Thus would appreciate my Fortune without having to serve white males; based upon information/movie Inception=anyone who does not think that the guy in the SANDY Hook Elementary shootings had a good chance of just reacting to mind manipulation=should rethink the possibility;=which includes manipulation of AMP for decades; not to mention other African American males that have wanted to date me;
Tried to check three DVD's out before New Years; was told could not do so by Sharlene;Asked Her[man]bert if could check out third DVD "Anatomy of Love"; said yes, checked DVD out=no problem=confirmation=the Library clerks doing whatever they want to do to a Library patron; not following nobody's rules EXCEPT the ones they make up as they go=KNOWING that they are backed by the head [you know what] [African American female[?]=which leaves African American patrons not KNOWING what the hell they will encounter every day they come to the library=espcially the ones that figured out =an't no where else to go;
When I tried to check out "Anatomy Love"=Sharlene said couldn't check out but TWO DVD's; couldn't allow me to check out three;
Sharlene said I could check out "Revenge" and
Sharlene at Carver Road and Barino at Reynolda Road Library said I could check out Inception But Not "Anatomy Love"
Pictures taken in front of the Nonprofit computer on 2nd floor of then WSFC 5th Street public library; DVD's checked out at Carver School Road Library;
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