Following are pictures taken within the month of October,2013 or the last of September, 2013
Picture of one of the Groups of African Amreican males that was standing across the street from the WSTA city bus station as I was walking to go sit on brick wall across the street; before I got to the brick wall a FED-EX truck pulled up to the brick wall; as I walkedup to the brick wall in front of WSTA bus station; the FED-EX truck pulled off=CODE to black males=person that sits on brick wall is NOT working for/one of FED working in secret=not good;=WHY;=know it is part of code to communicate to black males that work for feds in secret who certain people are? FED building located across the street from the WSTA city buses;
Picture of WHITE FEMALE who was arrested for DWI and three white males and one white female stripped her nak-d=? and the White female sued;[her attorney got a copy of the vedio tape-AFRICAN AMERICANS CAN'T GET A DAM ATTORNEY LET ALONE A COPY OF VEDIO OF ABUSE];
RE: WHITE judge; WHITE DA, WHITE male[demonic tatoos], in court,etc. participated in blacking me out; hiding case;

Local Winston-Salem, N. C. newspaper=FRONT PAGE=used to communicate CODES to bastards;
CODE= LEE = has something to do with male=code that African American females can be manly or males=like the name of PAULine=sometype of code-that African American females can't have a male=?=WHY?

Picture taken at Myrtle Beach [BOARDWALK (snack and ?) shop] of a BANANA SPLIT; I asked for a banana split and white female came back to the window and said, here is you banana split"; I told her I was not going to eat that and wanted my money back; said she couldn't, manager showed up and gave me my money back;
POINT=the ice cream thrown together in an INTENTIONAL nasty manner is a PERFECT TANGIBLE example of what I go through on DAILY, SECOND BY SECOND, MINUTE BY MINUTE, HOUR BY HOUR=which means ?????

Also picture taken at Myrtle Beach of a SOUTH CAROLINA LAW [can't read it; the flyer did not put what the law was] that stated: YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK; DON'T LET ANYONE TAKE THAT RIGHT FROM YOU; [Yet since 2008 have yet to have anybody to assist or to interfere with bastards harassment/threats/intimidation of confinement for obtaining honest work];
Picture of WHITE MALE at Carver Road Branch Library who had INTENTIONALLY came in the area of the RESEARCH computer that I was on so that I could see him=[harassment];
Picture of the RAINBOW motel-which is across the street from BayVIEW Resort and beside the BUDGET Inn-
picture taken fromt he balcony of room 911 [CINTAS bosses changed had Cintas to change room numbers because they wouldn't let her go on the original date;] reason tp communicate to CINTAS information about how she is suppose to treat me: In the above picture there is a BLACK VW parked beside a WHITE VAN [Just like the Gwynodolyn Gwyn keeps a RED VW in her driveway as code/communication [to tell the people who stay in the houses around me how/what they can do to harass/ intimidate or threaten me;
And did complain to management about the fact that ELEVATORS were filled with white males who did the same thing that the WHITE MALES that harassed me on the elevators at FORSYTH HOSPITAL [who when I checked said TWICE that the had not been given a letter complaining about being harassed by WHITE MALES]they told me they did not have cameras;
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