[For those who may read the following post and it seems to be all over the place=clue= documention of the actions/ created situations that stem from the actions coming from secret club members and how their actions are used as a form of communication to each other and those that control the secret club and what they are doing to other people forced into their secret club; etc.]; Would you hold a baby responsible for the ignorance of a parent =NO! you try to stop the suffering; the next phase of society=will be innocent/ignorant people whose minds and bodies will be used as weapons against themselves and their families=system[s] of mind control operated by bastards=thus CINTAS was chosen as a child [because of who her father was CHARLIE ]to be put through a MIND CONTROL experiment to control her actions;
[name of African American shooter at naval base?(said they were using mind control technics on him)];[name of African American female [that was killed by authorities] that drove her the black car in front of the the house that is white [in the back of the car was a baby girl who survived]?;[name and race of the man who took bucket of fuel and set himself on fire in front of the house that is white?];
Picture of people at 3713 [THIRTEENTH] who is ALLOWED to grow vegetable garden [looks like collards]; as of to date-whenever I have seenout of window or been in the yard there has yet to be an airplane from SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT [there has been ONE airplane flying over garden] which means 3713 is part of secret group;
IF collards/garden doesn't die then means that 3713 part of their secret group; the way they think the issue will unfold is that African Americans not working in secret/being slaves for white males-will HAVE TO GET THEIR FOOD from white males slaves in secret=wrong; MESSAGE=African Americans that don't work in secret for white males not allowed to grow their own food=means they are independent/not being controlled;slaving/ for white males; whereas AfricanAmericans working for white males ALLOWED to Grow their own food; the way their collards are growing=three weeks later up and growing was the way my food would grow UNTIL-WHITE MALES in AIRPLANES from SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT started flying their airplanes over my garden EVERY D-TIME I came out in my garden;
People at 3713 KNOW the Gwyns [Gwyndolyn Gwyn] where one of the males work for authority;
And on 10/ 13=hispanic pulled up in WHITE truck and parked by the fire hydrant painted red/blue= and went intoGWYNDOLYN GWYNS house= side door of WHITE VAN on passenger side was broke-looked like it would not close;
[another picture of hispanic going into GWYNDOLYN GWYNS house];
The hispanice in WHITE van with broken door pulled up while African American male[working for white males in secret=(otherwise not allowed to work in African American neighborhood) was working on the house that Shirley [Big fat elderly AFrican American female] lives in; and parked in the FRONT yard was a MOTORCYLE; [and what happen last week=where there were hundreds/somebody said thousands of motorcylist who were chasing and attacked one SUV driver; the driver was ASIAN=not a co-incidence either; and then for everybody who was charged and identified on NATIONAL NEWS -all had names associated with African American males that I have blogged about;
What is NOT Coincidental= that there was an UNDERCOVER AGENT-who did not want to blow his cover; and the people that have been charged in incident are males who h ave the names of African American relatives:
1.Christopher CRUZ
2. Reginald ? [RED for short][name of the clerk at the United States Supreme Court who they gave my case after I tried to submit case myself because couldn't locate an attorney; and after authorities arrested relativethe response from the United States Supreme Court who workers who knew that I was telling the truth but instead of putting it through the United States Supreme Court-offered to make relatiave with name associated with RED a BIG THUG=that is all they allow African American males in the African American neighborhoods not working for white males to be=THUGS-doing anything illegal
3. ROBERT ?[have blogged about the name of ROBERT for years]=
4. And the biker-African American male-who was paralyzed for life=name is JAY [Jay Meezee];
could be CODE=JAY "ZEE" the singer [ZOMBIE] system will not work=?

The UNDER COVER AGENT job was to make sure that Christopher CRUZ and Reginald ?
and Jay Mee ZEE were involved in the ATTACK-to ensure that THEIR NAMES ARE USED=[part of code system of communication in TRANSFORMATION of African American wealth [and robbery of African American male wealth] into WHITE MALE SYSTEM; [UNCLE SNOOP; ICE T, ICE CUBE, etc. other African American males who were forced into dropping their AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE [or have thier family members ATTACKED] and transferring it into WHITE MALES CULTURE]
Arseneal HALL had a guest on his SHOW= who was an ASIAN [commedian] with the last name of CRUZ;=?

