A nine year old AFRICAN AMERICAN boy got on an airplane and flew from one city to another and NOONE supposedly saw it? based upon what was reported by the media; the boy got on an airplane, got off, boarded another plane, in between the boy got a suitcase, took it to a restruarant, order a meal and left the suitcase there, at some point and time one of the flight attendents saw the AFRICAN AMERICAN boy on the airplane and asked the boy="where were his parents?"; which lead to the media reporting that it is AMAZING that the boy[AFRICAN AMERICAN] got through all of the SECURITY; HOW WAS THAT POSSIBLE?"=CODE=?
Heard the father on evening News/talk show/? in which what was on the television I was watching was the father stating that "HE HAD ASKED THE SOCIAL SERVICE AND AUTHORITIES FOR HELP WITH HIS SON" and then the African American father put in a REQUEST to the public= or rather a PLEA="CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME WITH MY SON?; I HAVE ASKED FOR HELP; AND I WANT MY SON BACK HOME;
THE AUTHORITIES -kept the African American male in the city where the flight attendant notice the boy traveling with an adult and the AFRICAN AMERICAN boy was not on the seating chart;
Thus there is an AFRICAN AMERICAN BOY that got through all that SECURITY=?=code= the African American scheme to attack African American boys is off; authorities/security can't attack/abuse/intimidate/threaten African American boys=which would be in line with the pictures in the local Winston-Salem, N. C. newspapers where ALL of the pictures with groups of AFRICAN AMERICAN BOYS were with COACH ART BLEVINS at Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center in Winston-Salem, N.C..
The African American boy who got through security =is some type of genius and he can see-and is acting on his foundation of KNOWLEDGE-when he came to the earth=he did not come in a child's mentality mode; he already has the mind of an adult even though he is in the body of a child;[white males system already know the boy is gifted] and he is suppose to be one of the future AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE LEADERS and because his mother is or they want his mother working for them; the African American boy is allowed to act human [which includes his being allowed to exercise his intellectual abilities-which means somebody was watching him and what he was doing][part of system][as long as mother does what she is told][possible scenerio];[have experienced authority watching me[from North Carolina to Virginia when the authorities in prison wouldn't give my daddy his medicine] and was driving like a bat out of hell to go and ask[acting out emotionally] if they could give my daddy his medicine]; when I got to the prison and asked to see who was in charge=[wrong move for AFrican American female with no connections=there were at least to me four to six white males that had me in an office;[hind sight][harassing me] and basically not a good situation;
The fact that the African American boy's MOTHER had a JOB;was WORKING at the airport=is a CLUE=the fact that she was working=code=for who=either system in operation to force the mother to join the SECRET CLUB by harassing, intimidating and threatening her son [the African American boy that hopped on airplane to another city/state] to force her to join the SECRET CLUB. Another part of the equation is that evidently the child[African American boy] is a "GIFTED AFRICAN AMERICAN BOY" which automatically makes him a target by authorities, and anybody working to promote the idealogy of/for white males; and based upon the father remaining 'COVERed up'=the father wants help for his son; but wants his privacy=and does not want him or his son to be used [some indication he may KNOW that there is a system that uses, abuse, intimidates, threatens African American males not working for white males and evidently the father of the African American boy who hopped on the plane without his father/mother is not working for males of the larger society];
HOPEFULLY the African American father of the boy who hopped on the plane without either parent will get help needed:
1. Closely monitor his son's behavior AFTER being in any body's presence; especially if it is an adult;
2. Learn how to teach his son; based on his knowledge and understanding of the world=because it is the same system of abuse, intimidation, threats being operated in the AFrican American family, neighborhoods over and over again; and being that the African American father of the African American boy was NOT IN CON-FINEMENT; the father has some knowledge [weather he realizes it or not] so that he is knowledgable enough about system[s] being operated so that he has learned or he is learning how to avoid the intentional pitfalls designed to direct African American males/boys into confinement of some sort so that money can me made off of them=ie. the African American male/boy is a source of a job to males of the larger society; and most do not know that the only way to avoid confinement is to OBEY; orders given;
Presently in the PULBIC is the system of intimidation/abuse/threats of an African American male=if he [AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE] wants to continue to make money; and advance in society-he has to do it based upon white males terms; which is to bow down to white males and do as they say;
Kanye West's being stripped of his African American heritage and manhood and being replaced with the spirit of a SERVANT=DOING WHAT HE IS TOLD;[have blogged about the fact that they is NO WHERE/Place in white males society for African Americans who are genius and if the African American genius happens to escape system[s]; then all that is left is a constant fight just to be[exist/live];
