Happy NEW YEAR= http://www.forsyth.cc/library/=first only 3[number three=symbolic of number given to relatiave ran to New York City as well as Free Willie Three=?]links on the front of library website=?=FREEgal=?=FREE to any African American living in the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina = to the poverty associated with the first release of slaves after the Civil War=they had nothing and no where to go;=FREEgal=code=for you get not a dam thing [along with the fact that verification and confirmation of system being operated=system analysis=what wanted to be obtaining first degree from WSSU=but was directed towards computer OPERATOR=no thinking[follow instructions only]= not to mention the MONEY factor=Systems Analysis make way more money than computer operators=think blogged about three years ago=that for the work that I have done=would have cost MILLIONS of DOLLARS and now because EVERYTHING has gone up=the work would cost at least TWICE if not THREE times as much=
THANK you= for PAYMENT in CASH [Lena Baker Story-think International CASH,IIC.] so that the FREEgal can LIVE life in the full vs stuggle and poverty created by males of the larger society for African Americans that don't serve males of the larger society=or be slaves to males of the larger society];either way FREE=MONEY to go with FREE=John 10:10;King James Version (KJV);"
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
1-3-13=Thank you for the MONEY- restoration of everything taken RESTORED think the bible says TODAY!=which includes EVERYTHING associated with a life the equivalent of what your white daughters would live;
MOVIE-Inception=technology used to plant a concept/thought into a person[s] mind=seems high tech=science fiction=but so were cell phones when star trek came out in the 80's; but look at how many people are on cell phones=being that the bastards, cut my hair after they blacked me, out after they had set me up and put me in jail[cannot locate the record]= no telling what they tried to do to my body or my mind=
THUS=FREEgal=please inform all your white males in their camoflouge vehicles[white vans][assosciated with the harassment/intimidation/psychological abuse of African Americans not serving white males]=to back off=
Male of the larger society=was not there when walked north on TRADE street to Salvation Army:
Male of the larger society's AT&T truck=intimidation=communication;

Number on back of truck =203;
License plate number of AT&T van;

Van parked on Trade Street=after coming from salvation army to get an apartment=but the system had CRASHED=so could not get an appointment=BRIDGET said system would be up in about TWO hours; System had CRASHED because I walked [white pants and white top] to the Salvation Army versus WAITING for the WSTA city bus to take me=[MEANS I BEAT THEIR SYSTEM]=not allowed=to correct situation=when I got to the Salvation Army=System was down=and white male[with white shirt]was working hard on bringing the system back up=KNOW the system would not be back up until after 8:50 to 9:00 am [time after the WSTA bus would have gone past the Salvation Army];
In the meantime upon walking back up TRADE STREET=message=REMEMBER=AT&T [where relative went to A&T STATE University]=STATE=where relative met LENA[Lena Baker Story] who graduated from Wake Forrest University=??? Thus the above pictures=FREE=what=?????=yea FREE with my MONEY,etc. That also means that I should be looking at the relatives that should be closest to me like CINTAS/and SHAMORA and CHARLIE'S[my daddy's name=?] [African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society]; which include me also having my husband and children alive around me= ALL Subtraction=STOPS=except subtraction of ethnic intimidation/froced assimilation and cultural transformation of/by./from males of the larger society[white males]=[?];
Movie-Inception: Shamora=ALL her sisters on crack=NOT a coincidence=in order to raise Shamora up=males of the larger society threaten Shamora's sisters with killing of their children=IF they don't choose something negative=when they do-all the little boys[AFrican American males] are raised by Shamora=then African American males raised to serve males of the larger society[technically being trained to be what was slavery before Civil War]turn on African American females NOT serving males of the larger society= Being that Shamora's mother is dying; her son Clemson[studying to be a pharmasist[sp]]had a daughter almost one month old=eases the pain of losing a mother[all organized by males of the larger society=because she is working for them]=BEt when Shamora opens her emails=that she gets all kinds of GOOD messages-that it is going to be a good day,etc..
As was posting=white male=walking towards left side=had big white SKULL on shirt=?=intimidation=?working for who=?=Do know that the male of the larger society=working under orders=of who?
When tried to take picture of the picture of the skull head on his computer=he hurried up and changed;
And the intmidation above=?=based on emails sent on 1-1-13=
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