On 4/15/13 people came by and showed them the TWO mailboxes with same addresses; where Gwyns had put up mailbox with the same address; one of the people looked into the mailbox and said that the mail in the mailbox had my name on it; told them to leave it there; that was not my mailbox=which means that BILLY PLUCK white male is working with the people [blacks]committing ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation.
Called the United States Post Office in Greensboro, N. C. where a Whitsett was informed of situation last week; called on 4/15/13 asked for id number to case; said she would call and give me the id #; then she called back and called me BRIDGET twice [Bridget is charles mccrae [the other one]wifes name]=which did not answer; then said AL [same name as guy where something extremely negative occured-been working at North Point BLVD about three years he said=he lying-the manager was female with the name of BANKS];
Informed Whitsett of BILLy PLUCK [code=pluck the bills of person who he delivering mail to] and
his following me and intimidation and yet he still has not left route; told Whitsett that I wanted a new mail man;
Al also said that the post office was holding my mail; I asked why? he said because they leave a green slip in the mailbox stating that the mail would be withheld until mailbox is repaired; told Whitsett that the mailbox only needed to be repaired AFTER I told Gwyns don't want their mail box to return the TWIN child they stole. Whitsett asked Al if he was withholding my mail; Al said yes, informed Whitsett that the green slip stated that I had ten days to complete work on the mail box; and if not complete then-Mail MAY be with held; It did not state that mail will be withheld tell mailbox is repaired.
Also the three mailboxes are so close together=because the Gwyns put there to try to futher harass and intimidate me; Called and filed a complaint and the person on the other end of the line stated that before ANY mailbox can be put up it has to be PREAPPROVED-which means that AL[manager at NORTH POINT BLVD post office] pre-approved the mailbox being put up; informed AL as of 4/15/13 did not ask and do not accept mailbox from GWYNS[ask them to return the stolen TWIN child];

Origianal mailbox that does not meet code[AFTER not accepting BRIBE from GWYNS who stole TWIN child];
The 3 mailboxes that were put up by GWYNS; one for house where the Moore family members of retired authority broke three windows at my house; one for the GWYNS who stole TWIN child; and the one in the middle for house of the person whose TWIN child the GWYNS stole; NOTICE how close they are: position extremely close; you will not find another set of mailboxes so closely position; they are position close so that it is easy for GWYNS or MOORES to make harassing; intimidating threats.
After the people came and were shown the mailboxes[where they said=there are TWO mailboxes with the same numbers; how can that be?] approx. late evening before dark; when came into the house; about a half hour later heard on the radio that at the BOSton marathon "More than 170 injured in marathon blast'[=code=Boston=BOSS; the blast=code=Destroy being the boss of those not working in secret system=cmmunication to and by those operating in the secret system in United States and ?= Because of person whose TWIN was stolen will not join secret group-means that secret system designed to allow African Americans to make money [IF the African Amercans join the the secret group] where people operating secret system would be persons boss is to be destroyed because they are not giving up who they are based upon Supreme Most High God and joining who secret group says they are;
After AFrican [farmer] called and said he had work he wanted me to do; discussed the work; then said he would pick up today to start; this morning after [the blast=code="plan to be BOSS destroyed"]; said couldn't pick me up to start-to call him this after noon?
Verification=After the BOSSton blast=on 88fm or 980 am=news segment before 10:00am=DUKE had a blast threat [children] at BRIAN center this morning on 4/16/13]=reported to continue the message to BRIDGET[charles mccrae[the other one] concerning "the blast" in BOSSton=? BRIAN is the one that created harassment to stop me from going to the Prosperity Center on Liberty Street.
"According to Rep. Stephen Lynch, who has known the family for 25 years, Richard was at the race with several members of his family, including his father, Bill, who had run the race in the past but had skipped the marathon this year because of an injury.
The family had gone to get ice cream and had returned to watch runners along Boylston Street when they witnessed the first blast, according to Lynch." =will not decode-try to decode for self=with stephen=code for WHITEheart[steven whiteheart in Winston-Salem,N. C.];
"This was a cowardly and heinous act," President Barack Obama said Tuesday morning. "We will find whoever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice."; and he does mean OUR[have blogged about the term "OUR"]=he means his WHITE heritage; even after emailing and sending certified letter to the house that is white and having idenified participants in stealing of TWIN child=still have not gotten a RESPONSE that is human=always in SECRET=like somebody got something to hide=?; The United States Constitution has a law[have read it] that specifically forbids the operation of abuse of citizens in secrecy; He probably sitting down to lunch today with the person that gave the order "to blast" the BOSSton marathon runners/RACE=code=RACE[color];
http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/fbi-holds-news-conference-marathon-bombings-133152749.htmlAlso upon walking to CRB library=after I walked pass orange cones [on my left]at QEA school=authority vehicle [white(red and blue stripes) drove to parking lot of Mazzie Woodruff and CRB library on Carver Road and turned around=?;
HOWEVER there are a LOT of people who are WORKING as a result of the BOSSTON BLAST-which may be some people working in secret to create situations to KEEP their jobs to insure that their services are needed.
Minister long time ago once said; FOLLOW THE MONEY=who gets the most benefit?[= BOSSton blast?] same minister also said=they?are really smart=they do stuff to you and then have you come to them to tell them what they just did to you; then turn around and offer to help undo what they just did to you so they again can make money off of you.
Boston blast=attached to lot of local communications throughout the United States to threaten local people in local communities that don't yeild to ethnic intimidation as well as to distract the people of the United States from the secret abuse of its citizens; Media used to attract people to BIG BLAST; while behind the scenes local citizens who are law abiding are being abused, intimidated, etc.,.
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