Friday, November 30, 2012


Road the route 1 Winston-Salem Transit Authority city bus to down town=Indian male from India=was driver;
Walked to 5th Street public library=Marshall and 5th=convention center/hotel=authority vehicle=turned left;
completed walk to corner store=requested prayer=African American female on other end of line=probably an African American female prostitute=told me to find a local church=told her=how=all churches are participating with athority=Dan Rathers report=confirmed authority and churches worked together/developed a system to steal children from females at birth=and that the same system is being operated locally stealing African Americans females husbands, jobs, etc.

Movie "The Chronicle=[]     Andrew mothers dies= in the movie;
 Recently Willie James Andrews  mother Died between 8 of 2012 and November of 2012] also= kind of coincidental; shortly after Andrew died in the movie, the Chronicle= Willie James Andrews as of 11/29/12 had someone to check his blood sugar because of lack of food=? Donot know Willie James Andrews mother name or address; obituaries was probably in local Winston-Salem Journal paper; do not have access;

Dan Rathers report Adopted/Abducted on 8/21/12 stated that his investigation found that the authorities and the churches were working a system together to take children from females at birth; Have personally had child taken at birth and local churches;etc. do not respond to help; Willie James Andrews met me in 2003 while working and wanted to date me; after that the harassment that have expericenced has been directed to him to remove his interest in dating me; They killed his mother[through medicine]; and he has health issues.Anything less than good health=or off the earth before his time[and he is fairly young] is the result of organized medical abuse/torture.

Concerned  person

Sent email to:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
General Inquiries:Telephone: +41 22 917 9220
List of contacts

Civil Society Section
Telephone: +41 22 917 9656
Mail: Civil Society Section
Civil Society Section

Telephone: +41 22 917 9656
Mail: Telephone: +41 22 917 9656

National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms SectionGianni Magazzeni,
Coordinator, National Institutions Unit


Thursday, November 29, 2012



Full Copy of the Poster  of "ME" put on wall in 2008

It would really be nice to be paid for the bastards using my ideas=

Thus let them that stole from Socialpeacest steal no more;

And for those who do=let death sieze upon them for wickedness is in and among them but as for Socialpeacest the Supreme Most High God will save Socialpeacest everytime.


Rightous Kill


Saw movie-Rightous Kill=[]

Confirmation of system of killing of African American  males in secret along with the fact that African American males are marrying AFrican American females prostitutes [secret system operated by males of the larger society versus African American female prostitutes being on the local African American streets which are frowned upon and alert society to the fact that something is being done so that something is so wrong that the African American females have to walk the street:

Scene=to me =all code:

Authority in movie=secretly kills people don't like;

Looking for SAM the butcher=?;
Spiders Club?

White female attorney[white female live on street with African American male that have cameras in socialpeacest house] states" Guess I'm not your average/usual informant=I guess they would usually be some poor kid[grandson of retired authority  next door], African American junkie or prostitute=African American female prostitutues that are forced on African American males;
Authority's response=Corporate lawyers are smarter than African American junkies=usually they think they are;
White female attorney was using drugs  and Jessica[name of  a relative] was forced to work for males of the larger society authority as informant [guess it is not just African American females] to set up an African American male;

In the movie David Fisk confessed to killing 14 people that he thought were not good people[usually African American males];

Next big scene= statement by two males of the larger society to African American male=It's going to be easy=just be a sardine for us, all you got to do is be bait=that is all=you help us and we got you COVERED-[usually all black male allowed to have in black community] then your club doesn't  get hassled and you don't get hassled; we have you covered and you don't go through the revolving doors in and out of jail=we got a deal=?=What EVERY African American lives; before they leave their mothers womb; no excpetions[work for males of the larger society or it is in and out of jail]

Scene=professional did say=don't worry all authority involved will be caught=they want to be caught=WHY? -so that EVERYBODY can know how smart they are that they got away with so many of the killings without being caught;  and that authority is bubbling with hostility and  frustation and  testosterone ready to errupt at any moment;
One authority doing the killing stated= Think of authority that kill in secret as the relief valve and one flick of the  trigger the pressure goes down;

A picture is worth a thousand words=guy who wanted to date me surrounded {TOTALLY} by males of the larger society=kind of intimidating on 11/28/12


Professor of Howard University=Everything is for sale=? mention organs, spaces on body, fire hydran[colored red on top and blue in f ront on street where Socialpeacest live][harassment]; problem is and will be coersion and curruption;
Prostitution =not right=usually caused by economic pressure [WHO is out of work when the economy takes a down turn=African American females and males=good way to increase illegal and immoral activity]=?



