Walkd to CSR branch library [got some coffee]=black note book at end of stairs to walk up stairs at Forsyth Tech [Mazie Woodriff center]=been there for about week and half=so if person coming from RIGHT=have to walk over black notebook=?; atCSR branch libary=Herman and female the name of relative=? and ALL females in library=after did not sit down at any of the computers=African American female prostitute [dark skin][appeared well kept][came to computer station=[where look up info=where I had sat]= and turned around and went back the other way=code=?=because I did not sit by any of females=man=HERman is not HERman=but socialpeacest man; so African American dark skin female prostitute=[Paula is dark skinned] turned around=suppose to mean=she is telling Socialpeacest turn around=man is HERman=TIRED of bastards invading personal space;intimidation.[Can't go to library staff/director [williams] because she is supporter of African American female prostitute [working for males of the larger society];Paula Moore listed on michief=? Paula Moore=located in apartments on academy;
1. Vaccination of INFLUENZA=hurry to the public=one of the systes to transmit illnes so medications will be needed:[Movie=1984][http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1984/];
2. Movie: The Terminal=sscene=director of terminal[airport]=said to Victor="mess with me and you mess with the entire United States authority system=;Jim Shaw counsel during middle school=was coming from lunch and school counselor Jim Shaw was yelling at African American female student[ who had short hair/nappy-she was nasty and dirty and so where her clothes=you could tell she was very embarssed, scared=and was and had tried not to attract attention to herself=asked the counselor[African American male]=how would lhe like it if someone called him a four eyed fool=he wore thick glasses=his response was that he changed focus and walked me up to the office=where he had me to stand on one leg all day long[the leg still bothers me to this day; told my daddy about it who went back to the school with me the same evening; found Mr. Shaw; told him not to ever make me stand on one leg again and IF he did not know how to punish me=to send me home to him. Long story short; Mr. Shaw wrote something in my files[don't know what] to affect relatiionship with authority based upon what director of terminal in movie "the terminal" told Victor="mess with me and you mess with the entire United States authority system" and evidently that includes children: Hindsight=don't know if my daddy ever figured it out=but hindsight=my daddy was punished[setup][fourteenth street] sent to jail; firgured that out because female principal at middle school located off Akrin Drive asked me one day=why is it that the parents of the childlren[African American]middle and elementary don't participate in the education of their childlren: had to think about it=then started putting together my own parents history; Same thing occured with my brother=middle school=told on his class mates: result[lhigher authority]called him to the prinicpal's office[same middle school] where two males of the larger society questioned him for four hours; they never called my mama; the secretary of the school told my mama what had happen to my brother that day=he never recovered and authority never left him alone=in fact= he was in building organization owned by authority when he died;
3.Glelnn Beck="Country is in trouble=the TRUTH is not being told=was called/email=given the TRUTH=NO response from BECK=but all the other people in United States/Becks audience need to help each other=but Beck did not help=and Beck is not telling the people the truth=that he KNOWS that the entire system is being reoganized[made statement] ; but did not state that the system was being reorganized to ensure males of the larger society[s] financial system stays in tack; and reorganization was the robbery of wealthy and rich African Americans [in black society][Black Wall Street]; and everything being done=putting mostly African Americans on foodstamps=whites will be first to get jobs [code=already=if out of work over year=don't hire=whites have no problem=they get special privlige[sp]=because of their color of their skin=everything CONTROLLED by whites and if African Americans don't allow controll to be transferred to males of the larger society=system runs the African American down or over=whichever you prefer; but the African American does not make it to victory; African American people are only allowed to give the illusion of victory=when in acutality they are slaves[working for males of the larger society][all of the African American decisions have to be based on lifting up the foundation of the males of the larger society]=
current RE-elected administration of the United States was raised by those with a heart for the foundation of the males of the larger society[based on the original interpretation of the United States Constitution which was overturned and ruled illegal]but current RE-elected administration of the United States has inacted NEW system to by pass the United States Constitution by putting up website for people to send petitions that get over 25,000 signatures before any issue will be addressed=?;
Which includes a WHITE heart =Steven Whiteheart and Sons =[whiteheart goodyear tire company]=controlling the local African American community=[http://www.yellowpages.com/winston-salem-nc/whiteheart-son-tire-auto-repair]=the color of the heart of the current RE-elected administration of the United States=Christopher Stevens=Christopher=name of nephew=Steven=name owner of Goodyear
tire company owned by Whiteheart in Bengaz scandal;
Laura Ingram [980 am radio] made statement that "Female Biographer=[working for Petraeus] was inappropriate=females running with buch of males is wrong; it is the same system=used with local female by name of Paula Moore-who hangs with lot of African American males; they keep African American males around her=other African American females are not allowed African American male companionship or friendship [unless working for males of the larger society]=or the African American female not working for males of the larger society are punished/abused/intimidated.
One of the radio commentators asked the question=Why is there ONLY interest in a story when sex is involved?=Because the media is used to communicate the issues in African American community and how and what those who help the white male system are to do or allow to control the African American community[especially African American females in the African American church]= Sex is presently how African American [specifically] those who would be on the Black Wall Street are controlled=heard health expert say=healthy person has sex; African American females serving Supreme Most High God=one who controls sun,moon, etc.=not allowed to have male companionship or sex with heterosexual African American male;
Confirmation of concept=Movie=The Island=[http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/the-island-2005/]=movie is about couple who realize that they are clones and that the director who has a SECRET building that is under ground=grows people in order to supply parts to the one who is living in real/normal society=and all the clones are allowed to do is imagine living a normal life; they are told to stay health; not allow to have sex; any form of intimacy is not allowed=what is taking place in the public schools=where most African American children go; in Movie=the clones are told that if they are good=one day they will go to the island = the island is another name for death;=the clones are kept healthy=for example=one female was pregnant=had a baby=immediately following the female was killed and the baby was given to a couple=[as one pastor told me=am not suppose to be here]; In the movie the director is telling a security agent=who is to track down the couple who escaped=told the security guard that the guy=kept asking questions=the clones are not suppose to ask questions=?the director Hamlin and Dameon[position] of the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public llibrary told me that the problem the library had with me was that I ask questions?=The security agent asked the director in the movie=What do they know about the outside world[for people in the church that would be mainstream sociey[white society]? The director in the movie said=We control them[clones] with amemory of shared events[media]. global contamination is used to keep them fearful of going outside[into mainstream society restuarants,JOB,etc.]the island [another name for death]is used to give the clones hope; their p urpose; everything the clones are exposed to -programs, cartoons, books, games they play are designed to manage agression bring forth SIMPLE social skills to AVOID obvious complications; the clones aren't impliment with SEX-we find it simplier to eliminate the drive altogether . In a very real sence they are like children-educated to the lever of a 15 year old=[education in the public schools];
Those African American females who do not participate [work for males of the larger society] are pre-targeted since they don't cooperate=so that they have health or medical issues as a result of having sex=way to discourage the other African American females not serving males of the larger society.
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