Upon walking to Carver Road Branch library; two days prior,etc. Gwyns took down mailbox that I told them not to and put up the mailbox they want; called the authorites[1st=female=part of the secret authority group=helping the Gwyns: told me and stressed that I did not understand=meaning there is no choice; they can do what they want to my mailbox; etc.; BUT GOD[Supreme Most High Divine God] had told me to call some local churches and inform them of the mail box incident; that people that live in house that participated in stealing of TWIN child had taken down my mailbox and put up their own with my address on it; thus early Monday morning got a call from an authority officier asking about the stolen child; long story short-called the church who had reported the TWIN child stolen and spoke with that person who then re-called the authority person; long story short the local authorities have been officially notified that the TWIN child was stolen and that the GWYNS participated; along with the MOORES next door and that they are operating a secret group who is trying to intimidte me to join their secret group;
Heard on the radio somebody from the area where the BOSSton, MASS.killings took place; so sent the following pictures of the following statement to them by cell phone:
The above statement says:
Am writing and taking a picture of message because can;t send text message to emails by phone.
Brother name CURTIS; Boston is code for BOSS; Mass. is code for MASSES; "blast is code
for kill or killing; Kill the boss of masses.[MONEY ISSUE];
Symbolic grave-corne Carver Road and AIRport Road in Winston-Salem, N. C.-put there day after
Boston Killings as code to local secret group in Carver School Road area. Next day or so
[Gwyns took down my mailbox without my permission and put up mailbox with my address on it]
DVD's/movies are codes-"The Happening" coded -main character name Mr. Moore-name of man live/d beside me; WIN was killing the masses; "BILL" landscaping scene-stop 9:27; 9 is the code for birth; 27 is the birthday of TWIN that was stolen at birth by people connected to MOORE next door-like GWYNS across the s treet who participated in stealing of TWIN child [TWIN TOWERS were knocked down on 911[nine eleven]. After symbolic grave was put on corner of AIRport and Carver Road, Gwyns took down my mailbox[without my permission and put up mailbox with my address on it]; as symbolic of killing.[I did
file complaints with the city of Winston-salem, the post office and local authorities; and did ask the post office to put a hold on my mail because the mailbox that was put up that has the address where I live is not my mailbox[and was put up without my permission];
The main character in "The Happening" initials are the same as Mr. Moore who live/d beside me;
Scenece on the DVD that talks about small TOWNS-NEW TWN, WATER TOWN;Milton V. of the B. Globe asked on local radio program:"WHY did it take TWO hours for the shooter to get from one
TOWN to the next[WATERTOWN]? Answer- the shooter HAD to be in "WATER" town to communicate with local secret group the day after the WATER town/BOSSton.,MASS. killings
[the "water" of many were turned off in the city of "Winston-Salem, N. C." day or so after the BOSS, MASS killings];
Interestingly the person by the name of MARTIN[like Travon MARTIN] was killed in the BOSSton, MASS. killings; MARTINS live on the corner of AIRport, in Winston-Salem, N. C.; probably the same
or similare situations across the United States[like there isa McDonald's in every city].
And TODAY 4/25/13 upon walking to Carver Road Branch Library=white male in white vehicle: Time
Warner Cable was at

From the moment turned the corner to Carver Road Branch library; vehichles driven by white males parked at certain locations:
White male driver
White Van has "MARTINZEZ"[last time hispanic driver]
parked on WHITE STREET;
Tried to make larger; But at corner of CARVER School road and WHITE STREET; two vehicles[white van/martinzez and black pickup parked to far right; [observe tree shadows];
at cement truck; [3];
Most of people gone; CRB library getting ready to close; BUT white males with BLUE equipment parked outside of CRB library parking lot= to hARASS certain person;
White males in blue turcks near time for CRB library to close=to HARASS certain person;
Important what Williams[image in the background] has on the counter while white males are outside with the equipment that diggs:
interestingly ran into a CYNYTHIA A---t; [first time ever saw her at CRB library=?];
And for the ones that don't get it; the COMMUNICATION OF a THREAT is illegal in the United States of America/United States; which would include picture taken last year [concerning color of blue];
And guess CYNTHIA[ALL CINTAS/CYNTHIA] who have been given a dick by white males will recieve death today which eventually will extend to: [ ];
Black pickup truck [brother was killed in black pickup truck]; white van[usually driven by white males] kept parked out front of siblings home=to communicate threat;etc.'
Taken one day last week;
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