Pictures of the papers signed by Rochell [roach] Taylor[taylor like a taylor that specializes in
creating/designing specially for a person;
Pictures of the papers signed by Rochell [roach] Taylor[taylor like a taylor that specializes in
creating/designing specially for a person;
SWEENY at the Salvation Army[identied self as Social manager for jail[code-SWEENY-name of person where children use to play together[hopefully they don't put SWEENY ;name of person where children use to play together in jail;
BRIDGEtt had gone on break and KEENa was placed at front desk when SWEENY had called me into her office; KEENa=code=KEEN-since don't want to COOPERATE with BRIDGE-give KEEN=attack the person more and let them devleop KEENER mentality concerning the abuse that could be done through African American males working for system [aftern left Salvation Army-ruff looking African American males starting appearing at places usually go;
Jacob[little white boys name][If only way to use computer is that little hispanic boys can't sit to my right bastards-please keep them away from me bastards or cut their dam computer off];Jacob is the new little white boy that is suppose to be used to communicate issues relating to local abuse; he is in a
foster home and is suppose to be representative of white males of the larger society view; his nose was bleeding in church on 1-6-13[last Sunday];

City of Winston-Salem, WSTA buses, local churches and Salvation Army COLLABORATE?; Dan Rather report 8/21/2 = authorities and churches in the United States, Canada and Australlia all COLLABORATED to STEAL children from FEMALES; City of Winston-Salem, WSTA buses, local churches and Salvation Army COLLABORATING to STEAL ? from me?;
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