At Carver Road Branch library=TWO white males; and motocyle on the outside; African her[bert]man and PAULA on desk; Two White males =one walked over to me and turned and went back to seat;
White male in white sweater one that walked over to computer; turned around and went and sat down;
also set of TWINS in libary; Killan and Keyan[sp]= code= to African-TWINS[KEY] and PAULA to being ALLOWED to be a male like white males: and code to PAULA=IF want man=have to do certain things;

Sure Her[bert]man and PAULA get emails that have something associated with dating; mates, being
Her[bert]man the African[KNOWS that he is being used to ROB African American males of their natual heritage/wealth]who works for males of the larger society; watch him get his rewards=either through his wife, or another family member[s]=in AFRICA=through current-Re-elected? head of the United States whose father was AFRICAN;=connection=males of large society have a WHITE van with words Re-Connection=code to African Americans working for males of the larger society=who to reconnect with; etc.;
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