"Library patrons don’t want Reynolda Manor branch to close"

View is of windows that males of the larger society used to intimidate;harass African American female patrons that do not work for males of the larger society;[have blogged about intimidation=especially with the name of DICK;
http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/article_c4c51400-8b7e-11e2-930a-001a4bcf6878.html?mode=image&photo=1[Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 9:38 pm | Updated: 12:15 pm, Wed Mar 13, 2013]; ][NOTICE the timeline for Reynolda Manor LIBRARY CLOSING and the timeline for the TOWER TALK at Smith Reynolds Airport CLOSING[males of the larger society] {both being closed males of the larger society] AND the name YOUNG;
[ article 'TOWER TALK=meaning that if CINTAS helps me=males of the larger society=talking=TOWER TALK=?; mesage to CINTAS];[Cintas paid light bill; AFTER person called and said it was too cold for me to stay in house and that it was abusive=especially when they KNOW that I don't have any MONEY;
Officials file Tower Appeal on 3/13/13= because intend to do what they did using twin the first time with the World TRADE Towers in New York City;
Smith Reynolds Airport officials received word Tuesday night that the airport’s Federal Aviation Administration Contract Tower will close.
Smith Reynolds officials have said that they are concerned about safety if the tower closes=code= easy for airplane to hit a residence with decades of documentation of people who have violated laws like the
"Former Detroit Mayor Found Guilty On Multiple Counts, Including Tax Charges"
[Interesting that African Americans Jackson and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick were found guilty of doing things that males of the larger society consider illegal; but males of the larger society are never found guilty of doing things illegal; wonder if the two mayors, etc. were communicated that if they did not do anything illegal or immoral that they would be put into confinement or worse]; somebody said chose life; and most white people don't know that for an African Ameican it is either be a slave to white males or confinement=either way =not good for African Americans;
"The airport had 43,332 aircraft landings and takeoffs last year, about 150 operations a day.
“The tower gets awfully busy,” Davidson said."
Question is=WHY so many landings and taking off; there isn't that much commerical traffic; where do the WILLING patrons come from or are most of them LOCAL unwilling patrons being flown to destinations against their will?
[Posted: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 10:45 pm | Updated: 1:39 pm, Wed Mar 6, 2013.
However te Winston-Salem Journal was FULL of secret coded communication=FRONT page=
Upper right hand corner:
1. FARMERS market: To change location;
2. What EXPERTS eat;
4. Headlines- PRAYERS Challenged=code=[prayers=church]=CHURCH challenged;
5.Reynolda Library=[picture=confirms use of library as part of system of survellience and intimidation by library authorities(Blogged about);
5a. BOARD wants CONTROL of PROPERTY=code=Renolda Library=specific patron=used by patron who visits local person [Cintas]
5b.Ad=Check out NEW Guys in TOWN [NEWTOWN-HOOK elementary shootings]
1. Officials file Tower Appeal [Smith Reynolds Airport] on 3/13/13=[TWO day=TWINs][like TWIN TOWERS in New York CITY][Renewal=like SECOND TIME=TWICE=code=BUILDING being built where nurse paticipated in stealing of TWIN;
2. ASK SAM column=code=Question=I have NOT seen DICK MORris=code= more dick;
Page A3= Special page to African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society=Confirmantion:
1. PRAYERS=code=church;
2. LIBRARY=code=ISSUE=CONTROL pA1.=BOARD wants CNTROL of PROPERTY[person in church that is challenging church]
3. AD=Kmart Sale=Money to Kill peson in challenging church
4.AD=Cruelty [left side of paper]=Home sweet home[left side of paper]=code=cruelty to home left;
5. Ad=[rightside of paper]landscaping-QUEEN set; JUMBO MATRESS; homestead hill EXPANDING=CODE=males of the larger society are EXPANDING system that is used to make African American females think they are queens in their homes;
6. AD=at bottom of page=FARMERS[where been working]=code to v. switzer=feed and seed=DIAMONDback=HUSTLER=FASTTACK=code=can use abuse system=the faster= the quicker get diamonds, etc.,=hustle worker[female out of everything]=cruelty/abuse been okayed;
1. Ad=Meet te CHAMPIONS=center picture=of female child wit scarf over head like a terriori--;
2. Ad at bottom of page=Truliant [FEDERAL Credit Union]
3. AD at bottom beside the TRulian ad above=SHEETZ=which is ad used to communicate to local pastor about who they think person is.
Winston-Salem Journal
Some people who use the Reynolda Manor library branch remember when the branch at Thruway Shopping Center closed in 2002.Then, as now, the county faced a budget crunch. Then, as now, closing a branch was a way the county could save the cost of leasing a spot.Fans of the Reynolda Manor branch hope the similarity ends there.
“I think it would be a shame because this is a central location for a lot of people,” said Susan Ott, speaking of the possibility of losing Reynolda Manor. “It would not be convenient for me to go to one of the others.”
County commissioners stress that they are only keeping their options open. The county was faced with renewing the lease it has on the branch building for four more years, so commissioners decided to postpone action until they work out the budget this spring.
“I don’t believe there are any of us that are genuinely, actively considering it,” Commissioner Bill Whiteheart said, speaking about the possibility of a closure. “You should not commit yourself to expenses when you are not sure what your income is going to be.”
Like Whiteheart, Commissioner Mark Baker said that any decision lies in the future, when commissioners see the proposed budget this spring and know just where they stand between revenues and spending.
“I’ve gotten a couple of emails from people who would like it to stay open,” Baker said. “It sounds like that library is pretty popular and pretty well-used, so that makes it a big deal. I think it is wise at this point to keep all our options open.”
Jenny Boneno, the manager of the branch, said people had been talking about the news since it came out after Monday’s meeting of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners.
“We have had a lot of questions,” Boneno said. “We are just telling them that it is up to the commissioners.”
A lot of people who used to go to the Thruway branch now go to Reynolda Manor, Boneno said.
“We have such rapport with the customers,” she said. “It feels like a neighborhood library. We are just holding tight until we know more.”
The cost of the lease would be about $132,000 per year. The library branch is at a former movie theater across from the main part of the shopping center. It is owned by Covington-Wilson Inc. The county has had a branch library at the site for 12 years.
Nancy Broadway, visiting the library on Tuesday, said that she was disappointed to hear that the Reynolda Manor branch might be at risk of closure.
“I feel that perhaps something else could be cut beside this library,” she said.
“I think it would be a shame because this is a central location for a lot of people,” said Susan Ott, speaking of the possibility of losing Reynolda Manor. “It would not be convenient for me to go to one of the others.”
County commissioners stress that they are only keeping their options open. The county was faced with renewing the lease it has on the branch building for four more years, so commissioners decided to postpone action until they work out the budget this spring.
“I don’t believe there are any of us that are genuinely, actively considering it,” Commissioner Bill Whiteheart said, speaking about the possibility of a closure. “You should not commit yourself to expenses when you are not sure what your income is going to be.”
Like Whiteheart, Commissioner Mark Baker said that any decision lies in the future, when commissioners see the proposed budget this spring and know just where they stand between revenues and spending.
“I’ve gotten a couple of emails from people who would like it to stay open,” Baker said. “It sounds like that library is pretty popular and pretty well-used, so that makes it a big deal. I think it is wise at this point to keep all our options open.”
Jenny Boneno, the manager of the branch, said people had been talking about the news since it came out after Monday’s meeting of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners.
“We have had a lot of questions,” Boneno said. “We are just telling them that it is up to the commissioners.”
A lot of people who used to go to the Thruway branch now go to Reynolda Manor, Boneno said.
“We have such rapport with the customers,” she said. “It feels like a neighborhood library. We are just holding tight until we know more.”
The cost of the lease would be about $132,000 per year. The library branch is at a former movie theater across from the main part of the shopping center. It is owned by Covington-Wilson Inc. The county has had a branch library at the site for 12 years.
Nancy Broadway, visiting the library on Tuesday, said that she was disappointed to hear that the Reynolda Manor branch might be at risk of closure.
“I feel that perhaps something else could be cut beside this library,” she said.
Headlines FOR SATURDAY=SAT=CODE=DAY=communicate about relationships= intersting the the HEAD line story is about SEIZURES=would get someones attention who had seizures=like CINTAS;
Angel in disguise: Winston-Salem eighth-grader helps friend who has seizure
Caption under picture in the newspaper: Eight Graders Jordan Clark{left] and Lindsel Thomas pose in Media Center at Hanes/Lowarance Middle School [where Cintas went to school] with a paper link chain that details various acts of KINDNESS. Jordan helped when Lindel suffered a seizure on their school bus.
Caption under picture on internet: Jordan Clark (left) and Lindsel Thomas pose near the Media Center of Hanes/Lowrance Middle School. One day while riding the bus on the way to school, Thomas started having a seizure and Clark helped him through it.
[ Codes=Caption under picture in the newspaper: Eight Graders Jordan Clark{left] and Lindsel Thomas =code=killing]pose in Media Center at Hanes/Lowarance Middle School [where Cintas went to school] with a paper [link=[code for connection] chain that details various [acts =helping somebody]of KINDNESS=[how help person vs doing what told to do to person my males of the larger society]. Jordan helped when Lindel suffered a seizure on their school bus.];
Up under "Angel in disguise" article is article 'TOWER TALK=meaning that if CINTAS helps me=males of the larger society=talking=TOWER TALK=?; mesage to CINTAS;

