When a person turns on a CAR=they use A KEY=BUT that key is a code to the car that makes all of the THOUSANDS of parts on that car to operate; thus the BOSSton, Massachusettes killings are a code that seems like it happen out of nowhere; but in actuality represent a part of a secret coded system to control the MASSES of the population's [JOBS]economics,children, marriages, churches and everything else in their lives. All those connections posted on this blog are connected with the stealing of a TWIN child;
BOSSton blasts=purpose to STOP:
Actual sign is red in Blue background[posted on the right hand side of CSR branch library;
The PERFECT Marriage is the FOUNDATION of a SOCIETY=to ensure that African Americans don't establish a secure foundation=marriages are attacked; and flyer on door to Carver Road branch library and Forsyth Tech Mazzie Woodruff center[where current re-elected? head administion of the United visited on BOLTON ST. in Winston-Salem, N. C.
13th=Thirteenth Amendment=Freedom for slaves;
Amendment XIII
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislationThus the Flyer on the door=coded=message from local males of the larger society and city of Winston-Salem=African Americans not allowed to exercise their 13th amendment rights; verification=on corner of AIRport and Carver Road [DOT]attempted stealing of POWELL's wealth or six feet under=group of males in city trucks[white] gathered to gether to fill a small hole by the bus stop;
BUT attention had to be redirected in case someone figured out what they are doing:
apologize didn't have time to turn picture right way.
People pay attention to what happens on their street; white males are continuously on street that live on;
Woke this morning to harassment by males of the larger society=that WORK for the city of Winston-Salem=with WORK being the KEY word=who went to WORK IMMEDIATELY after th BOSSton, MASS. killings[MALES OF THE LARGER SOCIETY]; below is picture taken MAY 20,2003=[code=MAY;20=TWO]=white males intimidation[African American females[NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN males on the street that are not working for males of the larger society];
Date picture was taken was 5/20/03;[harassment by white males that work for the city of Winston-Salem, N. C.;
[harassment by white males that work for the city of Winston-Salem, N. C.]-the harassment and intimidation lasted for one to two weeks; the street DID NOT need any work done to it;

TWO white male drivers;
Godwillst **************************
At the Reynolda Library=where [ DANIEL ?]white male [harassing me] or white males in two windows looking from upstairs =either one took time off of computer= they took the TIME off of the computer screen= which allows persons to monitor their time on the computer;
No time screen on the computer=ususally in the left corner at bottom of computer screen;
computer #8
REYNOLDA LIBRARY been in news; along with the SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT TOWER closing[which is on hold]=because if white boys have their way; they will blow up the whole country rather than have African Americans live like white males=FREE to make their OWN DECISIONS without being intimidated or threaten to join secret groups; they are raised in secret group[white males club] automatically;where they are automatically raised as African Americans bosses;BOSSton Marathon.
Domino [dvd]=movie that included CYNTHIA and all the other coded names associated with BOSSton, MASS.on 4/15/13=BOSS of Masses [neg.]:
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