Headlines FOR SATURDAY=SAT=CODE=DAY=communicate about relationships= intersting the the HEAD line story is about SEIZURES=would get someones attention who had seizures=like CINTAS;
Angel in disguise: Winston-Salem eighth-grader helps friend who has seizure
Caption under picture in the newspaper: Eight Graders Jordan Clark{left] and Lindsel Thomas pose in Media Center at Hanes/Lowarance Middle School [where Cintas went to school] with a paper link chain that details various acts of KINDNESS. Jordan helped when Lindel suffered a seizure on their school bus.
Caption under picture on internet: Jordan Clark (left) and Lindsel Thomas pose near the Media Center of Hanes/Lowrance Middle School. One day while riding the bus on the way to school, Thomas started having a seizure and Clark helped him through it.
[ Codes=Caption under picture in the newspaper: Eight Graders Jordan Clark{left] and Lindsel Thomas =code=killing]pose in Media Center at Hanes/Lowarance Middle School [where Cintas went to school] with a paper [link=[code for connection] chain that details various [acts =helping somebody]of KINDNESS=[how help person vs doing what told to do to person my males of the larger society]. Jordan helped when Lindel suffered a seizure on their school bus.];
Up under "Angel in disguise" article is article 'TOWER TALK=meaning that if CINTAS helps me=males of the larger society=talking=TOWER TALK=?; mesage to CINTAS;

Notice the resemblance in appearance:
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