Tried to check out DVD's ; was told could not because of books out; asked if I turn books back in; can they be put on HOLD=was told NO!. Sylvia Hamlin said you can not check those books back out ever again; thus used two hours to get as much information as possible; then checked out three DVD's was told : 1st that the DVD had already been checked out in my name=told Dominique that was a lie[evidently the people who work at the library[make up whatever they want to concerning certain people[like the DVD that was supposingly missing [Next day air] after I turned it in and Sharlene said that I couldn't check out but two DVD's; and the WSFC library does not and WILL NOT give you anything that states what you turned in=?
2nd that DVD checked out-that it wouldn't open=?was told by Dominique;
Verification of :the African American with Intelligence has to ATTACK in SELF-DEFENSE;SELF-PROTECTION-all those participating in system of abuse. McCR--=yELLOW TRUCK WITH CONNECTION TO p-----=took daddy's place:[------- ------]
Looking for ready anseres to complex types of problems, but TRUTH is not advanced by explanations based on FALSE analogies [why stuck in same place after over twenty-five years-the TRUTH is that
WHITE MALES don't allow African American females not working as prositutes for white males to have/live a normal life];
VERIFICATION: blogged some months ago about the fact that after printing something about a guy [who wants to date me who is a Duke[Blue devil fan]] that paper with the statement about STATE property;

Code=Duke vs State;=along with code; A&T
Words amp [been placed inside A& T]=which probably will not print; have tried before=amp=guy who told me for thirty years I was suppose to be his wife;
CODE=A&T over-OUT of STATE LIMIT=?[article beside the picture where the authority figure is holding weapon=is about FRIENDLY=?]
Part of the reason WHY the current re-elected? administration of the United States passed the twenty-three [23=birth] EXECUTIVE actions[actually orders] and THREE[3][number associated with child I raised and guy who wants to date me] LEGISLATIVE laws= Title of PASTOR-Marshall's sermon [CODE-to Bridget-African American female prostitute working for white males who operate a system that steals/husbandS/child]="New Year's REVOLUTION"=concerning the STOLEN CHILD{twin};
The current re-elected? administration of the United States passed the twenty-three [23=birth] EXECUTIVE actions[actually orders] and THREE[3 LEGISLATIVE laws to HELP the African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger society; less weapons for those who the African American female prostitutes working for white males have robbed;abused;
CODE=CHILDREN=sitting around the current re-elected? administration of the United States that passed the twenty-three [23=birth] EXECUTIVE actions[actually orders] and THREE[3LEGISLATIVE laws=threat to children involved=leads to:blogged about BRIDGET'S street not having a dead end on the street she lives on about four months ago; well now BRIDGET'S street has a dead end sign:=the child that I raised is to be exempt from your dead end system[ by putting the dead end on the street bridget lives on verifies that you bastards are monitoring my blog]-AND the twin child you bastard stole=exempt from your dead end system:
Obama to ‘Put Everything I’ve Got’ Into Gun Control
Why is not protection given to the people who have been abused? and why is the protection being given to the abusers?in the UNITED STATES? They say a pciture is worth a thousand words; not to mention the fact that the radio talk show hosts have inquired as to why small black pick truckand does NOT have any diversity [real African Americans]around him?:

Males of the larger society and African American [ ];
"N.Y. first state to tighten gun laws after Newtown"
Why is New York the first to tighten gun laws?; New York is where they intimidated child that I raised to; and to LENA[African American female doctor working as a prostitute to males of the larger society]; question is what are they doing ?
