Saturday, December 15, 2012



Am posting=concerning possible mindsets of why people commit crimes,kill, etc..[some doso because of mind manipulation]WJA? or Adam Lanza?[or any of the other millions of people who were sent to the earth with some type of disability=sin to use them for criminal activity=to make/keep illegal/immoral systems in operation=so what is the reason for people who commit crime that are suppose to have more intelligence and ability to reason?

  Criminal Behavior A Psychosocial Approach by CURT R. BARtol[bar was name of nephews mentor who has a learning disability]Castlon State College; 4th Edition; Printice Hall, Englewood Cliff, N. J.  07632; 19995

Inside message from author CURT[name of brother murdered] Bartol

"TO; ANNE, a colleague in all things that [MAT]ter.

Coincidental that the book is dedicated to ANNE from CURT or/and that the message is assocaited with "all things that [MAT]ter=Mat is the name of the guy in the movie "The Chronicle" where the guy who played Andrew was killed=Mat in the movie was symbolic of the term MATTERS= Mat was code for Matters.


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