Walked to local library and instead of a CINTAS truck being parked at Firestone Tires, there was a TIME/Warner/ Cable Truck, driven by a WHITE Male=means that TIME WARNER Co.= part of system involved inharassment, intimidation of African Americans=why when I had cable, never could get steady service=it was always something wrong and in the local Winston-Salem area=most African Americans not working for white males have expressed the same experience one way or another with Time Warner Cable;
Today saw "LEGAL VIEW" with ASHleigh BANfield [https://www.tivo.com/tivo-tco/program/show.do?offerId=tivo:of.ctd.375.76.cable.2013-09-05-15-00-00.3600&contentId=tivo:ct.283069029&collectionId=tivo:cl.283077258]in which she[white female] had two segments dealing with authority[s]:
1.KID SUES AUTHORITIES in New Jersey?[Seattle][?] where 5 authorities [white males and one of their dogs] attacked a white male [same thing happen to TERRICK][nephew][African American male in Winston-Salem, North Carolina][?]; Ashleigh Banfield's guest PAUL [?] stated that the young white male was in his rights to yell and point and scream at authorities that "a person can yell, say negative things, curse and talk to/at authority officiers and they are suppose to take it; the other guest was Jean Casarez-legal consultant [?];
2. AUTHORITIES MAKE MILLIONS SELLING DR-GS; " and it is legal; Megan Omutz[sp] investigatiave reporter for the Un Sentinal did a story where authorities settingup dr-g dealers by selling coca-ne to dr-g dealers and then taking all their belongings [MONEY and cars]; most of the offenders were given probation[allows them to go back to work to earn money through illegal sources for white males in authorities]; the others usually got lesser sentences; someone on the program stated that it was LEGAL for authorities to sell dr-gs and make a profit [which is legally a business]=which is a system to control and rob people=form of legalized slavery; why the communication, intimidation of threat of confinement for doing honest work based on education ;but can do anything illegal or immoral;
AT 7:45am on the "TODAY" SHOW [ ] =CODE=instructions to people in Carver Road School area in Winston-Salem, N. C. [and other areas and people in secret system];
1. Julie ANDREWS [wedding dress];
2. Princess DIanna
3. STARK REALITY [segment];
4.Explosi-n [segment];
5. DAY planner [local weatherman][white male]

[Austin Caviness]
AT 8:09 am Some of the commericials on local TV= CODE=
1. Moive=ESCAPE
2. NEXUS hair
4. Raisan Bran
5. Block/black white TYson GRILL chicken
6. TWIX candy [TWIN]
7. Math/Science brought to you by EXON MOBILE oil [LET'S SOLVE THIS]
8. I can see the edge of my couch
TODAY SHOW segment:
The way they line up the hosts=CODE=message:
1. Hall, 2.Natalee, 3. Savannah,4. Mat, 5. Al
HALL [came on show after I blogged about name hall on 10/7/13];
1. mint-y-fresh
3. C-note
AT 8:10 am Commercials:
4. Tastes like chicken
5. BAD PRESS [segment done by HALL]
6. [somebody says: "Savannah has a fiance."
7. Al says, "CARRIES COMEBACK" [ Carry is the name of the African American female who had been killed by authorities near the house that is WHITE;
8. Mat: A prank from Tom Hanks=Mat Lauer is a Dope or Pope=issue was it a D or a P;
SEGMENT: Savannah introduced;
"Standing up to stigma"-'Willie doing segment on depression;
Guy name Kevin had depression and started working with TED and started doing teen talks
on mental health, in which he did a vedio which went viral;
More Commericals:
9. Black male, Black boy-Community Foundation of Greensboro;
10. Baby girl in pink, Baby boy in plaid outfit; 50% EMPIRE TODAY;
11.Crumley ROBERTS-Attorney; 1800[] LAW;
12.VAN YORK auto.com [ENJOY THE RIDE][white male in blue];
SEGMENT:Al. Savannah;
13. HOME SCHOOL [EDUCATION NATION] [Parents are the first teachers; HOME VISITS in ? states=NC one of the states [marked in red]; African American parent asked; "What are your hopes and dreams for your child; Black boy says he wants to get in college; [somebody says big brother?]; In ST. PAUL, MINNIsota; the PARENT TOOLKIT sponored by PIERCEson[sp];
SEGMENT; Mat/Savannah/Natalee did story;
Tips for Parents First Grade
SEGMENT; Saving Rhinos; picture of people outside waving;
14. commercial-MARGRET JOHNSON, Cameron Kent; [weather man][white male];
15. Mastering Lindor
16. Fall Dresses at Ross
SEGMENT: Al, Savannah; guest BILLY BUSH
"CHASING rhinos [wild]; segment:"Into the Jungle" [everything is now on the line; white male put green collar on rhino;
Segment: MAT; "12 years a SLAVE"; Black male; [view on right Rockerfellow and 49th street sign];
17. This is my family and my memories;
18. BILLS -African American female[young] 1800-lawyers;
19. NATIONWIDE[insurance]-Black Female; [JOIN THE NATION][insurance];
interviewed African American male guest [who says in movie-"I don't want to survive, I want to live"; lot of people were kidnapped off of the streets during that time [why white males feel they had a right to steal TWIN child]; African American male guest "Chiwetel Ejiofor"[African or European-most definately not AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE];SAID he worked with STEVE McQUEEN[queen latefya][sp] and Brad PIT in movie to be shown Oct. 18, 2013;
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