Pictures taken below: concerning threats=brother was murdered in small black pick truckand the authorities never could find out who did it; thus on TWO day=January 13, 2013=two, thirteens=code= TWO
small black pick trucks [drivers working for authority]; one parked at the house next door and the other parked across the street where the African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society helped to steal the TWIN;[goes along with CHILDREN sitting around thecurrent re-elected? administration of the United States that passed the twenty-three [23=birth] EXECUTIVE actions[actually orders] and THREE[3LEGISLATIVE laws=less than ten days ago=communication of threats=two:
Pictures taken on 1/18/13 of prison trucks where the African American son of ------- McCrae automaically took his place in the local community; his father worked for the city; now he works for another gov. department=he as been in confinement; now driving truck associated with confinement=not to mention the connection to others that are in confinement=makes all that live on the street easy access to those who have or are in confinement=system of operation [cues to those in confinement][authority controlled];
The above pictures coincide with the the current re-elected? administration of the United States that passed the twenty-three [23=birth] EXECUTIVE actions[actually orders] and THREE[3LEGISLATIVE laws in that African Americans who obey the law are now put into a position so that they are suppose to have less to protect themselves with; while the opposite is suppose to be true of those who work for males of the larger society to create ethnic intimidation, forced assimilation and cultural transformation.
No one can question the need to understand the aggressiveness in human beings. Assault by human beings on their fellow many is nother new, so why bother to ask "why?"
Two reason:
1. That as a species society want to understand;
2. The time has come when society MUST understand;
3. Human violence threatens to take the reins from human cooperativeness and inventiveness and to drive society into extinction;
page 7:
"They tell us that along with being aggressive, people are also territorial, characterized by an instinct of territorial defense, inherited from animal ancestors, and stronger and more compelling than sex as a motivating force.[ the writer who has the above view takes theri evidence from teh science of animal behavior, called ethology];
page 201:
However, the reason why stimulation can elicit these responses, is that the individual has had such experiences in thepast-that is, he or she has been in fighting, unpleasanat, or dangerous situations-and these particular areas of the brain were activiated on those occassions. [AAM/image confinement]; Subsequently one can fool the individual into thinkin gthat the same environmental events are present by electrically stimulating the regions of the brain that were active on those earlier occasssions. However it is important to note that even when one taps right into the system of stimulation, the resulting behavior is by no means automatic, social constraints prevent a direct attack. Atimiulation of definatie parts of the bain evokes aggression ONLY if the right stimuli is present.{*p.202 Defense is probably the fundatmental brain program.}
page 10-144:
A necessary factor for human evolution was coooperation among individuals; without it we would not have evolved.
Page 145-146:
So important is group living to the higher primates that when invididuals are spearated from their groups, they suffer. R. A. Butler has deomstrated that to a monkey the simple sight of another monkey is more welcome that food and that deep psychological harm is done to the young when they are separated from their parents. In this area humans beinga re very like their forebears; the most servere punishment short of death, the society metes out to wrong does is solilary confinement. And loneliness is widely considered the most severe malady [
1. any disorder or disease of the body, especially one that is chronic or deepseated.
2. any undesirable or disordered condition: social maladies; a malady of the spirit.]one can suffer. People are true primates in the emoitional reliance on each other.
page 75:
John Stuart Mill, in 1845 observed in his Prinicples of Political Economy: that "Of all the vulgar modes of escaping from the consideration of the effect of SOCIAL and MORAL influences on the human mind, the most vulgar is that of attributing the diversities of conduct and character to the inherent natural differences."
This is a strong human propensity to confuse theories with facts, especially when theories are more appealing or easier to grasp than facts. Facts constitute eveidence, but contrary to the conventional wisdom, they do not speak for themselves. Facts are reliable only if they hold up in repreated investigations of their reality. A theory is valid if it offers the best possible interpretation of the facts, that is, the soundest and most logical, and satisfies the critical judgement of independent authorities.
The Nature of Human Aggression
page 202:
Line that Blocks African Americans out of legal system:
WHITE COURTS[legal systems] [United States Supreme Court][African Americans CAN NOT USE INTELLIGENCE]CODE-ROUTE 23 WSTA CITY BUSES=does NOT make right onto Academy[code for African Americans can not use Academics];`
African Americans that try to use intelligence to deal with ISSUES =are on the front line; as a result African Americans with little to no intelligence [working to help white courts] attack the African American with intelligence [thinking the African person with intelligence is the ISSUE]; as a result the African American with Intelligence has to ATTACK in SELF-DEFENSE;SELF-PROTECTION-all those participating in system of abuse.