A. They even have AD for Arensenio HALL beside picture of Biker Jay Z being ran over; have blogged about cousins by the name of HALL'S [Wilmer dean, eldora [worked for the pentegon], lottie [was forced into stip dancing/prostitution? into relationship with WHITE hispanic=had three children]NANA [was forced into relationship with WHITE MALE-had one child]; both mother and father [WILBERT] on pins and needles [being threaten with IF they don't raise up hispanic and white males children with the threat of abuse of daughters Nana and lottie];
Eldora helped them in pentegon with attacking, setting up her :
1. CONFIRMATION=Ancient Movies have the same names CHARLIE/ANDREW,ETC. as lot of movies in 2013=? why= because white males used the earlier movies to communicate about a CHARLIE =thus the NEW "UNCLE" CHARLIE"
Don't know what the UNCLE is; SNOOP just started calling himself 'UNCLE"= code name; position in secret group=more clout, authority,etc.=?

Picture taken last week of CINTAS truck parked in back of business; noticed that the place is a TIRE company =GOODYEAR TIRE company=STEVE WHITEHEART[PATTERSON AVENUE, W-S, NC];
DA: Motorcyclist had key role in NYC SUV brawl
NEW YORK (AP) — A motorcyclist accused of smashing a window and catalyzing a bloody encounter between a group of bikers and an SUV driver was arraigned Sunday on gang assault and other major charges, which his lawyer said were overblown.
The fourth person arrested so far in a case held up as a highway nightmare, Reginald Chance, 37, was being held on $75,000 cash bail. Prosecutors said he played a key role in the SUV driver's beating, which came after the driver ran over a biker in what the motorist's family said was fear for his life.[http://www.mail.com/news/us/2381374-da-motorcyclist-key-role-nyc-suv-brawl.html#.23140-stage-hero1-2]
While Chance didn't hit or kick the driver, by shattering the SUV's driver's-side window, he "set into motion a chain of events that resulted in the driver being dragged out of his vehicle and beaten" by others, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Samantha Turino said.
Chance's lawyer, Gregory Watts, acknowledged his client broke the window in a burst of anger. The SUV's door had knocked him down earlier in the encounter that went from a Manhattan highway to a neighborhood street, Watts said. Video that captured part of the encounter shows Chance got on his motorcycle after breaking the window and left without hitting SUV driver Alexian Lien or encouraging anyone else to do so, Watts said.
"This is not a man riding around assaulting people with a quote-unquote 'gang,'" Watts said. "We will hotly contest those allegations." Chance made an obscene gesture toward news cameras during his court appearance. Watts said his client is a married father of six who has been unemployed since a 2011 layoff from a food-service company.
In the Sept. 29 confrontation, a group of motorcyclists crossed paths with Lien, who was out for a drive to celebrate his wedding anniversary with his wife and their toddler. One biker, Christopher Cruz, 28, cut off Lien's Range Rover SUV and slowed down before it bumped his motorcycle's rear tire, police and prosecutors said. Cruz is fighting misdemeanor charges including unlawful imprisonment.
Cruz and other bikers stopped and approached Lien, 33; who drove off, running over biker Edwin "Jay" Mieses Jr. and breaking his spine and both his legs. The motorcyclists pursued Lien off the highway and onto a street, then attacked him when he got stuck in traffic, authorities said. Chance's bike was knocked down along the way when another biker tried to open the SUV's door and it drove on, Watts said.
After the SUV's window was broken, Lien was dragged out, beaten and stomped, needing stitches in his face, authorities said. Another rider accused of participating in the beating, Robert Sims, 35, of Brooklyn, was arraigned Saturday on charges including gang assault. His lawyer, Luther Williams, said Sims denies the charges.
Prosecutors have declined to charge a fourth man who was arrested, at least for now. Lien has not been charged with any crime. His family's lawyers declined to comment on Chance's arrest. Police are investigating whether an undercover police officer at the motorcycle rally witnessed the violent confrontation and didn't immediately report it, a law enforcement official said Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation. Police also are looking into whether any off-duty officers were there.
Meanwhile, a bystander hailed as a hero in the episode gave a public account Sunday of stopping the attack. Lien was on the ground when bystander Sergio Consuegra stepped in between him and the bikers, Consuegra recalled at a news conference with local officials.
Feeling "intense danger," Consuegra told himself, "Let me not show these people that I'm here to engage in any kind of confrontation but that I'm here to protect the man and the family, so I'm going to keep it cool," he recalled. Consuegra, who's in his 50s, was on his way to church when he saw the encounter.
He spread his arms to shield the driver and told the bikers: "That's it, guys. Let it go. That's it. Let it go," he said. The bikers backed off, and Consuegra called police. He said he felt he'd done the right thing. But "I do not call myself a hero," he said, "because I wish I could have done more."
Associated Press writer Tom McElroy contributed to this report.
Follow Jennifer Peltz at http://twitter.com/jennpeltz
Follow Jennifer Peltz at http://twitter.com/jennpeltz
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