Tried to post at Carl Russell Recreation Center on 11/9/12; But computer would not allow me to publish after trying for about a half an hour ; Thus upon coming to local CSR branch library=New website page for library: day before=but did not put on internet=African American female that looked about like how I looked when first met guy who wanted to date me= and a Medical alert page=code to guy=date her and you will have medical problems=today 11/10 new webpage=have PARIS=name of great neice=on the WSFC Library website=page for PARIS=
A Grand Tour: R. J. and Katharine Smith Reynolds' 1905 European Wedding Trip = Reynolds just happen to be where CINTAS works=?????
The meaning is suppose to be don't publish what is below because their interference with the relationship concerning the guy who wanted to date me=!SOMEBODY please nicely inform those who monitor the blogs of library patrons [authorized] that:=origianlly the title was "I have a Right to Live a Life"; But change to up above:
Guess their answer to questiion-"what is going to stop them from taking my life?"
is that if give my life life style and marriage would have if was white to PARIS][they won't kill me]. So at least people will know it is authority connected to local Carver Road Branch Library.
Just got off of the phone talking with a Ms. St. Ville, who is KNOWN for helping females in difficult situations [explained that local authorities and the local churches along with local organizations [explained the Paula/Paulette Moore/Northside shopping Center/Paula at Carver Road Library situation] and connection to kidnapped child; blocking of income for over 25 years to force into secret group]; that had heard her collegue[sp][white male] on radio who is doing research on females in Afganastin[sp] who are punished for exercising their individuals =Ms. St. Ville's response=well good luck=can't you find someone local=explained the twenty five plus years of seeking=sorry; there is just nothing that I can do!
Thus God said to post a list of EVERYBODY have spoken to concerning the kidnapping of child; the twenty plus years of harassment, abuse, intimidation [put the date time and day] which more will be coming soon. Walter Marshall[County Commissioner did say=that names have to be named/dates/places and times to make them stop]; said he had gone to something similar[authorites were harassing him and his family; trying to isolate him=then he said=but I don't understand=WHY you? you don't hold an office; you are not in the publics eye.=Reason=#1. from my perspective=during negative situation concerning authority and my father when my mother was in the hospital -they were to show a search warrent before entering the house=they did not [confirmation=movie Janet Jackson and Lucky[with Topock[sp]=Jessie[name of my cousin who was watching us at home at the time=[as children]same scene in movie=Jessie watching children
at her beauty palor; also part of our old address was in the movie,etc.= how many/much more did/have they done to my family that was against the law=they would want to hide those facts=which are really already downtown.
Thus whenever ANYBODY says that they did not have a CLUE=including authority=LIES;
[they know about the abuse=goal is to force into confinement/or create disability so they can make money of an individual [Confirmation=Dan Rathers Report August 21,2012 [Adopted or Abducted]=whose investigation revealed that authority and churches were working together to steal children at birth from females=[thus circle which continues to another circle =WAITING for person to SNAP=Kill somebody;=child stolen at birth=two brothers murdered; mother and father KILLED [through medicine]; and other family members[usually males that tried to help me] KILLED through medicine.
A. Winston-Salem Forsyth County Board of Alderman;
B.First will start with Bridget and Charles McCr-y[logan lane,WS][Bridget working/with for authorities]oneof reasons TWIN was stolen to uplift Bridget in Charles eyes and fact that everything started with Charles=he was acting as an informant for authority[had prior training=worked in service]concerning my father [red];
C.Carver Road Christian Church:
1. E.K. Givens [works for males of the larger society][has set of twin siblings][current=EKGivens daughter-Neeta];
2.Dr. W. E. JOHNSON [cousin was an underground slave][main spirit in African American churches]
3.Deacon and Mrs. Murden;
4. Current New [one week] pastor TYrone Johnson;
5. Buddell and Evon Rucker [mother lives on street where brother was murdered];
D. Cookie=Carver Road= [has set of twin siblings];
E. Crisis Control [WS]
1. Cynthia Fearington;
2. Cynthia Nichols;
F. Salvation Army[WS]
1. Whoever is head person at the Trade Street Office[working with people in confinement] that
removed Major Davis and put Major James Allison;
2.Major James Allison[daughter Paula] and expert in FINANCES;
G.Urban League:
1. Mr. James [help people to get jobs][put me out of Urban League-had to apologize;did not give reason];ethnic intimidation];
2. Dee Dee- WYLY[sp] Ex Director-working for males of larger society ;
3.Mr. Berry's[Sp][New Director's assistant][would not allow me to speak to Grandberry[sp];
H. Legal Aid of Winston-Salem
1. Hazel Mack-director/head attorney=[ethnic intimidation][grew up with siblings];
I.And Legal Aid of North Carolina
1. Director=?[name];
