Before posting=WARNINIG sign=came across blog=?
Saw video "Minority Report" [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181689/]staring Tom Cruise; in the movie=set of TWINs and female by the name of Agatha=? who were left over from an experiment. Movie is about using three people that read other people's throughs that may commit crime, the authority unit is called pre-crime unit.The TWINS and Agatha had gifts so that they could see future murders; they were kept by authority in ISOLATION= so as not to disturb their gifts:=therefore they had no life; in the TWINS and Agatha's case=they were kept in a pool of liquid that feed them, they were not even allowed to eat food.
Interestingly= is the fact that Agatha's mother was named ANNE LIVELY[code for ANNE is alive];
like in the movie I call[Number Five alive][http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091949/]-which is about a robot that is hunted because he does not act like a robot[even though he tries to fit in] and as a result the authorities try to get rid of him because he is different[can think]. In movie MINORITY Report= Anne LIVELY is already dead and somebody murdered her; and Agatha helps John Anderton in solving who murdered Anne Lively who is Agathas mother.
Evidently the TWIN they stole have gifts: I wrote Spike Lee who made a movie with [Steven] Spilburg=based upon my observation of the movie=somebody did some home work and checked into some things: like lot of the names of characters are associated with people who were connected to some of the negative things that occured connected to name of Alan [when general Patriaous was in news because of girlfriend paula] and everybody kept asking what do, Alan and other characters have to do with the situation=their names came up as code to lot of people secretly participating in secret system of communication using indiviual names.99.98% of people with long term full time jobs=usually [may be a few exceptions=part of secret system]=easy to identify=why they keep their jobs=because they are part of secret system.
How they use the three people=called Pre-Cogs[for pre-cognition]=[force them into isolation so gifts can be used]is how they use me= and am tired=leaves the person with no life! In the movie=they said that they TWINS and Agatha had been transferred to an undisclosed location=where they could find RELIEF for their gifts=? lie=isolation [separated from family/family support is NOT RELIEF bastards]; And ANNE LIVELY is NOT dead. In movie, "Minority Reoport" scene=where authority [John] is talking and says, "Anne Lively's PRE-crime provision is not here; Anne Lively PRE-CRIME vision is missing."[code for Anne does not and has not done anything that hints of doing something that would be considered to be criminal by society; thus kind of hard to charge Anne with a crime]; [along with code for we don't know what Anne is thinking]. Also code that confirms the fact that they have been doing things to make local Anne do something to put local Anne in the criminal category.
In-terestingly part of the scene=where Tom Cruise character[John Anderton] stood with a black hoodie on talking to Omar, telling Omar that everybody knew he had killed Anne Lively; and when John Anderton pulled the hoodie off=his head was bald [like Travis Martin who was shot for no reason/or being black]=?[Minority Report=code that it is okay to kill African American males with hoodies][like a reverse code=?]
For example; this morning on 600 WSJS radio=
On 12/21/12 on 94.5 fm the Carmen and KC show= "people who accept gov. handouts are slaves to gov.=because they have to do what gov. says=[meaning if gov. tells people that they have to kill somebody for the person to eat,live=that is probably what most people do].
On 12/20/12 , 88fm radio=Diane Rheem show= guest Pete Early, Fairfax, Va.=talking about the issues his son faced and how he had dealt with them=publically stated="I lied, VIOLATED my oath and BULLIED people to keep my son in the hospital for treatment(by-polar). A confession on national radio of being in violation of an oath[how comfortable some people] because it is standard operation procedure, males of the larger society can do anything and not suffer the consequences=even in giving a national confession to violating a professional ethical oath.
Verification of the fact that mass killings are the result of policies that create situations that put people in ISOLATION: [guest Dr. Tory[sp]-The legislature, gov. leaders have to ultimately be held accountable for the bad societal contidions." [like mental illness].
Think one of guest on the Diane Rheem show said that "It is a "Social Strategy" Question is for who=?; for African Americans the only Social Strategy allowed is if it is Negative-which has been a problem=because I keep looking for a Social Strategy that is good for African Americans which have discovered a Social Strategy that develops good in an African American communicty is not allowed to exist or be alive and no social stategy is allowed in white society for African Americans unless it is to serve males of the larger society.[Example=the current re-elelcted? person of color of the administration of the United States=who was TRAINED by males of the larger society to serve males of the larger society] versus an African American who would have served the males of the larger society; BUT would have tried to serve his own kind [AFrican Americans]as well. Thus the foundation of the Social Strategy of the United States is that Afrcian Americans are not to be served; it can look like they are being serving [like the the current re-elelcted? person of color of the administration of the United States]; but in actuality, the foundation is that African Americans can only be put in a position to serve males of the larger society= what most definitions in dictionaries=would call forced servitude/slavery=which is illegal.