Notice the resemblance in appearance:
Reynolda Manor Branch Library is where go after visiting CINTAS= code= sanction/punishment=
Black person not slave to whites=
Notice the color of RICKY's shirt=LIME Green=same color as the Winston-SAlem Transit Authority buses=code=lime green=everygreen cementary=death;
Ricky Patton Gray, Jr., 7, plays a game on one of the library's public computers at the Reynolda Manor Branch Library in Winston-Salem.
Picture of Members of the "The Knitties" knitting club (from left) Susan Cox, Sarah Westwood, Niki Vogler and Hannah Jacobs work on knitting projects at the Reynolda Manor Branch Library in Winston-Salem.[all white females];
Volger=Funeral home In Winston-Salem, N. c, ; Knitting=in process; Westwood=would; etc.,
Search Results
Home - Frank Vogler & Sonswww.dignitymemorial.com/frank-vogler-sons-funeral-home-winston...2951 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106;

Stuart Pearson heads with his family to spend a summer vacation in Creek Landing, Michigan, with his brother Nathan Pearson and his sons and their mother Rose in an old lake house they had rented. When the television has trouble with the image, Stuart's son Tom and the arrogant boyfriend of his sister Ricky Dillman go to the attic and then to the roof, where Tom meets his cousin Jake and they find the antenna dish totally destroyed. Sooner they discover four alien invaders that are preparing an invasion of the Earth that use a mind control weapon that only affects adults and they lock the quartet in the attic. Now they need to a find a way to force the adults to leave the house and discover the vulnerability of the invaders to plot a defense plan to save our planet.
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