Monday, November 12, 2012


The picture that should be on blog:

the Matress Firm Store and Marshall store: side by side; Walmart is on the other side of the Martress Firm.
Thus African American females who live rightous in the church have a big  problem=because  before they can have a man=they have to work for males of the larger society[M] and convert themselves into a lady of the night=? and their  husband into a john [which is the complete opposite of what they are taught]=which is to have a long lasting relationship and marriage a female must act like a lady but in acualilty society switiched it so they have to act like alady of the night before they can have a man=in Winston-Salem, North Carolina= most prosti--tes= off the street=BECAUSE=they are in the church=usually as a wife=married to the version of a pastor or bishop.  All probably shop at MARSHALL"S;


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