When/while one system is discovered and revealed that is abusive [and society cries about it] a new system is in the process of being developed to replace the old system of abuse; the new plans of the various systems operating at the same time is to control the masses of the people who are not working for males of the larger society or working in secret with males of the larger society=which all is a form of slavery if person can not be a law abiding citizen without being punished for working in secret with a group. Just like they create systems to rob African Americans of their good wealth, health, relationships; they create systems to put and force people into mental illness category,etc..=to create a need in order that and to keep certain people working.
Response by authority for not sitting in seat near male of the larger society when going to medical office on 12/19/12; African American male that knew and associated with the group that knew my brother who was murdered was assigned to route for today=rising=quarter till bus, route 1 = Intimidtion: He KNOWS his job is to intimidate=concerning the murder of my brother:
which lines up with national authority having homeland exercise today at "UNION cross" in Kernersville, NOrth Carolina=which is where Greyhound bus driver put me and person with me off of the bus=where lot of males of larger society showed= code=national authority [exercise]=UNITING [Union Cross]with those associate with 3-k's[Kernersville].
One of the guest on the Diane Rheem show said=that turning the mental health systems into systems that operate through the correctional system=makes authority the first line worker of and for those who have been put in category of mentally ill. Even if person has not done something tangible, it makes it harder to/for authority to charge them.[same concept in movie "MINORITY Report", where in scene, it was question "how can a person be charged if they have not committed a crime?"; the other person said, "Because they were going to do it."=that is the system that is being used on African Americans=Pre-crime=if they are in the position of abuse,etc. and that is what most people do=that is what they will probably do=so a lot of African Americans get charged on what they would do.] On the other hand people of the larger society can express themselves till the cows come home; they can even do what the guest on the Diane Rheemn show did-make a confession about the violation of an ethical oath and there are no consequences; however if an African American does the same thing=no question about the punishment.
Thus the unification[UNION Cross][cross may be church]= homeland exercise today at "UNION cross" in Kernersville=National Unitification of churches with the 3-k's through authority [homeland]. Person [farm]work=German name=homeland Ave.=working with males of larger society to hinder/?African Americans of wealth=new designed type hothouse[costing thousands]=near future=possible code=help rob African American female of wealth=United=backup from authority in ethnic indimidation/abuse=REWARD=no interference in taking farm business to next level=Verification=Switzer=working with authority=came to farm in authority vehicle=probably=getting grant to keep African American female [wealthy] working=in order to develop system to rob=new structure=be designed to allow air in or close the sides to keep fresh air out=could be used in type/form of experiment by authority.
Diane Rheemn show guest stated=that ISOLATION is not good=leads to mental problems=such Blocked relationship by authority with African American males of the larger society[movie clip=scene that stated=we are trying to get her to do something wrong]; child stolen, mother, father, brothers killed/murdered, then mental control of sibling through medicine[punished if assocation]=which leads to a new level of isolation=local library staff that have gotten along with was informed=do not give rides, etc.=which means if the local library branch was told that then same message=?[negative] has been sent throughout the city. Negative message=If African American [female/male] not being person authority say they are=then they are in violation of males of the larger society secret code; therefore punishment is no association from those who work for males of the larger society, while using techniques to block relationships from person in order to keep in ISOLATION!=mental problems=like with Adam Lenza[interestingly the people at the 800 prayer line [KCM] switched from having my family members names[almost every time] to have the name of ADAM praying for me=?
Diane Rheemn show on 12/20/12 at 11:00 am 88 fm radio was by an author? who wrote about Charlie Brown [name of African American male put with the guy who wants to date me] and a GERMAN male by the name of Frans Stigler[sp]=where the TWO men met in the sky [Stigler let Brown go]; "they developed friend ships that would last till death [quote]." Sure that it is a coincidence that person by the name of Charlie Brown is being discussed on national radio has the same name as the person who happens to have been put with guy who wants to date me.
Lot of the policies are created through systems/policies designed by authority [lot of social books=call them oversights]=the systemt that is designed has holes in the system; thus an intelligent person would not fit into their system=causes person to be frustrated=frustation needs relief=denies person right to recognized as a human being; in order to be recognized as a human being [they force people to recognize them through doing something that attracts attention; society usually ignores the good and gravitate to the violent [which is really encouraged my authority=keeps them in a job]; and what has been the current issue for the two administrions of the United States=JOBS.
Van parked at church across from Forsyth Tech/CSR and CSR branch library=on Pearl Harbor day=air conditioning/heating company=same day Forsyth Tech was filled with males of the larger society taking tests when the CSR branch library was closed =just about NO African Americans in area [church was closed].
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