ASK A BODY EXPERT[ the one that studies body language]=that is not the posture of a MAN; that is the posture of a little boy being told what to do and upset/angry about having to be on "Jimmy Kemmel live";

Jimmy Kimmel basking in glory [KNOWING he is part of system to harass, intimidate, abuse and threaten African American males to force them to do what white males want;
On a website it states:
"Kanye West tells Kimmel he feels like a 'zoo animal"
Because that is the view and the way white males treat African American males;
For those who say; well don't associate with the white males; ignore them; go on about your busiess";'REALLY? how are you to do that; even when person trys to go about their business [or start a business]- white males still pursue the African American male, female, boy, girl [think as someone said=there is no escape] and since white males don't want African American males in their business unless the African American male is a SERVANT[another form of slave] to white males so that ALL of the African American males actions/relationships are controlled by white males the African American male, female, boy, girl has NO WHERE to go;
The look on Kanye West face=WHY IS THIS SH-T HAPPENING TO ME? and he did not want who males of the larger society males forced him to select as a wife;
[Kanye West [African American male]=support=?MAYBE family, few friends]; JIMMY KIMMEL= support=the entire UNITED STATES [controlled by white males/authorities]; exactly how is an African American male to reject being told that his best option is SERVANT TO MALES OF THE LARGER SOCITY or the other is SLAVE TO MALES OF THE LARGER SOCIETY and espeically when the African American male is bombarded EVERYDAY with threats to his family if he does not do as told;and there are a LOT of white people who KNOW what is intentionally being done to abuse, harass, intimidate the African American male and DO NOT say anything [heard it again the other day one of the talk shows=ALL WHITE MALES=evil is not the problem; the problem is that the GOOD people say and do nothing about the bad that they see happening];
1.ICE T- [raised up off system to destroy African American male and when system overcamed, then-forced into white males MAIN STREAM society][Cool J stated on television program [appx[10/9/13]] that the current role he plays [as some type of SECRET agent] has a lot to do with people wanting to be agents[like in the roll he plays]; the popular African American male [celebrity] is FORCED into a position to be used to persuade and manipulate the African American male followers into serving/being slave to/doing what white males say and being who white males say]
2. SNOOP DOG- currently becoming UNCLE SNOOP;
4. ETC.
CNN) -- A flight to America's adult playground, Las Vegas, had an unusual passenger last week: a 9-year-old boy traveling on his own, apparently without a ticket.
The boy went through security with all other passengers, the Transportation Security Administration said in a statement, but officials are still trying to figure out how he did it -- and how he then got on the flight.
Patrick Hogan, a spokesman for Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, said the crew of Delta Flight 1651 "became suspicious of the child's circumstances" during the flight from Minneapolis to Las Vegas. Crew members got in touch with authorities in Las Vegas and turned the boy over to Child Protective Services, Hogan said in a statement.
"Fortunately, the flight crew took appropriate actions to ensure the child's safety, so the story does have a good ending," he said.
Delta said it takes the incident "very seriously" and is working with authorities.
The airline spells out its policy about children flying solo plainly on its website.
Children between the ages of 5 and 14 may travel alone as part of the unaccompanied minor program. Someone from Delta pays special attention to the children, walks them on board, shows them their seats and even introduces them to the cockpit crew, time permitting, Delta says, adding, "Kids love this part."
Airport officials reviewed security footage and don't think the child had a ticket, CNN affiliate KARE reported.
The boy, a runaway from the Twin Cities, spent a good amount of time at the airport before boarding the plane, KARE said.
He was there the day before, the station reported, citing airport officials. He passed his time by taking luggage from a carousel, bringing it to an airport eatery and then ditching it, asking a server to watch the bag "while he went to the restroom."
The following day the child took the train to the airport, cleared security and made it to Las Vegas nearly without detection.
"Obviously, the fact that the child's actions weren't detected until he was in flight is concerning," Hogan wrote. Still, 33 million people travel through Minneapolis' airport every year, he noted. "I don't know of another instance in my 13 years at the airport in which anything similar has happened," he said.
A flight security expert said it's very concerning that the child made it through several security checks.
"All of this (security) since 9/11 has been to keep us safe. And it has, but still we have gaping holes, and this is a perfect example of it," Terry Trippler of ThePlaneRules.com told KARE.
The incident may be a first for Minneapolis, but over the years other airports have had similar incidents.
In 2007, another 9-year-old managed to fly from Seattle to Phoenix to San Antonio before being found out. He had a boarding pass, though. His mother told CNN her son gave ticketing agents a fake name.
Last year an 11-year-old boy in Manchester, England, managed to slip away from his mother during a shopping trip. He made it all the way to Rome without a boarding pass or a passport. But any Colosseum dreams were dashed. He never left the airport in Rome and was returned to his parents the same day.
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