Walked to Carver Road Library=DUKE energy ttruck parked beside AFrican American female who knocked on door and told God said to give me the car in the driveway; Afriter knocked on her door; her life has not been the same since; males of the larger society KEEP her under keen surviance[sp]; and after she gave me a ride; they tracking her; stay parked outside her house; she gave me a ride from the spot where guy who wanted to date me was at when authoritites drove past him to intimidate him at WHITE street and Carver Road.;
Upon coming to Carver Road Library=PAULA ONLY one at front desk; TWO WHITE females sitting at FRONT[1st] table facing parking lot of CRB library;
Pictures taken:
Copy of Forsyth County Sunday School UNION=code=secret union between Forsyth County and
Sunday School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:

CYNTHIA MOORE=CODE=cynthia [name of sibling]=CINTAS=Moore[last name of person at next door retired authorit =moore=more;
one of above African Americans male=code=taken out of Carver Road libary so could not talk to; after volunteering for over 17 years with organization where met person; they started working for FED-ex-KNOW the communication=If live as healthy prosperous African American the ONLY result is the name of the company FED-ex=code=males of the larger society do not allow African Americans to live as poeple; only monkeys[Wake Forest charged with anminal cruelty=code=violated rights of AFrican American looking up federal laws at Wake Forest Law Library];
The Forsyth County Sunday School Union has been in operation for a long time=surely actions have been REWARDED=finace history of members/family members/friends, acquaintances CONNECTED=being connected =ONLY way to earn money/obtain material wealth without males of the larger society attacking; threatening person with threats of confinement.
The Forsyth County Sunday School Union mission is to support the Sunday School (Christian Education) administrative and teaching ministry of Churches of the Lordship of Jesus Christ according to Biblical truths, through training, missionary giving, fellowship, and programs.
Around 1900, The Forsyth County Sunday School Union was organized with Rev. G.W. Holland presiding. Mr. J.L. Poindexter was the first President of the Forsyth County Sunday School Union and president of the Memorial Industrial Home ( Forsyth Orphanage). He managed the home and served as president for many years. During the past hundred years, the FCSSU has continued to thrive under the strong dynamic Christian leadership of several presidents. We currently have twenty two churches enrolled and are seeking new churches to become members. Training classes are offered for superintendents and teachers, as well as, biblical instruction for lay adults, young adults, and youth. Also, the FCSSU offers scholarship and oratorical opportunities for the youth. In addition, we seek to minister to our members and the community in various ways. We invite you to come and partake of the opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth that the FCSSU offers its members. The FCSSU is here to serve your Christian Education Ministry as we all seek to lift the name of Jesus and grow spiritually through the study of His word.
Officers for 2013
Dean of Christian Education - Rev. James M. Lewis Jr.
Executive Board Chairman - Elder Richard WoodPresident - Minister Velma McCloud
First Vice President - Sister Catherine Crawford
Second Vice President - Brother William Debnam
Third Vice President - Sister Gail Hosch
General Secretary - Sister Cathy WoodRecording Secretary - Vacant[=?-NO RECORDING+?]
Corresponding Secretary - Brother Rodney McCormick
Financial Secretary - Sister Wanda Davis
Attendance Secretary - Sister Virginia Roseboro
Treasurer - Brother Rodney McCormick
Chaplain - Brother Mack W. Nowlin
Asst. Chaplain - Rev. Vernell SwitzerOrganist - Sister Linda WrightAsst. Organist - Sister Jocelyn JohnsonChorister - Sister Dometrice France
Program Chairman - Minister Brian Cager
Executive Board Secretary - Sister Dawn Redd
Executive Board Chairman - Elder Richard WoodPresident - Minister Velma McCloud
First Vice President - Sister Catherine Crawford
Second Vice President - Brother William Debnam
Third Vice President - Sister Gail Hosch
General Secretary - Sister Cathy WoodRecording Secretary - Vacant[=?-NO RECORDING+?]
Corresponding Secretary - Brother Rodney McCormick
Financial Secretary - Sister Wanda Davis
Attendance Secretary - Sister Virginia Roseboro
Treasurer - Brother Rodney McCormick
Chaplain - Brother Mack W. Nowlin
Asst. Chaplain - Rev. Vernell SwitzerOrganist - Sister Linda WrightAsst. Organist - Sister Jocelyn JohnsonChorister - Sister Dometrice France
Program Chairman - Minister Brian Cager
Executive Board Secretary - Sister Dawn Redd
CODES of names=codes
Rich=rich with money;
rodney=death=works at Russel funeral home;
wanda=person assoscaite with brothers murder;
mack=UNION Baptist church on trade street
NOWliin=NOW=do now;
jocelyn johnson-board of alderman ex-member;
v.switzer-employer helping males of larger society to steal, harass, intimidate African Americans;
Dawn Redd=dawn=beginning/start; Redd=name red=name of earthly father set up and kept in a
cage [jail] for over 26 years;
Jan. 20, 2013 - New Unity - Pastor Paul Thombs Overwiew for the year.;
Feb. 17, 2013 - Emmanuel - Pastor John Mendez, Teaching Session=harass to join secret group[blogged];
March 17, 2013 - Mt. Zion - Pastor Serenus Churn, Teaching Session=has been at church for decades;
*PAULA setting no long DOMINSATING=Paula at desk earlier=rising; Dominque and Her[bert]man=setting=
*PAULA setting no long DOMINSATING=Paula at desk earlier=rising; Dominque and Her[bert]man=setting=
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