Think and Grow Rich [SEX]


ON way to CSR branch library=while waiting for WSTA city bus=male of the larger society=in emergency vehicle with sirens turned right=white; then male of the larger society=white vehicle[official authority][kept straight=? AND then male of the larger society in white vehicle with lot of red [sirens]turned left off of Carver School Road=matters in the spiritual realm=lot of activity by males of the larger society at one street corner=? coincidentally at same time=?

Indian[from India] driving bus of hispanic=neither not good=there was no ad on the side of the bus=all white=death= got off WSTA bus;

Located book when going through some belongings that may explain WHY males of the larger society work overtime to control the sex life of individuals=the name of the book is THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleaon Hill that has a chapter on "THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATION"

Some of it is as follows:

     The meaning of the word "transmute" is, in simple language, "the changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into antoher."

The emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind.
Because of the ignorance on the subject, this state of mind is generally associated with the physical, and because of improper influences, to which most people have been subjected in acquiring knowledge of sex, things essentially physical have highly biased the mind.

The emotion of sex has back of it the possiblility of three constructive potentialities.  They are:

1.  The perpetuation of mankind.[all that is allowed the African American female]
2. The maintenance of health[as a therapeutic agency, it has no equal]=[Why they run African American males away from Socialpeacest][means healing][males of the larger society would not be able to make money off of some form of ill health];
3. The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation.

Sex transutation is simple and easily explained.  It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expressionk, to thoughts of some other nature.

Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires.  When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persisitence, and creative abililty unknown to them at other times.  So strong and impelling is the desire for secual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputtation to indulge it.  When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keeness of imagination, courage, etc. which may be used as powerful creqtive forces in literature, art or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches. ["DESIRE" was the name of the singing group in the movie
-what hipped me to the fact that they were talking about sex in the code=was T-bone[boning is suppose to be representative of having sex];

The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort.  The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=1c0c1963aa455624&bpcl=38897761&biw=821&bih=411



Local? television station just started a NEW tlevision station called ME=verification of them going into place Socialpeacest lives or just coincidental=have poster on wall with word Me and picture of MONEY that is placed under the words "PROBLEM SOLVED"; after putting on wall; shortly after= saw on bill board when riding with relative out of town; haven't seen since; however the term ME is now a new television station=?Anything done by African American is robbed and put in males of the larger society society; African Americans not allowed to have or progress in any manner;[movie -Rivival ?]=movie is about  abuse that African Americans are and do suffer; one lady said=African Americans must be up under some kind or type of curse=said all she wanted and she was over 79=was to at least have one happy day=that is some sad sh-t=; then apologized for saying something about the suffering="May God allow those who cause the pain and suffering to KNOW what it feels like; not for bad; but for good=so they will KNOW and make better decisions to help stop hurt; instead of create it!

Date at the bottom of statement ME is 11/108= which has been on wall at least 4 years:

Then ALL of a Sudden there is a NEW television station ME=?


Car that was parked in front of NURSES house that used to communicate to the local people on the street about the twin and what they are transferring from Socialpeacest what would have gone to Socialpeacest if Socialpeacest had the twin,etc..

Car was parked quite a bit during right before Bostons tore down house across from NURSE=?

Duke Blue Devils/LOVE


Picture of guy who wants to date me in DUKE BLUE devil outfit taken 11/28/12

Picture of the female of the larger society=in PINK who was waiting for me at one of the entrance to the bowling ALLEY; she and the male of the larger society=walked slowly, waited =waiting for me to walk behind female of the larger society=she had the word LOVE on the front of her shirt; that was the best picture that I could take=as you notice her hands are trying to cover the word LOVE ; took me about 30 minutes to get the picture[because she kept covering the front of her shirt up-she knew I was trying to take a picture of it; was bowling beside the guy who wants to date me;

LOVE/SEX was issue with case where female was supposingly raped by bunch of  DUKE lacrosse[sp] players; female was later found to be lying=could she have been working for males of the larger society; KNOW case was used to communicate about the guy in DUKE BLUE DEVIL outfit.


