After white van; white male incident=called someone and they asked; are they following you?; said technically yes; legally it would be called STALKING; BUT since white males are authorized to WORK [harass African American people in African American communities NOT working for males of the larger society in SECRET] in African American communities[usually in some type of uniform[usually white] and in a WHITE VEHICLE.
As walking CRB library=#1-White VAN; White male=got out of=license plate letters= AL=ALL=?;
#2-White City utilities vehicle[no hot water-after somebody paid light bill] white male standing on outside=van =#634?;
So let me apologize to ALL AFrican Americans for whatever; But God did not put one person on the face of the earth to suffer for masses=that's what Jesus did;

Small article in the Carolina Peacemaker='Greensboro postal carriers earn highest honors; CHARLES [name of mccrae; the other one] Edgerton;p.5A-article states that TWO letter carriers from Summit Station Post Office in Greensboro[where relative forced to go to New York lived],joined the MILLION Mile CLUB[Sam's Club]; the HIGHEST HONOR given: Kenneth Smith; CYNTHIA TRUitt; The awards were given by NATIONAL[means all white males in agreement] SAFETY[for white people] Council and presented to the TWO African American male and white female=code= treat cynthia like white=
PostMASTER Ronnie WHITE [far left] and post MASTER GENERAL RUSSEL[name of funeral home] Gardner[far right];=code=as long as cynthia continues to do as white males tell her=treat her like she is white =HOWEVER if cynthia does not continue to put white males above herself and family=do the kind of RUSSELL thing associate with Russel Funeral Home in Winston-Salem, N. C.];
ounded in 1939 by Carl H. Russell, Sr., Russell Funeral Home is one of the oldest family businesses in North Carolina. Russell Funeral Home has and always ...
Heard somewhere=where there is a problem=there is money=CONFIRMATION=African Americans NOT working as slaves to males of the larger society=pose a problem; the solution=allow business and growth of bunisess associated with getting rid of AFrican Americans NOT working for males of the larger society=encourage funeral homes=in Winston-Salem=approximately 12 to 18 funeral homes in the African American communities throughout the city; probably the most dominate type of business in all AFrican American communities in the United States. |
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