Think the following is described as STALKING=by most people terms [Women against Violence. gov]=guess it isn't STALKING if the harassmentis done by WHITE MALES or if they work for or in secret for the gov..
White male RICHARD at the WSFC Public library-everytime I am here he does something to harass?;
Posted the following below on blog on 9/27/13; in which posted
picture of knife placed on counter by CINTAS after going for a walk and receiving communication from white males;
The above picture is knife that CINTAS [relative] put on counter =after they receive message from white males=CODE You can stay till GWYNS stop harassing, intimidating, threatening you, BUT know same spirit exists at CINTAS;
White males use the murder of CURTIS to intimidate CINTAS:
there in the mail box [put there by the Northpoint Blvd post office or BILLy [take your money] the white male postman-paid to harass/intimidate African American females on his route]-in the mail box was a letter with the name of brother that was murdered by ?- CURTIS as a form of intimidation; it was a letter from an INSURANCE company=CODE=join the secret group [GWYNS] NOW or suffer the consequences;
Mail sent with brother Curtis name[who was murdered at least a decade ago]; usually mail man BILLy put mail with Curtis name on it when he/his bosses want to send message of intimidation=[TERRICK];
When walking to local library near CINTAS; first there was ROAD KILL=which is extreamely RARE-Road Kill ALWAYS cleared up in area so as not to offend white people[males/females];
2nd CINTAS truck about to to 12 feet from road kill that is hid in the back of tire place=tire=CODE=to white males=;
3rd-while taking picture of CINTAS truck-white male in BLUE shirt runs from Wendy’s back across the street;
5th-after taking picture of the 2nd CINTAS truck, then Neely PEST truck turned right out of Wendy’s on to street Tire place is located;
6th finally crossed the street and walked down the fair street in which parked beside the Library=GWYNS truck [white] license tag- BV3418?;
7th –Upon coming into the WSFC Public library-just happen to look up and there were TWO white males[looked like they were sneaking in the back room where the number 113[thirteen] is posted on the right side=?
Picture taken of Carver Road Christian Church
Part of it may be related to the CHURCH who are helping white males in secret in their communication to white males that monitor the African American churches that their individual churches in the African American neighborhoods are willing to turn their heads while systems are designed to put African Americans in their graves early [marquee is a visual that is used-especially with the names of guest Ministers, such as Pastor Curt or Cort Graves who was to speak on the 20th[TWO Day]; sure that REV. Jessie JACKSON would be able to de-code message; Thus it would be nice if the TWO MAYORS who spoke at the National Press Club conference would tell African American churches that they can serve the Devine God and won't be punished for not being a slave to white male systems;
Psted on 9/27/13:

CINTAS truck parked beside GMC Insurance building
CINTAS truck parked beside the Integon INSURANCE building-witchcraft-suppose to be INSURANCE-FOR sibbling[why they[white males sent letter with brother name CURTIS who was murdered]=heard on television/radio program=when other departments/units handle a neighborhood other than one they assigned to CURRUPTION leaves or goes down;=thus if anything happens to me; nephew TERRICK or other family member KNOW those who are in charge/authority of Carver Road area KNOW ahead of time
Posted 9/27/13
White male in white truck at corner of Carver Road and Lansing Drive at stop light when getting off of WSTA city buses where drivers and WSTA work in partnership with white males that harass African American communities;

PIKE Truck[works for DUKE energy][represents the DUKE team=of guy who wanted to date me]; and that was today 9/27/13-at WSTA city bus stop where a BAMBOO[witchcraft] limb had been placed; I kicked the bamboo limb; then the Pike truck came; back up and parked in front of me; then after I took picture then TWO white males with a license tage [navy 89] drove in front of me and put up a pink YARD SALE sign=?; and then authority vehicle [looked like 51?] drove north making weird horn sound?;=Thus anything happen to me or relatives-the following are part of the group; On the side arm where the truck raises up the bucket on the truck=is the word "TEREK"
TEREK on side where PIKE white male driving truck=ton day Duke Energy cut lights off 9/13;
When walking to local library near CINTAS[sibling’s house]; first there was ROAD KILL=which is extremely RARE-Road Kill ALWAYS cleared up in area so as not to offend white people[males/females];
2nd CINTAS truck about to12 feet from road kill that is hid in the back of tire place=tire=CODE=to white males=;
3rd-while taking picture of CINTAS truck-white male in BLUE shirt runs from Wendy’s back across the street;
4th-as taking picture of CINTAS truck parked behind the tire place; 2nd CINTAS truck makes a right hand turn onto the tire place as white male is in blue is crossing the street;
5th-after taking picture of the 2nd CINTAS truck, then Neely PEST truck turned right out of Wendy’s on to street Tire place is located;
6th finally crossed the street and walked down the fair street in which parked beside the Library=GWYNS truck [white] license tag- BV3418?; GWYN is the name of Gwyndolyn Gwyn [helped to steal TWIN child]who lives across the street from Terrick’s aunt; and Gwyndolyn Gwyn son also pulled weapon on Terrick’s aunt to force her to join secret group.