Victor and vanquished: Obama has Romney to lunch


Victor and vanquished: Obama has Romney to lunch

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney arrives at the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, for his luncheon with President Barack Obama.
Person [Mitt Romney]who organized the 2012 Olympics[Oscar Pistorius Makes Olympics History][communication of special olympic person racing]

NOTICE name of VICTOR=who?=could it be the one at Carver Road Christian Church=who is suppose to be marrying the African American female prostitute=? kind of coincidental that the name of VICTOR would be so obvious=?=does that mean VICTOR is being paid=going to be paid to practice ethnic intimidation/forced assimilation; cultural transformation=against Socialpeacest?


STEELERS Football 2012


Pictures taken about a week ago of males of the larger society that appear at
Carver Road Branch Library as harassment because of guy [DUKE fan]who wanted to date me=harassment=One male of the larger society=in DUKE jacket=suppose to sit beside, follow=anything to communicate desire males of larger society in control=female of the larger society=also participating;

Whenever did not sit beside or walk behind males of the larger society to communicate that males of the larger society are God=then male of the larger society in STEELERS uniform=appear=to communicate=then males of the larger society=are stealers=! and can't date guy who is a DUKE's fan!

The three people of the larger society have been the only ones in/at the Carver Road Branch library when on the computer.; there were the three sitting there before female sat down;


DUKE basketball


Pictures taken about a week ago of males of the larger society that appear at
Carver Road Branch Library as harassment because of guy [DUKE fan]who wanted to date me=harassment=One male of the larger society=in DUKE jacket=suppose to sit beside, follow=anything to communicate desire males of larger society in control=female of the larger society=also participating;

Whenever did not sit beside or walk behind males of the larger society to communicate that males of the larger society are God=then male of the larger society in STEELERS uniform=appear=to communicate=then males of the larger society=are stealers=! and can't date guy who is a DUKE's fan!

The three people of the larger society have been the only ones in/at the Carver Road Branch library when on the computer.



Pictures taken about a week ago of males of the larger society that appear at
Carver Road Branch Library as harassment because of guy [DUKE fan]who wanted to date me=harassment=One male of the larger society=in DUKE jacket=suppose to sit beside, follow=anything to communicate desire males of larger society in control=female of the larger society=also participating;

Whenever did not sit beside or walk behind males of the larger society to communicate that males of the larger society are God=then male of the larger society in STEELERS uniform=appear=to communicate=then males of the larger society=are stealers=! and can't date guy who is a DUKE's fan!

The three people of the larger society have been the only ones in/at the Carver Road Branch library when on the computer.




Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Paulette Moore


Paulette Moore is the correct name=151 Westdale Avenue; Apt F= Winston-Salem, N.
C.  =with 24 hour coverage by authority=went to Northside bowling lanes=White female in pink shirt with word LOVE written on it; like on the back of the hispanic female that was put in authority VAN before [twin] that was stolen by members of Sam Club;

Thus= authority in white vehicle with blue and white stripes in parking lot at Northside shopping center to protect the bastards that were part of the stealing of the twin=but will not pursue the bastards that took the twin child=and they wonder why people do things=!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111




UPDATE=email just sent to code=so you put it together that the bastards stole your child and Paula/Paulette connected to GWYNS whose relative live on the street you live on and have the protection and have been working for males of the larger society=who are more that willing to offer you COUNSELING=why?=so nobody working for them gets killed=? bastards have killed off half my family=to try and force me to work for them;

Child Predator Alert =GWYNS and white males in authority they work for=doing what they did to my brother=murder;

employee of WSForsyth County Public library Sharlene at local Carver School Road library said=County commissioners and Winston-Salem Forsyth County library under SAME local gov. agency;;

[]who ssend their special messages=which means that the local Winston-salem Forsyth County Library and County Commissions helped to kidnap the twin child;

Email sent to same day as Black inkpen and RED broken bricks=code=threat [Neighborhood Alert]=African American female
prostitutes=in agreegment to murder;

Bridget KING McCray [one of African American female prostitutes] working for males of the larger society=that participated/has/is participating in kidnapping of twin;

Marque=states LOOK AGAIN= don't worry African American prostitues who are working for males of the larger society authority=crook deal=will take place again=murder and therefore do not worry about consequences of murder and abuse done by African American female prostitutes and males of the larger society authority=

Current Re-elected[?] administration of the United States=head=Chist Christy[storm=generated by same system]=Chris Stephens=intentionally murdered-to communicate-Steven Whiteheart concept of Chris[Socialpeacest nephew] =is not happening=so kill it=killing of Chris Stephens:;

Article says that some witnesses says that Christopher-Stevens[Steven WHITEheart] was alive and breathing when found=killed to communicate=?



