Always like to give people the benefit of the doubt; wondered if beyonce=was one of them?= confirmation=

Based upon picture with CUBAN children=like the Oprah school for African girls=raise up people of color NOT BORN in the United States=to take jobs from African American children/people BORN in the United States=males of the large society put people of color in position to ROB AFrican Americans of their heritage=beyonce=doing the same thing to Jayzee;
They say a picture is worth a thousand words=pict #1= male of the larger society BEHIND jayzee[African American male]=position of power for male of the larger society; and male of the larger society CLOSE to beyonce=?;
Male of the larger society=TWO places=one BEHIND jayzee and the other with hand almost in beyonce's face=with a WATCH on=?
Males of the larger society sitting in position so that he is BEHIND Jayzee; while beyonce watches=?;
TWO males of the larger society BEHIND Jayzee and beyonce=?;
Male of the larger society=behind Jayzee's left shoulder;
Jay-z is a bab=when males of the large society get ready=set him up and then use him to turn/direct a lot of AFrican American [?] to illegal/ilmoral behavior or worse.
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which is their goal for African Americans who do not work as slave, denouce their heritage, abuse other African Americans for males of the larger society;
Hidden Colors [2012] is a documentary about the real and untold history of people of color around the globe. This film discusses some of the reasons the contributions of African and aboriginal people have been left out of the pages of history. Traveling around the country, the film features scholars, historians, and social commentators who uncovered such amazing facts about things such as: The original image of Christ; The true story about the Moors; The original people of Asia; The great west African empires; The presence of Africans in America before Columbus; The real reason slavery was ended And much more.
And the reason why males of the larger society force African Americans to commit ethnic intimication, forced assimilation and cultural transformation on other AFrican Americans= because of the silent
wars=to create a social enviornment where African Americans have to kill each other to live[that way males of the larger society=look like they have clean hands=because they aren't in African American neighborhoods with white sheets over their heads=but in acutality=their policies create the same results=recent policy by North Carolina House=
The North Carolina bill passed Thursday requires all social services employees to perform background checks to screen welfare and food stamp applicants with outstanding arrest warrants and other active violations. Social services employees would have to report applicants to law enforcement.
And it is as Glenn Beck said-they can change any law any time they get ready to make a person they want to be= be a criminal on paper.[] 94.5 fm rush radio station;
DVD=Snow on Tha Bluff (2011)
The story of Atlanta robbery boy and crack dealer, Curtis Snow, who stole a camera from some college kids in a dope deal and made a documentary about his life.;
Director:Damon Russell ;Writers:Damon Russell, Curtis Snow;Stars:Curtis Snow, Young Blo, Curtis Lockett;
One of the Characters=name=TWIN=?[not listed on website; but listed at end of DVD]=?;
Thus Jayz and beyonce's trip to cuba look innocent on the front end; but on the back end; it is a secret system designed to start the process to rob African Americans of their birthright as a citizent to wealth in the United States based upon the United States Constitution; If anyone checked beyonce or close relatives have some type of connection to cuba;like the black-water company that was paid to go and kill people over seas was not charged and then came back to the United States and renamed the same corporation Z;
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