Wednesday, December 5, 2012



On 12/4/12

Not only is one of the owners of NSB Lanes an authority person[retired?]; but the Woodland Baptish Church is also part owner [hearsay];
[Cortera's=name similar to name used in movie SAMatha (An American Girl Holiday) where one of the characters [little girls name is BRIDGET][name of African American female prostitute who males of the larger society stole twin=in order the husband would chose Bridget];

Picture kindof fuzzy=but the MURD[ER]ANS who KNOW they [their name] is being used to communicate to local authrities the desires of the leadership of the church;

Don't know her name; she had told me a dozen times[but she is used as form of communciation to EK GIV-NS] to communicate how EK GIVENS is doing in the situation=if things go good for EK GIVENS=meaning that the avenue to harass, intimidate, etc. me is good=then the person in the picture comes into the church more sane that usual; if things go bad [then she comes to church half high on medication [think given to person in charge of group home gives the medicine][based upon what the person in the picture told the church=her family turned their back on her; said when she calls[even begged them to come and see her; they won't; says it depresses her and she does not understand why the family she grew up with turned their back on her][Answer=ethnic intimidation=money to somebody in family who manipulates how she is treated based on communication from outside sources because she does not understand that in order to have some form of peace=she has to work for males of the larger society];that is one of the situations that is the saddest in the church [she doesn't know;some members know; others don't];
She is the perfect example of what happens to African American females who do not work for males of the larger society; they become commodities for system to make money off of [provide jobs to people of the larger society by them diagnosising with constant problems=causing them to take medication they don't need; but ensures that some company/people will make money];

New Kids on the Block;everybody gave their years of marriage=after EK Givens announced her 50 years of marriage[whose husband NEVER comes to church]; EVEN and BUDDY Ruck-er; Both KNOW names are used to communicate to and by  local authorities=the situation is even or there person in question that is being harassed = buddy=to CRCC;[thier marriage=think they said 39 years];

Sad when a parent uses the child in their illmoral behavior Victor[i]y=used to communicate to local authrities agreement with VICTORY=? Picture alson on FRIENDS and Family Bulleting board at CRCC to communicate to local authorities who is to be BLESSED[?] as result of CRCC turning back on anyone by helping to abuse, intimidate, rob, etc,  local vistor or member

Harassment=asked Williams the director=to put money on card=machine has "OUT OF ORDER" sign[ensures CONTROL by Sam through African American female [do I have to put it]= why they have the JOBS]; Williams asked for card number 7 to 9 times; then said=okay it is ready=when tried to print=form said=no money on card=had to go back and SECOND time=without giving card number=? Williams the director of CSR branch library said=go ahead it should be ready=A library patron should not have to participate in Williams the director of CSR branch library witchcraft= it is a violation of freedom of religion because it forces a person to participate in a Williams the director of CSR branch library witchcraft religion[UNLESS Williams the director is that mentally challenged]?

The machine has been OUT of ORDER for almost three to four months=?ENSURES MONEY not processed through SAM= not in SAM's[males of the larger society system];

Verification that machine in located in CSR branch library beside the machine that used by people who are or have been identified as handicapped;

Just recieved an email Child Alert=thus=God please let every bastard that is participating that sent email=alert be directed towards their child; while Blessing them=


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