Have not heard anything from Dr. PHil or his wife?
Picture Taken of TWO books that PAUL who is a volunteer at the REYNOLDA Library that dashed in front of me and put two books on 10/26/13 on a book shelf to my left as I was walking into the Reynolda Branch library; And after PAUL [who said he had been a volunteer for five years at Reynolda Branch Library] saw where I had the two books, he started walking around like he was trying to intimidate me; could not tell the head librarian [she is one of the participants]-so notified person about harassment;
Picture inside the Reynolda Branch library of the computer I was on; the purse that I sometimes carry and the two books 1. the Twins of Tribeca/rachael pine and 2. The Indredible Truth about MOTHERHOOD;
AUTHORITIES [white males] in South Carolina part of group who harassed, intimidated, threaten CHARLIE [1959 or before]=why code word=CHARLIE=name used to identify African American
deer[easy targets]and to communicate what they are doing or intend to do to them;CHARLIE was one of the African American males who had a place on the beach that white males robbed and tricked out of business; Godwillst
Pictures Taken of VACATION that CINTAS paid for to BEACH: where WHITE MALES got on and off of elevator like they did at FORYSTH HOSPITAL as harassment and of coarse CINTAS thought there was nothing strange about riding an elevator where ONLY WHITE MALES were on the elevator; one had paper with big "W" in white shirt-he got on at floor 7; then got off on the 2ND floor;
CINTAS was forced to reschedule the VACATION because EMPLOYER [REYNOLDS] and had to reschedule to same place; this time ROOM NUMER WAS 911 [veification]=TWIN TOWERS- when we first got there; the mother of TWO [twin girls] were crying because some male[african american-looked like a bum] had cursed out her twin daughters and of coarse; the management had to call the AUTHORITIES [which meant a lot of sirens and stress just signing in]; after that just about every day for one reason or another the AUTHORITIES presence was there;
A TRADER'S JOES bag that CINTAS left on counter to communicate to white bastards ass males that she would trade THE EFFECTS OF THE TRUTH=911 in exchange for staying alive and working for white males;
Picture of the News lady in area where we went to the beach ;

Picture of GOLDEN State ? delivery truck INTENTIONALLY parked in front of "PURE" gas station to block me from getting on WSTA city bus [after they listened to phone call where suppose to meet a Calvin F. who has always wanted to date me][and BLACK pickup truck INTENTIONALLY STOPPED right behind the delivery truck[on the side of the truck is the word "QUALITY"; the bastards message=the relaltionship maybe BUT they will not stop the harassment, abuse, intimidation, sending him in the opposite direction; African American female prostitutes that work for them-they make SURE the female and the male they want is available so they can spend time together; Calvin was working for a resturarant at the Federal building ; after Calvin kept trying to spend some time with me; the restruarant had signed up to move to another building; but their move was blocked, so that meant Calvin can't work [steady] or develop a steady schedule=makes it more difficult to plan activities-in the meantime KNOW they are putting one of the African American female prostitutes in front of Calvin=LOOK-things go better when you are with an African American prostitute working for white males;
Picture of hispanic male going into GWYNDOLYN GWYN's house to do some repairs=part of secret system=hispanics used to attack African Americans, especially females not working for white males; by hispanics working on Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house=leaves an avenue for hispanics to have excuse to be in area so that they can have access to area;
GWYNDOLYN Gwyn son[one who pulled the weapon on me] is NOW in a WHITE tractor trailor truck;
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