Just as ART Belvins is in the process of manipulating groups of African American male youth through the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center [Triad Sports Magazine-SAM Davis -editor] in partnership with Hanes Middle School and Lowrance Elementary School-Terrick was preselected in his youth because of his learning disabilities and his connection to the local Winston- Salem churches [which are controlled by white males]to be used in a negative manner to be put in situations [by Terrick constantly being put in situations to provoke him] that would create the necessities for those whose livelyhood [INCOME] is dependent on the misbehavior of a person- by white males who control the local Winston-Salem Carver School Road area;
PIKE trucks with “TEREK” on side of truck[s]; [white male drivers]; PIKE trucks are
contracted out to DUKE ENERGY-Duke is name of team guy who wants to date TERRICK’S aunt; white males harass Terrick’s aunt and PIKE trucks with white male drivers are form of harassment, threat to Terrick’s aunt to intimidate Terrick’s aunt to use coercion to try and stop relationship with guy who is a DUKE fan and Terrick’s aunt;
Terick was jumped by 5 authority at the NATIONAL BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL; and about two weeks later by four males and a female that he said he knew; Gwyndoyn Gwyn [who helped to steal TWIN child] and Gwyndolyn Gwyn son who pulled a weapon on Terrick’s aunt to force Terrick’s aunt to join secret group [6/13]; in which Terrick’s aunt had to call sources outside of the City of Winston-Salem to get help when Gwyndolyn Gwyn son pulled weapon on Terrick’s Aunt [ and the sources called the authorities again on 9/23/13 because of Gwyndolyn Gwyn son staninging and yelling in front of Terrick[‘s aunt house;
2. PIKE truck appeared when Terrick’s aunt was catching WSTA bus when coming from CINTAS [sibling] house;
When walking to local library near CINTAS[sibling’s house]; first there was ROAD KILL=which is extremely RARE-Road Kill ALWAYS cleared up in area so as not to offend white people[males/females];
2nd CINTAS truck about to12 feet from road kill that is hid in the back of tire place=tire=CODE=to white males=;
3rd-while taking picture of CINTAS truck-white male in BLUE shirt runs from Wendy’s back across the street;
5th-after taking picture of the 2nd CINTAS truck, then Neely PEST truck turned right out of Wendy’s on to street Tire place is located;
6th finally crossed the street and walked down the fair street in which parked beside the Library=GWYNS truck [white] license tag- BV3418?; GWYN is the name of Gwyndolyn Gwyn [helped to steal TWIN child]who lives across the street from Terrick’s aunt; and Gwyndolyn Gwyn son also pulled weapon on Terrick’s aunt to force her to join secret group.
Just as ART Belvins is in the process of manipulating groups of African American male youth through the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center [Triad Sports Magazine-SAM Davis -editor] in partnership with Hanes Middle School and Lowrance Elementary School-Terrick was preselected in his youth because of his learning disabilities and his connection to the local Winston- Salem churches [which are controlled by white males]to be used in a negative manner to be put in situations [by Terrick constantly being put in situations to provoke him] that would create the necessities for those whose livelyhood [INCOME] is dependent on the misbehavior of a person- by white males who control the local Winston-Salem Carver School Road area;
By Godwillst
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