After walking through all white authority vehicle at corner of [?] and carver road turning right driving past me; where at corner of carver road and butterfield a black suv vehicle with an African American male authority turned left off of butterfield onto carver road; while all white authority vehicle with white male driver that was at corner of [?] and carver road that turned right that drover past me had gone a block and turned right onto PRESSman drive=? got to driveway of CRB library where ALL hispanic males had blocked off the steps=code=[rising;progress in life;]with orange caution cones;

when walking towards the area where steps had been blocked two of them carried a BIG STONE across in front of my path=harassment[ because of my coming to library; specifically my communication about hispanics/white males harassing me and Rip Wilkins;[taking a long time for pictures to upload=?]

code=hispanics working for males of the large society=African American females cannot progress/prosper in local African American community=associated with JOHNSON wins CAR race=code=to loacals= African Americans back under W.W. Johnson under ground rail road abuse of African Americans by males of the larger society; there all African Americans over 38 years of age have to live like they are senior citizens=NOT;
Name of company is WATER SPECIALIATIES in Charlotte, NC and Durham, NC.;
With a carpetenter cerficicate myself; walked up and down stairs everyday=nothing was wrong with them; hispanics built the first steps; and the messed up=they are not going to be any better the second time=they are paid to mess up property of United States citizens;
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