Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rightous Kill


Saw movie-Rightous Kill=[]

Confirmation of system of killing of African American  males in secret along with the fact that African American males are marrying AFrican American females prostitutes [secret system operated by males of the larger society versus African American female prostitutes being on the local African American streets which are frowned upon and alert society to the fact that something is being done so that something is so wrong that the African American females have to walk the street:

Scene=to me =all code:

Authority in movie=secretly kills people don't like;

Looking for SAM the butcher=?;
Spiders Club?

White female attorney[white female live on street with African American male that have cameras in socialpeacest house] states" Guess I'm not your average/usual informant=I guess they would usually be some poor kid[grandson of retired authority  next door], African American junkie or prostitute=African American female prostitutues that are forced on African American males;
Authority's response=Corporate lawyers are smarter than African American junkies=usually they think they are;
White female attorney was using drugs  and Jessica[name of  a relative] was forced to work for males of the larger society authority as informant [guess it is not just African American females] to set up an African American male;

In the movie David Fisk confessed to killing 14 people that he thought were not good people[usually African American males];

Next big scene= statement by two males of the larger society to African American male=It's going to be easy=just be a sardine for us, all you got to do is be bait=that is all=you help us and we got you COVERED-[usually all black male allowed to have in black community] then your club doesn't  get hassled and you don't get hassled; we have you covered and you don't go through the revolving doors in and out of jail=we got a deal=?=What EVERY African American lives; before they leave their mothers womb; no excpetions[work for males of the larger society or it is in and out of jail]

Scene=professional did say=don't worry all authority involved will be caught=they want to be caught=WHY? -so that EVERYBODY can know how smart they are that they got away with so many of the killings without being caught;  and that authority is bubbling with hostility and  frustation and  testosterone ready to errupt at any moment;
One authority doing the killing stated= Think of authority that kill in secret as the relief valve and one flick of the  trigger the pressure goes down;

A picture is worth a thousand words=guy who wanted to date me surrounded {TOTALLY} by males of the larger society=kind of intimidating on 11/28/12


Professor of Howard University=Everything is for sale=? mention organs, spaces on body, fire hydran[colored red on top and blue in f ront on street where Socialpeacest live][harassment]; problem is and will be coersion and curruption;
Prostitution =not right=usually caused by economic pressure [WHO is out of work when the economy takes a down turn=African American females and males=good way to increase illegal and immoral activity]=?



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