Blogged on 4/26/13 that the Carver Road Branch was being closed on the 13th because of statement put on the back of the NEW ONE HUNDED BILL[I have nothing to offer but blood, sweat, toil and tears, and sweat]-and by blocking the front of the MAZIE WOODRUFF Forsyth tech parking lot so African Americans can't park there-suppose to be sysmbolic of blocking African Americans in the Carver School Road area from earning/ and working for their money; that way they will have to go and get FOOD STAMPS and put people in economic bondage.
Point to establish a community wide confirmation of system of bondage= on the 13TH on PATTERSON AVE[like BILL Patterson 980am radio] at the BEATy Center[beat] all the neighborhood watch associations are to meet and talk abut NeighborHOODS and KEEP W-S Beautiful=code-BEAT the African Americans from having NEW ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS[13th] to KEEP WS Beautiful; meaning white males abusing/robbing African American communities with the help of African American leaders; if they talk=then threats will lead to WS NOT being beautiful because African Americans will be upset, etc., get angry,etc.. So to KEEP WS beautiful[especially the part they live in= Neighborhood Watch Association=be on the watch for any of your neighbors who try to STOP the negative systems of abuse, robber, etc., from growing.
Heard on 88fm radio on 4/26/13 the following statement about the NEW Hundred DOLLAR Bill= On MAY 13th that WINSTON CHURCH/HILL made the following statement; I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.[http://www.quote-coyote.com/quotes/authors/c/winston-churchill/quote-8167.html];

Neighborhood Watch Association statement on city of Winston-Salem [website]
All Neighborhood Watch groups are a part of the Neighborhood Watch Association.
The next Winston-Salem Neighborhood Watch Association meeting will be held on Monday May 13th at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the Beaty Center located at 1200 N. Patterson Ave. During the meeting, City of Winston-Salem Personnel will talk about Neighborhood Services and Keep W-S Beautiful.
When got to CRB Library BreANNA and Dominique on desk;

Chris Hayes[really judge hayes son somebody said that live down street] and guys that he use to try and intimidate people;
Tactor Tailer BLUE[4/27/13]Gwyns;
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