Relative stated, "they won't let me live my life."; my response=this is the United States of America, you can live your life." what the relative should have said is that all of their activities were tracked and blocked because they were an Afrcian American [especilly male]not working/slaving for males of the larger society;
This is a picture out of Social Encyclopedia where African American male holds sign=will Work for food; while behind him is one of the largest car companies in the world-GENERAL MOTORS;= sums up what relative was trying to say=If relative had not did something that was illegal/immoral=relative would have been in same position; even with TWO Bachelor of Arts degrees=presently sums up personal plight if Supreme Most High God does not interfene; U. S. Supreme Court response[operated and controlled by males of the larger society] was to offer a position of big time gang leader to one of male sibblings which is the picture also sums up:
the system[s] operated by males of the larger society: if working for males of the larger society=[means giving up individuality and freedom[s]} African American can work in/ for system that operate companies like GENERAL MOTORS; if African American does not give up individuality/freedom[s]/heritage and culture then the African American can not work in/for system; neither allowed to prosper in any other manner because males of the larger society attack all other heritages not given permission by males of the larger society to exist.
On 2/28/13 [TWO month/ending date]Person who work for started walking and they did; male came and stood in front of the farm; took out a stop sign and began to direct traffic; in meantime behind him are TWO yellow trucks; the trucks are from the dept. of correction; both trucks stayed stop for the traffic going towards the city WHILE 'HALL"S OIL co. truck drove to the north; then all white authority vehicle[like kind on carver road during logan burke's memorial service that drove back and forth from Monticello? park to pressman drive] with white suv drove north while traffic going to city[trucks from dept. of correction] where stopped.

This picture was taken on 2/2/8/13=code=person helping=only allowed to work as/in the system associated with dept. of corrections[prison]=doesn't matter if they have done something wrong or not; because they are African American not serving males of the larger society=based upon local [so called] leaders decisions, person is to be put in/live life of dept. of corrections and if the person they are working for wants them to work; they have to accept/work in/under that spirit.
Not coincidental that dept. of corrections stopped on street where farm is located=part of system associated with the George Arnold Kemp mysteriously disappearance; which is intimidation to authority as well as communication to make some people disappear; may even be instructions on how to do it; article is suppose to be a four part series-to ensure that intimidation/and mindset are fully established;
Whoever ordered the article=involved in system of intimidation/abuse;
"Chair City Mystery Part 1: Weeks before officer’s disappearance in 1942 filled with omens"
Relatives name has wilkes in it[stock market]=pay them to help abuse them[only name PUT in cell phone by? was for wilkes relative][?=whoever altered and manipulated home phone, computer, email.etc.]
Wilkes has sights set on $2M in Golden LEAF grants=code=pay wilkes;
Photos taken during first snow [JAN. 2013] in Winston-Salem, N. C.= guy driving truck was put in confinement for dwi?; released and then got job driving dept. of corrections truck= person that can connect to another person is only five people away;
Picture taken [FEB. 28,2013]of dept. of correction stopping traffic on street of farm where have been forced to work for $20.00 a day= Harassment/intimidation;
It is NOT a coincidence that African American male whose father name [charled mccrae];same name as the other one; was put in confinement after father died;then emerged driving a dept. of CORRECTIONS truck=code=if African American female that TWIN was stolen from does not cooperate=make CORRECTIONS=through dept. of CORRECTIONS=connect with thug that will make CORRECTIONS=including person working for=to point of communicating that dept. of CORRECTIONS
involved [which may include setting African American female up on farm] using dept. of CORRECTIONS=if African American female whose TWIN was stolen; whose family members were murdered, whose income/money and life have been BLOCK does not CORRECT their view that males of the larger society are not GOD; then use the people at the dept. of CORRECTIONS to make the necessary CORRECTIONS.
Relative stated, "they won't let me live my life."; my response=this is the United States of America, you can
live your life." what the relative should have said is that all of their activities were tracked and blocked because they were an Afrcian American [especilly male]not working/slaving for males of the larger society;
AND based upon communication from the system [Carver Road, Winston-Salem, N. C.] that communciated that if I get a job; they would put me in confinement; they not only have the right to put African American in confinement for working; but can steal/take an African American child from the mother and do what they want with the child and the mother can't do anything about it.
Picture was taken in early 80's where there were very few people in the above situation; somebody [authority] figured out that there is an African American that may be able to overcome males of the larger society's economic system; thus the BAIL OUT was to ensure that MONEY was re-directed to males of the larger society economic system=why CEO's were getting bonus in the midst of the so called MONEY shortage; the BAIL OUT was=code= to block/hinder any African American male/female who is not working for/slaving for males of the larger society; and it is all based on the COLOR OF SKIN;
Males of the larger society knocked down BLACK WALL STREET; to control African Americans economic wealth; to ensure that African Americans have to come to them to get their money= which is form of slavery- which is a violation of the United States constitution.
And the male in the above picture had a WHITE mother and a father whose heritage is from AFrica; he is swearing to protect males of the larger society's interest; NOT
the African American male in the above picture. AND
African American female [?] [whose mother's name is ROBinson] is working for males of the larger society to ROB African Americans of their heritage everyday; PAY=male in above picture=when African American female [?] [whose mother's name is ROBinson] don't do what males of the larger society tell her=like a pimp tells his females=then threat of redirecting his attention to another female=is easy=beyonce:
Looks a little WHITE; don't you think? sort of have that WHITE MAMA look-he was raised up with;
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