J. [Ruth=CGW charter school-dismissed from work as Lateral Entry teacher=after would not agree to teach black children that their highest goals should be to be a janitor];
K. Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library
5th Street
1. Director[sprinkle][had put out of library/off internet for no money[violation of Federal Library laws][intimidation];
2.Damion[sp][first nice=then after confering with authority[?][very nasty and rude][intimidation]
3. Sits on board[?][name] gave letter apologizing for psychological abuse; then ignored employees abuses[intimidation][thinking after speaking to authority;
4. Skinner [not giving complete information][?];
L. Carver Road Branch Library
1. Director [Williams][works for males of the larger society][ethnic intimidation][following Sprinkles instructions][put up marque as harassment][kept up for almost a year][about marriage];
2. Breanna[hired as form of harassment][ANNA];
3. Paula [hired as form of harassment][name of female WJA used to date];
4. HERbert=African [harassment][ethnic intimidation];
5. Dominique=used as form of harassment[communication] to Williams;
6. Winston-Salem Personnel Office=person who hired all of the above[instructed by authority];
M.Winston-Salem Forsyth County Commisssioners
1. Walter Marshall[wife name Paulette][after meeting with CRB Library=[told him about the Paula issue]did a complete turn around];
2. Sent copy of emails sent to Walter Marshall to County Commissioner[?];
3. Sent copy of emails sent to Walter Marshall to County Commissioner[?][Black];
N. Greater Cleveland Avenue Chruch
1. Bishop Sheldon Carter [asked for help/interferance=result=serve white males=prostitute]
[connected to Eddie Long];
O.Shouse Temple Church
1. Pastor and Pastor[s] wife[gave food once][after that ignored]=[following instructions of authority who visit during summer months[picnic];
P.Saint Stevens Baptist Church
1. Gave letter to NEW Pastor [talked in great detail with secretary and person in charge of helping
people in community;
Q.Union Baptist Church
1. Left Letter for pastor Mack [left letter in great detail with secretary][spoke to receptionist in great detail][African American secretary[whores] would not allow to make appointment with Bishop Mack;
R.First Baptist Church
1. Spoke in length with three African American females of abuse, stresss, intimidation from people/organizations in the community and financial needs=responds=hopefully something will get done;
S.Minister Mendez[orginally tried to help][after meeting at church on 30th and staged situation of Mendez
as well as my self [through characterization] being abused to point =being noticed=Mendez wasn't as available;
T.Ministers Conference[Passed through][no answers or help][documented];
U.Minsters Roundtable[spoke]=no help or answers];
V. NAACP [Secretary],etc.;
W. Mr. Womble[representative][gave letter/phone conversation/person to person converstion];
X. Mrs. Earline Parmon [title][?]Gave at least a 32 page report about financial situation[taken to
Y. B. Clinton][afterwards=no response from Mrs. Parmon];
Z. There are many more people in the City of Winston-Salem, attorneys, organizations associated with the State of North Carolina;North Carolina Dept of Justice; that have documented=males of larger society in authority at Smith Reynolds Airport=connection to electrical wiring and plumbing messing up in house is possible=technique to harass person/age them as form of intimidation=before death of mother=she had electrical and plumbing work done in bathroom and kitchen,etc.=so eveything should be functioning=like all of sudden kitchen sink has a hole in it=?
AA. Wake Forest University-[security guard][whitemale] rechecked my ID after one security guard said I was okay and then told me to leave because I was not a student[after I expained that I was looking up laws for Employment Security Commission trial][was looking up federal laws][ I did not have to be a student];
BB. Employment Security Commision-Debra Jordan [working for males of larger society] and Darlene Anderson[working for males of the larger society][both tried to intimidate at meeting at ESC[told me that I could not date WJA and get my employment benefits; could only do one][filed complaint with ESC personnel Office in Raleigh, N. C.][never got a response];
CC. Hanes Mall [after asking security to watch me because of strange people following me=they call local authorities [all white males]who tried to get me through a door at a side entrance [nice white couple saw me mouth HELP-stayed until they released me];
Which means that with 25 years of inquiry; requesting help=Plea has fallen on death ears=Please don't you MF's wonder why=and I do NOT want to live your MF life style robbing me of my freedom even when not be hind bars; May God ALMIGHTY take what you have individually worked for and earn from you[because you did not earn or work for that as current re-elected person as head of United States Administration stated]and be split up and given to your family members, friends, the group, people while you sit and watch [trying to figure out where your next dam meal comes from];
Will be posting petition on for people to sign Petition to give.
I Have A Right to LIVE a LIFE=they have taken other rights=what is going to stop them from taking my life?
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