When was the last time anybody saw a group of African Americans [especially males] RE-enacting their HISTORY? Oh yeah! when standing in food lines, umemployment lines, or after males of the larger society have developed new system to put them six feet under in secret=YET African Americans are threaten with confinement if the start their own business [unassociated with illegal/immoral profits] without males of the larger society controlling the African American business just like the males of the larger society ancestors use to do=?;
Posted information on 3/4/13 concerning the codes in Winsto-Salem, Journal=to local[s] about what to do with African American people who will not; don't know that the secret to to GOOD life is to serve males of the larger society=or should be a secret member of sam's secret club; However did not get a chance to post the other part=which is the ad that to the right of the article where males of the larger society are RE-enacting =code= to re-enact the behavior of their ancestors[during 1890,etc.]; The ad to the right stated 'HOW TO GET RID OF -PAIN ONCE AND FOR ALL=code=secret=do like ancestors=RE-enact what was done to[=ad=code=]African American couple with word FINAL over head;
When was the last time anybody saw a group of African Americans RE-enacting their HISTORY?Practicing in OPEN PUBLIC in front of everybody's face=If anything were to take place; males of the larger society already have head start psychologically; because they practice killing their enemies every year doing like their ancestors shooting the enemies of their ancestors?=If African Americans were to RE-Enact their history; All kinds of issues/articles would be in the newspapers;
The following pictures were taken of the RE--Enactment; notice there was not one AFRICAN AMERICAN in the whole bunch; just like during their ancestors days; Bet they all go to church; and have steady job and income:
Please KNOW have no problem with males of the larger society RE-enacting the actions of their ancestors; problem is that when African Americans try to do the same[BLACK WALL STREET]=African Americans get the same results as their Ancestors;attacked for prospering without males of larger society controlling= NOT one economic path that allows African Americans to make their own money without the males of the larger society interference/control=Current Black Wall Street being operated by group of young African Americans is controlled and operated in secret by males of the larger society by either one of AfricanAmerican family members [female prostitute working in secret for males of the larger society] who is being rewarded for attacking other African Americans wealth; while their African American family member in the current new Black Wall Street gets a free ride; UNTIL the secret is exposed; then the current new Black Wall Street is knocked down just like the original BLACK WALL STREET;
Posted on 3/4/13
Word to wise=Not going to be GAY; and based upon God's word=if African Americans can't use the system God allowed to be without being degraded as subhuman or a violation of God's law; he said he would take it from you.Godwillst
When posting ad with African american male and female couple was moved to another location; BUT verification=while going through Winston-Salem Journal; second page from front page=A3= same ad=with same picture of African American female couple=with the words FINAL over head=code=FINAL=African American females not serving males of the larger society=not allowed to be a couple; other ads on same page=confirm:
Picture above couple=of males of larger society=code=LIVING out their history; and to the RIGHT side=AD=code=HOW TO GET RID OF-PAIN;
"Thomasville Furniture’s former global headquarters up for sale" = code to local bastards in Winston-Salem who KNOW and could say something=males of larger society=will pay them money to turn head to global killing [of African Americans in white society]which they usually start in Winston-Salem, N. C., article by scott SEXton=code=to African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society;[http://www.journalnow.com/news/columnists/scott_sexton/article_3b9171fe-8365-11e2-bcc3-0019bb30f31a.html]

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On the interenet article=African American couple in ad beside the above picture of males of larger society shooting=the picture of African American couple was positioned so that it looked like males of larger society were shooting at their head; however in the hard copy WSJournal= the picture is of males of the large society relaxing and not a threat to anyone; they are just pretending [honoring their ancestors; renacting what their ancestors did; like back in the day;
[being that they are monitoring what post on blogged; when went back and looked at article again; Ad above of African American female and male had been reposition; nevertheless=as stated earlier on the internet= the picture of African American couple was positioned so that it looked like males of larger society were shooting at the heads of the African American couple;
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