GWYN is the name of the NURSE that is connected with the stealing of the twin; who son [ African American male] that drives the black car that is used as code to local[s] to communicate whether to treat me as old lady or as person who has a boyfriend
GWYN is the same MAIDEN name of AFrican American female[do I have to put it in writing?] that Commissioner Walter MARSHALL is

  • Married to Paulette Gwyn Marshall;

    Walter Marshall

    Walter Marshall 3246 Kittering Lane
    Winston-Salem, NC 27105
    Home: (336) 723-0852
    Office: (336) 529-0094
    FAX: (336) 721-1459
    Initially Elected:
    February, 1997
    Term Expires:
    December, 2014

    Philosophy Of  Walter MARSHSALL=think he means his family ONLY;
    Like Hubert Humphrey, I too believe that "the moral test of government is measured by the way it treats those at the Dawn of Life, the children, the Shadows of Life, the poor and needy, and the Twilight of Life, the Aging."

    As a Commissioner, my major focus has always been on using the County's scarce resources to protect the common good of all our citizens in Forsyth County.

    House where G. GWYN lives in where GWYN family tries to intimidate=BLACK car driven by son[?] [African American male] is used as [CODE]=how it is parked; etc. to communicate to people on street how they are to treat me=female with a boyfriend or as an old lady; RED[same color of car of relative [twin] ran out of city by group];
     VW= VANESSA WILLiams=[V][Vanessa];  [W] =Willie;RED car not moving=No sex;
    The African American male that drives the BLACK car=is the same one who called the authorites and told them that I was beating on a plant [catus-did not have gloves and didn't want to be stuck by plant]with a stick=authorities told me= to not put plant back by mailbox;

    Also GWYN1-license plate lives around the corner/in neighborhood where V. Switzer lives=?


    Bishop Otis Lockett


    Article about Bishop Otis Lockett= in the local Pinnacle Newspaper=November 2012=the fact that Bishop Otis Lockett was given the [Feder-l Burea- of Investigatio- 2005 Director's Community Leadership Award]=confirmation of connection between authorities and churches=[hospitals=?]article is about his death= also he had a degree in Sociology=?death=code=?no longer locked=?

    All of the above pictures are to verify information: came from Pinnacle Newspaper-November 2012;

    Sadly=when Bishop Otis Lockett, Sr. left=others within the local and other African American communities also ALL of a Sudden were disignated to leave the face of the earth early[way before their time]= system is set up in African American communitie[s]=if one don't cooperate[be a slave]=then all have to suffer the consequences and are attacked by system[ethnic intimidation, forced assimilation, or CULTURAL transformation];


    African American twins or Sams Club


    Some of pictures were posted last week; but because of not showing when blog is viewed am reposting=

    House where NURSE lives that is used to communicate to local people on street what is happening with twin and what and how they are to treat Socialpeacest as a result of stealing the twin and what belongs to the twin and giving to the African American female prostitute that lives in the house; when African American female who is a prostitute husband is not home=at work[from males of the larger society to get out of house]=males of the larger society goes by and visit African American female who is a prostitute; did tell husband=but he is a drunk and it does not compute or he doesn't care=he has a job;

     House where NURSE lives is used to communicate  what the local authority is taking from Socialpeacest[mother of twin] and giving to the African American female prostitute [nurse] that would have gone to Socialpeacest as a result of having twins;

    [African American twins]=Sams Club was started in same year of twins birth= by males of the larger society[authority][tan uniforms [fully dressed] at local Sam's club on Stratford Road[2006];





    Picture of Carver Road Christian Church =NOTICE the WHITE car=Dit[mother of
    VICTOR] is in white car with African American male with dread locks=code=CRCC is in agreement for dread for African American males or those who are for African American male victory over abuse of males of the larger society; Shortly after=another WHITE vehicle pulled up behind White car Dit and African American male were in=Victor and African American female prostitute=who Victor was rewarded with after acting [holy][like there is one rightous person] were in car;

    What was put on the billboard out front of Carver Road Christian Church after Socialpeacest has NOT gone to all of the church activities[travel] so other places can communicate what they think/want, etc..=God=white males; full custody=come to every activity that chuch has; weekend visitation=sunday church services= full committment=person has no outside life[work only for white males of authority];

    Shouse Temple Church


    Shouse Temple Church=have summer picnic outside on the  left hand side of church= and proudly display connection to males of the larger society authority who come to picnic FULLY dressed;

    Picture of the BROKEN RED brick at length=at end of path of red broken bricks=
    BLACK inkPEN=threat from/ through Shouse Temple Church and local males of the larger society authority;

