for males of the larger society that graduated from wake forest university who was paid to help Judge [An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.Ignore warning][message that came up when writing the sentence before] have case[employment] transfered from out of mainstream legal realm to the legal realm where African Americans are blocked from access to the moral court system];
Group picture of the family of the TWINS: question is which oneof them knew/KNOWS about the twin that was stolen from me?;
[An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.Ignore warning ] came up a few times while posting;
"Ailing student Ryan Wood, at center of social movement, passes away"
Wood, who was a sophomore and J.V. football player at West Forsyth High School, was diagnosed last spring with Burkitt Lymphoma, an aggressive cancer of the lymphatic system.
Wood’s father told FOX8 that his son was with his family when passed away peacefully at 12:25 a.m.
His father said, “The support and love shown was amazing. I can’t put to words what it meant for us and Ryan. That is an amazing bunch of kids and we appreciate what they’ve done.”
He added his son “was ready — he was saved and knew where he was going.”
School officials made the announcement to students Thursday morning.
“I think we lost a lot but then again we gained a lot,” said Brett Saunders, a friend of Wood’s. “Our community came together and I think that is what God wanted. We were all praying for a miracle, but the miracle was the community coming together.”
Grief counselors have been made available to students at West Forsyth, where classmates and faculty joined in a moment of silence following the announcement of Wood’s passing.
Last week, doctors told Wood his cancer had spread. They estimated he had only a few weeks to live.
Upon hearing the news, Wood’s friends and classmates took his story and their prayers to Twitter with the hashtags “prayforryan” and “pray4ryan.” Close friends like Jake Still said they had been inspired by Wood each day since his diagnosis.
“He is always just a good, kind guy. I’ve never seen him mad,” Still said.
As the movement spread, Wood and his supporters began receiving messages of encouragement from strangers across North Carolina, other states and even other countries.
“I’ve had people tell me like, ‘I have never prayed before but I’m praying for Ryan,’” Still said.
Wood’s courage even grabbed the attention of NBA star and Forsyth County native Chris Paul. The All-Star L.A. Clippers point guard along with the Make-A-Wish Foundation had planned to send Wood and his family to Key West, Fla. in the coming days.
On Tuesday night, West Forsyth met its rival basketball team at Davie County High School where supporters wore green in honor of Wood’s battle.
A public visitation will be held before Wood’s funeral at River Oaks Community Church in Clemmons beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday. The funeral service is set for 2 p.m.
Winston-Salem Journal "opinion page" where Mia Angelou who stated on national televison-The Oprah Show, that she was a prostitute; somebody [Romaine Poindexter in Kernersville] wrote and she hope Maya Angelou was misquoted when she said, "I don't want to see five more Trayvons and five Travettes get killed by poli-e who've been waiting for that chance.",etc. Maya Angelou KNOWS both sides, the right side of the law and the bad, she has participated in both;
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