Martin Luther King wanted African Americans to have JOBS, not volunteer[give their service away]; KING= Larry KING =commentator said: First people would be guests on Oprah WINfrey show then they would go on Larry KING show=code=KING [white males system]is winning.
QUESTION = Who represents African Americans civil,etc. rights? It most definitely is NOT those who are bastards in the current system of abuse of African Americans through Ethnic intimidation, forced assimilation and cultural transformation.
Tried to check out DVD's ; was told could not because of books out; asked if I turn books back in; can they be put on HOLD=was told NO!. Sylvia Hamlin said you can not check those books back out ever again; thus used two hours to get as much information as possible; then checked out three DVD's was told : 1st that the DVD had already been checked out in my name=told Dominique that was a lie[evidently the people who work at the library[make up whatever they want to concerning certain people[like the DVD that was supposingly missing [Next day air] after I turned it in and Sharlene said that I couldn't check out but two DVD's; and the WSFC library does not and WILL NOT give you anything that states what you turned in=?
2nd that DVD checked out-that it wouldn't open=?was told by Dominique;
Verification of :the African American with Intelligence has to ATTACK in SELF-DEFENSE;SELF-PROTECTION-all those participating in system of abuse. McCR--=yELLOW TRUCK WITH CONNECTION TO p-----=took daddy's place:[------- ------]
Looking for ready anseres to complex types of problems, but TRUTH is not advanced by explanations based on FALSE analogies [why stuck in same place after over twenty-five years-the TRUTH is that
WHITE MALES don't allow African American females not working as prositutes for white males to have/live a normal life];
VERIFICATION: blogged some months ago about the fact that after printing something about a guy [who wants to date me who is a Duke[Blue devil fan]] that paper with the statement about STATE property;

Words amp [been placed inside A& T]=which probably will not print; have tried before=amp=guy who told me for thirty years I was suppose to be his wife;

CODE=A&T over-OUT of STATE LIMIT=?[article beside the picture where the authority figure is holding weapon=is about FRIENDLY=?]
Obama to ‘Put Everything I’ve Got’ Into Gun Control
Why is not protection given to the people who have been abused? and why is the protection being given to the abusers?in the UNITED STATES? They say a pciture is worth a thousand words; not to mention the fact that the radio talk show hosts have inquired as to why small black pick truckand does NOT have any diversity [real African Americans]around him?:

Males of the larger society and African American [ ];
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