    Picture of BLACK inkPEN beside BROKEN RED brick in front of Shouse Temple Church-pastor tillman[where males of the larger society authority visit on picnic day at Shouse temple; have asked for help with food, utilities=does not help to communicate to males of the larger society authority church belongs to them;

    Pictures to confirm threat=on same day took pictures of Black ink pen and red
    broken brick=went to both emails [ and] and both emails had emails that could be considered as threats=

    Protect your family:



    RED tootsie roll POP


    Picture of RED tootsie roll POP given to Socialpeacest by V. Switzer [of RED BANK church located on GERMANton road] who is one of the many ministers in Winston-Salem, N. C. that have been rewarded for setting up African American males so that males of the larger society can make money[have a job]; in return the ministers such as Bishop Davis on 14th [Amendment 14] Street and V. Switzer are allowed to earn money without interruption[being put in confinement, etc.] and become millionaires.


    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    Stop the killing/murder bastards


    Picture of the {RED]Tootise Roll POP given to me by V. Switzer in GERMANton=RED is the color of car of relative ran out of city of Winston-Salem and also street name of father that V. Switzer and other local ministers who developed system to set up Socialpeacest father,etc.. May everything done  by local ministers, etc. be done to them and their and those who help them to do it [Dan Rathers report; adopted or
     abducted [*/21/12][confirmation of authority and churches connection/ relationships to rob females of their rights/children]

    Guest on Dianne Rehem Show=[Egy=t]men  don't respect females=so anything developed should be questioned and deemed suspcious=and as robbing the females/minorities of some right=no different in Winston-Salem North Carolina=Connection= local paper [Pinnacle]=page 18; Nov. 2012]=Bishop Otis Locektt, Sr; article "A Champion of Faith" given an award as the Feder-al Bureau of Investiga-on [2005] Director's Community Leadership Award, a prestigious award presented to one person PER state= in
    Winston-Salem=?=person connected =KNOW=murder of brother [1991] and of anything else that may happen in Socialpeacest life=Movie: Diva's Christmas Carol; VANESSA WILLams=scene [T_bone=SEX] sitting outside of EBONY[black] Vanessa WILLams door=code=do not let Vanessa and Will[ie] have SEX

    Code=abuse=Feder-al Bureau of Investiga-on [2005] has had connection with churches for long time=doing African Americans like Indians=
    threat to child of Socialpeacest.

    Please call local universities[associated with social policy/issues and ask interference in the killing of Socialpeacest, twin child/[2] and or other family members, friends, Willie];


    'Womble: 'A burden has been lifted'


    Front page story=heard it on the WSJS radio morning news= Womble[Larry] has been CLEARED of all charges relating to death of Caucasian male[that is big]African American male killed a Caucasian male=even if there was alchohol involved]=WSJS news=stated that the local AUTHORITIES PUSHED for a NEW investigation into the situation=and WALA! ?Womble is not guilty= which is communication to the local African American prositutes working for authorities=do not give up hope [their pims[authorities] still got some power]=RELIEVES a BIG BURDEN off of African American prositiutes working for males of the larger society:

    At first reading the article in the Winston-Salem Journal=thought=above thoughts were a little out of line=maybe Everything was on the up and up; THEN turned the pages and WALA!= Metro page=[code]=Metro in BLUE back ground =article "WOMBLE: 'A burden has been lifted'" by Scott SEXton][did not read the article] page A4[hard copy];[]; Scott SEXton=appears to have his own little section on the internet=? Thus the picture of Womble is of the person that Socialpeacest has gone to for decades asking for help to stop the abuse=no response=why=Socialpeaces was not a member of the African American female prostitute group=; thus being that Womble has been release of charges=message to the African American female prostitutes=they will not have to give up the men that they call a husband [but in reality is a john]or carry the burden that authority will seek them out for their participation in the abuse of their family/relatives or people in their community and that those in authority have it covered so that those in authority the AFrican American female prosititutes are working for [pims] will also not have to worry carrying any type of burden associated with abuse, intimidation, robbing, stealing, etc..

    Which means that a lot of African American female prostitutes can rest easy tonight=but EVERYTHING hid will be uncovered and everything
    [][There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light.]=that scripture=just hope that it is done before as lady on local radio said=if authority is not held accountable=they will try and get away with murder=brother [1991];
    And local church=message in front of Shouse Temple Church=

     Rep. Larry Womble, D- Forsyth
    "Death by vehicle charges dropped against state Rep. Larry Womble"
    Posted: Monday, November 26, 2012 4:12 pm | Updated: 10:26 pm, Mon Nov 26, 2012.

