Having stayed in the house since Sunday, March 23,2013=Pre-Easter=long story short=NOT one day did not white people show up in front of house; at door as of 3/27/13 [27]=white male knocked on door; did not answer=so he took picture of something [entef] on property; have it posted=No trespassing;
On 3/23/13[23=birth]; guy who called the authorities because of hit flower in flower pot [that had been put beside mailbox]with a stick decided that he was going to buy me a mailbox; move current mailbox, and take the current mailbox and add it to his [whose brother works for authority and the other mailbox in area[where retired authority male lived]=told do not move mailbox=that was in the ams[mornings]; then approx 7:00-7:30 pm=authority vehicle=white with blue and white stripes pull up; knock on door; then tells me that man was calling because I wouldn't allow him to put up a mailbox he bought me;nicely as possibly could, inform the authority person[female-white]=that if the mailman was having a problem with the mailbox; postoffice should have told me;not person I do not know; also informed authority female=same man had called authorities two years ago because of hitting catus plant in flower pot because of stickers on catus plant; authority person said she was just delivering a message; told authority person=something is really wrong when a person is going to call the authorities because another person don't want something somebody bought for them; authority female said he was just trying to be nice; told authority female=if they are trying to be nice=tell them to give back the child they stole; authority officer ignored what I said; then repeated="If they want to be nice give back the child they stole; don't try to give me a mailbox in exchange for a child."
Authority female went and took message back=male who called authorities because would not accept a mailbox he bought=LAUGHED out loud; very loud; next thing heard=were a lot of lies made up that were being told to authority female; told authority female[white]=that man who called authorities because I wouldn't accept a mailbox=was lying=don't trust them and don't talk to them.
After asked the authority female[white] to ask guy who bought the mailbox and called the authority because would not let him take my mailbox=and after hearing on the local radio station=wreck at the Public Safety Center [CHERRY Street and 7th?]=[very important street]=represents sex; Any African American female that drives through area not working for males of the larger society=NEVER get a green light=it is always red=And there was another wreck=code=Skeet Club road[High-point or Greensboro,NC]=problem with forcing somebody to JOIN secret club;

But before staying in house; went to local FOOD LION grocery store; where after getting a few groceries:
white male[authority][security guard]followed in store and stood across from cash register staring=after took out cell phone[acted like was making call]=he put his head down;

Following day[wrote dates down]=white car; white male; along with about three other white vehicles with white males=cutting trees?at Charles Mccrae's=?; while CHRIS parked outside next door-washing car=?; white female walking back and forth in black hoodie from white vehicle in picture to car parked at retired -authority's house; then:

the vehicle in the picture above; pulled up;backed up to the back of the white vehicle=white male got out=R&B Tree Expert=TWO emblems on far outside =pictures of demonic clowns and skeleton; after white female came to where was standing=[concerned because I might know what they were doing=killing AFrican American living in house cars/vehicles were parked at in the spirit realm]; asked if could take picture of ad=the WHITE tree was so interesting=she said, go ahead=no problem;
Following day=after wrecks on the radio=as coded messages=problem forcing person to join secret club=Charles McCrae[house]went and got a RESCUE MISSION truck; backed in it; after took picture of truck=they drove truck away very quickly;
And on 3/27/13 white male in white vehicle[city] knocked on door; then took picture of something[entrce]; BUT[and this is very important]=DID NOT leave anything on the door to inform someone that he had been there; being that he was looking in the back=he was not from DUKE energy=meter only thing on house=?;
Picture of TWO white females at table facing PAULA=[harassment to African American females]=have to do as TWO white females say=to live an unharassed life based upon the United States Constitution;White male that had his cell phone out; looked like he had taken a picture; told two white females above to leave after I took pictures of two white females;
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