    State Rep. Larry Womble, D-Forsyth, was cleared Monday of the criminal charge stemming from a car crash almost a year ago that seriously injured him and killed another man.David Allen Carmichael, 54, a local waiter and bartender, was killed in the Dec. 2 crash.Womble, 71, said he always had confidence that the judicial system would work and that the truth would come out.
    “First of all, I want to give honor and praise to the good Lord and Master,” he said in a brief phone interview. “And second, I continue to pray for the Carmichael family daily as I say my prayers in the evening and night, and hoping that they will find some peace also.”
    Steven M. Arbogast, a prosecutor with the N.C. Attorney General’s Office, filed paperwork in Forsyth District Court Monday, dismissing a charge of misdemeanor death by motor vehicle against Womble.
    “Continuing investigation of the charged offense has developed additional facts and information such that the State does not believe it can prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt,” Arbogast said in a court document to dismiss the case.
    The N.C. Attorney General’s Office had gotten the case at the request of Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O’Neill, who wanted to avoid the appearance of bias because he and Womble had sparred over the controversial Racial Justice Act.
    Carmichael had a son and two grandchildren. Carmichael’s father, C.F. “Hoagy” Carmichael, ran unsuccessfully for Womble’s seat in the 1990s, and the two grew close afterward. Hoagy Carmichael could not be reached Monday.
    Noelle Talley, a spokeswoman for the N.C. Attorney General’s Office, said the Carmichael family was notified in person last week that the charge would be dismissed.
    Womble was charged in May, about five months after the crash. Witnesses had told Winston-Salem police that Womble had veered into Carmichael’s lane on Reynolds Park Road. But subsequent investigation, including an accident reconstruction, showed that Carmichael, who was traveling in the eastbound lane, had crossed into Womble’s path, causing the collision, said David Freedman, Womble’s attorney.
    The impact of the collision caused the cars to spin, resulting in Womble’s car ending up in the eastbound lane and causing witnesses to believe that Womble had crossed the centerline, Freedman said. The accident reconstruction showed that Womble had been in the westbound lane at the time of the collision, he said.
    Talley said Winston-Salem police asked for additional assessment by an outside expert.
    “Based on that assessment and additional evidence that we gathered, it became clear that we no longer had sufficient evidence to prosecute,” Talley said in a statement Monday.
    Winston-Salem Police Chief Scott Cunningham could not be reached for comment on the case.
    Talley said in a later email that the medical examiner’s office provided information showing that Carmichael had bar receipts in his pocket, indicating that he had been drinking in downtown Winston-Salem 20 minutes before the accident and had been traveling from downtown.
    She said Womble’s cellphone records showed that Womble had gotten a call from someone reminding him that he was supposed to attend a banquet. Going to the banquet would have put him on a path toward downtown at the time of the accident, she said.
    Freedman said Womble was going to a banquet at Winston-Salem State University, which is near his house.
    Toxicology reports showed that Womble had no alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. Carmichael’s blood-alcohol level was three times the legal limit.
    Because of his injuries, Womble decided not to run for re-election this year. Evelyn Terry, a former Winston-Salem City Council member, won his seat earlier this month.
    Womble said he is recovering at home and faces a long road ahead of him.
    “A burden has been lifted,” he said. “I can concentrate 100 percent on my recovery.”

    Pictures of Winston-Salem Carver School Road area

    Pictures of verification of harassment in local city of Winston-Salem, Carver School Road/area;

    Shouse Temple[pastor tillman] have begged for help with food,utilities=will not to commuicate to local authority not supporting Socialpeacest=communication=ink pen[black] and RED [BROKEN brick]=?

    Picture of BLACK ink pen beside RED brick=red color of car of relative that lived in Greensboro=intimidated out of Winston-Salem, N. C. to New York;[

    Broken RED brink in front of Shouse Temple[code];

    Message from the down low pastor=because don't go to the evening /eating services and travel with church on sunday to be used as form of communcation the males of the larger society=what the local African American churches want=which usually means not helping me=God is the white males of  authority in the local area; Full commitment means CHURCH all the time=no life=f--k you bastards;

    House of nurse that is use to communicate to locals what they are doing with twin [and what they are suppose to be taking from me concerning the twin and giving to the African American nurse prostitute];

    Where local people put dead bird in pole=supposingly to stop Socialpeacest from going through pole versus walking pass the stop sign=?